The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity - Michael G. Reccia

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time to do this is now …and there is no ‘time’ at all… but time is running out.

      In other words, the amount of experience or energy you have left is dwindling. It is not that ‘time’ is running out – there is no time. There is only a change in the way that you experience on the Earth plane, and that experience is becoming increasingly negative, increasingly weighty and increasingly an adoration of the ‘experiment’ that went wrong. Therefore, you are cutting off your connection to your own spiritual heritage and your ability to communicate with those of us in the soul groups who wish to help you. Most importantly, you are cutting off your connection with God.

      I hope this illustrates (unless we can turn things round, and we are working extremely hard to do that) the way in which things would end for society. The point at which the souls trapped in the effects of the Fall have to return to stasis is the point at which the weight and detritus of the Fall – created by you daily – becomes so overwhelming that the connection with God is impossible.

      At that point there is no choice but to return the angelic children to stasis, clear the Earth of the effects of you having lived on it for thousands of years and then return you here (for reasons we have illuminated in the other books) to once again experience from the right point of view and to finally let go of the effects of the Fall …to let go of your insistence that the experiment was the right thing to do and still is.

      This is how civilisation has fallen on this planet in the past. It has fallen because you have reached the point – through your investment in the effects of the Fall and the skewed nature of creation on this level – where you cannot reach the God-within, where you cannot see the God-without and you effectively remove yourself from the cycle of existence that would bring you back through the escape spheres and out into Infinity. So, there is no choice but to return you here to live through similar circumstances, and this time (please, God) to make the right choices.

      But, of course, we don’t want that to happen, so take the ‘time’ to consider that there is no time. Take the time to consider what you need to remove from your daily existence in order to be a connection to the spirit worlds on behalf of others, a connection to the Divine on behalf of others, and a Light that invests this world with the ability to rid itself of the layers of existence that we place upon it on a daily basis.

      I have – I think the term is – ‘fried the connections’ in Michael’s brain this morning which might explain why he was removed from his full conscious approach to the Earth in order that I could move closer to bring these concepts through, but I will attempt to answer your questions.

      David: We have a tendency to want to experience the same thing over, and over and over again, don’t we?

      Joseph: Yes.

      David: If we made a conscious effort to experience different things daily would that help us break away?

      Joseph: You need to look at the core of the experience you live time and again. You have to remember, in all things, to approach what happens to you from a spiritual rather than a physical point of view. As you are trapped in the effects of the Fall, your core belief traps you in a repeating pattern on a daily basis. So, yes, it is an excellent idea to move on to a ‘new’ experience (as you see it) but many people move on to a new experience and then find that, within the confines of that new experience, they are repeating the same pattern on a spiritual level …the same things are happening but in a new ‘disguise’.

      Before moving on to a new experience, it is better to examine the experience you are repeating, and to ask for help in determining what the key factors making that experience repeat itself are. Why is it, as an individual, you are trapped in a certain set of repeating circumstances?

      People will attribute it to the job …or to a relationship …or to being in a particular set of financial circumstances or a particular corner of the world, but that is not true. From an observer looking at the earthly experiences unfolding it appears to be true, but actually at spiritual core there is a reason why any being is connected to a set of repeating circumstances. Those repeating circumstances may be enlightening for that soul, but, for the most part, they are ‘the record stuck in the groove’; they are a belief brought back into this life or set in childhood, and they are strangely a comfort because that is all that is known.

      For so many people, if you were to suggest that they experience something different, they would retreat into a cupboard and not come out until you had gone away because change is frightening. To experience something new is frightening because, at core, we want to experience the same things we are familiar with …and within that core there is another core that says at the point of the Fall we were right.

      Layers… [laughing] …there are so many layers to daily experience. Daily experience is not what it appears to be. I would welcome change in people, but, in order for true change to take place – it is not simply a change of job or simply a change of environment – it is a change of what the spirit wants from existence here …otherwise the patterns repeat themselves and the matrix imprints itself in every change that comes around.

      Do you see that?

      David: Yes, thank you.

      Joseph: Another question, please!

      Tony: Joseph, I understand what you have been talking about today regarding the weight we bring upon ourselves by not letting go of experience. I assume that also takes place in communities like religions, for instance, and that they accumulate the weight of past debris and past constructs?

      Joseph: This is why I mentioned within the talk this morning that you should let go on behalf of others because you consolidate (as you have said) in religions and in political circles. You invest in a set of beliefs and, if those beliefs are skewed because of the effects of the Fall (as they are for the most part), then you are crystallising, consolidating and making heavier those beliefs every day you live through them. And, you pat each other on the back and say: ‘Yes, we’ve got the answer. Yes, we must move forward with this set of beliefs.’ But, if you have a set of beliefs not based on Divine-law, you are not moving forwards. You are simply taking a ‘shovel’ and adding more rigidity, on a daily basis, to the mistaken beliefs you already have.

      Again, in the earlier books, I have talked about the necessity of getting to the spiritual core of society in order to change things. You cannot change things with a layered, mistaken belief in religion. You cannot change things with a layered, mistaken belief in politics. You cannot change things with a layered, mistaken belief in a peacekeeping policy. You have to get to the spiritual core and say: ‘We need to re-set things and sweep away these heavy constructs.’

      We can see them. From our point of view, we see them as obelisks or monoliths surrounding and connecting huge numbers of people …as a greyness …as a rockiness …as a blot or stain in the vibrational field. To see your thoughts on a spiritual level is an amazing thing – you are connected to so many things. And, of course, it is those connections and beliefs, and the weight of those connections, that brings you back.

      I hope this explains a little more. I have quite fancifully said in the past that you come back because of the television set, or the glass of beer or to re-invest in your company status. And, yes, you do …but it is more serious than that. It is because, over thousands of years, you have invested in these layered beliefs that connect to you, and when you come back to the spirit world they are still connected to you and are still pulling you. They pull you back to the Earth. Yes, you have to come back through free will, but you are pulled back because of your own beliefs and because of the connections you have made which in many, many cases you cannot let

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