Anatomy of the Perfect Golf Swing (The Surest Way to Better Golf). Glennon E. Bazzle

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Anatomy of the Perfect Golf Swing (The Surest Way to Better Golf) - Glennon E. Bazzle

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to accept this concept. Believe it or not, it’s the actual reason of our material existence.”

      Most of the students shook their heads in a state of confusion. Could it actually be that difficult? Craig fully anticipated their reaction. In the past, it had been his experience to find almost everyone desperately seeking enlightenment. He, however, encountered very few souls sufficiently disciplined to make the obligatory sacrifices. Planting his seeds of wisdom, Jeffrey’s father was able to pursue his passion spreading the basics of spiritual liberation for mankind. It would be up to the discretion of each individual how to nurture those seeds into a stronger foundation leading to their eventual transformation. Once accomplishing this magnificent feat, one ultimately concludes they’re nothing more than a spiritual extension of the Supreme Being dwelling in an individual material body.

      “Just as the rays are emitted from the sun, all living spirits, regardless of form, stem from the Almighty Source,” Craig emphasized.

      Jeffrey, at first, had difficulty comprehending that complex concept (until studying The Book of Cosmosis) and sympathized with the audience’s confusion.

      “I want all of you to give a great deal of deliberation to your commitment to this endeavor. Achieving even the slightest amount of spiritual growth is a beginning. That’s your only assignment. For some, this task will seem irrelevant. For those who are really serious, you’ll grasp what an intricate, yet, infinitely rewarding journey you’ll be undertaking.”

      Even though, he expected no less, Jeffrey was, amazingly, impressed.

      The emptying students were buzzing with excitement.

      “I can’t wait to hear the gems he’s planning to lay on us during his next class,” Jeffrey overheard one of the female coeds speak to another student as she was leaving.

      Craig was gratified by the initial reception he received from the many liberated minds attending his lecture. They were the type of students who would take his spiritual concepts seriously, even if they produced only a few actual breakthroughs. He wasn’t naïve; he realized most of his audience were, already, indoctrinated with some type of religious tenets. It would be a hindrance, and, as such, difficult to overcome. He reflected on his own experience growing up as a Jistian. He remembered how difficult it was to cut the mental ties so ingrained in his thinking. It wasn’t just Jistianity. It was the intention of almost all religions to introduce their new members to their superior concept of a Supreme God. In this respect, they accomplish their objective. However, he couldn’t stop taking into account the encumbrance those religions presented when one attempts to grasp a spiritual concept outside his or her theological teachings.

      Classes Continue

      Craig Causegood began his next class.

      “God, the Supreme is not the monopoly or exclusive property of any one religion or anything else, for that matter. Yet, each religious sect strives to make its congregation believe their interpretation of God’s will is the only correct one. They achieve this through fear and reward psychology. The fear arises from the threat of eternal damnation to hell or the everlasting loss of heaven. Spirituality has nothing to do with either of them. It merely involves a loving relationship with the Supreme Being. Just think of it as a permanent wireless connection, wherein, the Supreme Soul is, at all times, available to communicate.”

      “I’d like to share with you an analogy I recollect from my childhood. My first two wheel bicycle arrived one Jistmas morning equipped with training wheels. I asked my mother what purpose they served. She said, ‘they would help me learn to ride, and keep me from falling.’ She was right in a sense; it did give me the confidence to ride without the fear of hurting myself. It, also, impeded me from going fast, and performing many other fun things I observed others my age trying. After exhibiting sufficient proficiency, I asked the extra wheels be removed. My mother, with all her protective maternal instincts, was hesitant to allow it and warned me of the dangers. All along, she was hoping to dissuade me. I remember her saying, ‘Craig, it will be much more difficult, and you’re going to fall and break something.’ This forewarning raised my fear and anxiety: it ultimately postponed freeing me and bike of my crutches. After a great deal of internal deliberation, I realized, sooner or later, I would have to overcome this fear; I must take a chance. After successfully eliminating this obstacle, I was able to ride the bike without assistance. I fell a few times. Yes, it hurt, but only temporarily. Then, I was free to practice all the tricks and jumps, I aspired to master. I achieved my initial liberation, and no amount of fear would ever force me to revert back to my old way. I promised myself never to allow any amount of trepidation stand in the way of fulfilling my life’s intentions,” he concluded as the bell rang.

      “Dad, I caught the last part of your lecture, and it really hit home. All my life I’ve known how very spiritually gifted you are, but I was too enamored with my ego to truly appreciate it. I’ve done a lot of soul searching. I’m willing to devote the remainder of my life pursuing my liberation from material existence. I came to that decision in my dreamy vision, and I’m going to make it occur in real life.”

      His father displayed his beaming approval.

      “I hope you fully recognize the life long commitment you’re making? What does Monique have to say about your pursuit?”

      “I do understand, and to answer your second question; she, also, wishes to achieve the identical goal.

      Chapter 6

      Generosity Is A Virtue

      Craig Causgood’s reputation for wisdom was documented beyond the Standard University campus. He was in constant demand as an inspirational speaker throughout the corporate landscape. It was at one of his spiritual orations at the corporate headquarters of one of the largest computer related companies when he expounded on the divine virtue of generosity.

      “There’s no cause for guilt concerning financial wealth, if one works diligently, honestly and rewarded as a result. Only when money becomes your godly addiction, does one’s life descend to a living hell; you never amass a sufficient amount. If you have a million, you crave a billion. Enjoy your wealth in a healthy manner, and be willing to share your good fortune with those not quite as privileged. The more one contributes, the greater the reward. It can appear in many different forms. It might be improved physical health, a sounder mind, greater inner happiness, or, even enhanced monetary rewards. Think of it as a spiritual bank account. Unlike money, which is temporary and unable to be taken to the metaphysical plane, your spiritual account (karma) passes along with your soul to all future existences (in whatever form they may take).”

      How Generous

      In the audience was the richest individual in Emerica, Ellis Waits, the co-founder of the tech company. It was his brilliant initiative to invite Jeffrey’s father to address the majority of his employees. He, too, was anxious to grasp, first hand, some of the master’s profound wisdom. He felt everyone in the company would benefit from exposure to Craig’s remarkable insights. Mr. Waits approached Craig to congratulate him after giving his inspiring presentation.

      “Let me be the first to concur with your every word. I’ve been more than blessed in this life. Yes, I’ve worked tirelessly to achieve what I’ve amassed, but good karma, also, had something to do with it,” he claimed.

      “You’ve been very generous in this life; you must’ve done more of the same in your past lives,” Craig explained while complementing him.


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