The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity - Michael G. Reccia

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spirit reality there is no – and cannot ever be – any separation from those people you are in harmony with …except at times when you wish to experience the ‘no-thing’ and to experience isolated contemplation in order to grow. But, that is only a temporary thing, and you do not go into that isolation thinking, ‘I’m going to separate myself forever from those that I love.’

      It cannot be!

      When you return from that contemplative sphere, you are instantly reunited by choice and forever with those ‘aspects of yourself’ …(remember, the people you are in harmony with – be they here or in the cleansing spheres – are part of yourself)… you are reunited with them and can never be separated from them.

      Questions, please!

      Tony: Joseph, as a therapist, the one word that keeps springing up is ‘emotions’ …so am I right in thinking that the biggest single thing that holds us back is our emotions?

      Joseph: Emotions are a means of investigating the physical challenges that come to you. You have layered emotions. You have the bliss, and the state of bliss and harmony that you have at core is the only true emotion. That is your true emotional state, but putting the word ‘emotions’ onto that state is sort of trowelling on a thickness and a heaviness. That expression of bliss is something that, in the normal course of events in Creation, you express even when you are experiencing in matter and are travelling through a landscape of your own choosing in other worlds.

      Because of the effects of the Fall, as you reach out in bliss that vibration cannot easily root itself in the surrounding vibration of the Earth at this time. Also, because of the belief that you put into the Fall experiment, your emotions become twisted and minimised. They cannot send out their experience of bliss to others and to the world as they should do. So, your emotions are a base reflection of the state of bliss, and giving, and harmony, and creation that you are at heart.

      If you, in all circumstances, attempt with all your heart to infuse bliss into the way that you react to others emotionally, your part in those proceedings will then harmonise out and will become balanced …your anger will disappear …your frustration will disappear …the pressure you feel under will disappear …the stings of others against your small earthly ego will disappear.

      So, in emotional circumstances – if you are the recipient of adverse emotions or if you are giving out emotions that you are not happy with – the secret in meditation and in quiet times is to infuse those emotions with a state of harmony, to love them, to enfold them, to nurture them with love and with bliss …and they will disappear. The state of bliss will overcome them, transform them and transform the situation. It will also lead to a greater degree of health within you, because the conflict will then not exist between your inner core and your physical and emotional shell that is a part of the Fall. Do you see that?

      It is a healing exercise. It stabilises the emotions, and it minimises the effect of degradation – both on the physical and mental body – that otherwise exists and eats away at a person, because of those skewed emotions that are the end-expression of bliss, twisted and transmuted by the effects of the Fall.

      Tony: So, skewed emotions or what I would call ‘negative emotions’ – like anger and fear-based emotions – can they accumulate over more than one lifetime?

      Joseph: As we have discussed in previous books, you re-inherit the karmic implications of reincarnating again. But, as we have also said, you can transmute that karma by letting it go and by infusing it with God-energy, infusing it with Light and infusing it with harmony.

      You do re-inherit karmic situations from past incarnations, and this is the danger of coming back to the Earth because the strongest of those tendencies comes back to haunt you, but you can also transmute them at any time by letting go of them.

      They become ‘precious’ to people – emotional responses become precious and become repetitive. The faults of the past become precious because the spirit cannot see further than them, cannot see that it is a spirit, cannot see that it is part of God, and so clings on with a vengeance to all that it perceives it has and won’t let go. But at any time it can let go. At any time it can transmute them, but first it has to examine the possibility that it is more than it appears to be and has to, through trial and error, discover that it is indeed a spirit. At that point when it begins to emanate Light, it can transmute its own karma and can also use that Light to ‘lighten the load’ literally of others and of the planet.

      Does that make sense?

      Tony: Thank you, very much so.

      Jane: Joseph, could I ask a question about the illusion of personality which became skewed at the time of the Fall? What originally was the reason for the difference? Going back to the ‘rope’ analogy [reference to chapter one of the Fall], was it because the strands were all different?

      Joseph: The personality in its purest form is, if you like, a ‘storehouse’ of the trends that the spirit exhibiting that personality has invested more time in.

      You are individual. You are identical, but you can have different paint on doors and windows, can’t you? You can have different aspects to the brickwork and different aspects to the roof, but within the layout is the same.

      So, as individualised aspects of God (dreamed of as individualised by God), you enjoy and specialise in different aspects of creation. One will love a certain aspect of creation – another will love a different aspect, and you choose, as you progress, to investigate and perhaps work with those aspects of creation. You then attract to the personality, a reflection of your interest in those particular aspects of creation, and so your personality is different in that respect. It is like having a set of school books or a set of treasured belongings exhibited in the outer personality that determine you as being a specialist in this area or that area.

      That is not to say that you will not eventually love all areas …you do… but you choose, at different points in your eternal and infinite evolution, to focus on certain areas – as the group souls focus on certain areas. And so your personality, in its truest and purest form, reflects that …you are a lover of nature …you are a lover of creating planets …you are a lover of understanding God …and those are things that exist in the greater personality.

      At the time of the Fall those things (as with all other aspects of the spiritual being) became trapped and distorted. You see there the beginnings of the fight for the ego – the fight for what I have …the fight for the ways that I am different from you …the fight to keep me as ‘me’ and you out – when originally those differences were not differences in terms of conflict, but differences in terms of preference of creation at that time. Do you see that?

      Jane: Yes. Was the intention to give slightly different points of view to the individualisations so that God could, through them, experience different points of view?

      Joseph: Each individualisation of God is a different point of view …but the point of view is not the individualisation of God. The point of view is the accumulated experience of the individualisation of God. The individualisation of God is identical. Do you see?

      If you collect certain things around you, if you frequent certain restaurants or go to see certain types of film, those are things that you accumulate around you as expressions of you …but they are not the core you. And so, the original personality was an accumulation of preferences of creation and areas of interest that the individualisation of God had placed around itself temporarily, that would be added to, as the millennia and the experiences passed,

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