The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity - Michael G. Reccia

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at the same time. It is only perception that changes to allow you to experience the subtleness and sweetness of the various nuances of that experience. But you cannot do that on Earth. You cannot view the experiences of your life as being one experience. Because of the layering effect, it appears to be something that you move on from (again, using the analogy of time) …second to second …minute to minute …hour to hour …day to day. But you are, in effect, experiencing the NOW – the whole of the experience – but fragmented because of having to tramp through the amassed layers of ‘used living’ that normally you would simply dispense with and return to the no-thing.

      My point in bringing you this information is to explain a little about the nature of time, and to set you free from the nature of time by saying that there is a simple plan to each day. At the end of each day, if you are weary, if you feel laden, if you feel the heaviness in your physical and mental vibrations, enter the silence, visualise the day you have just spent and take away the traces of your existence from that day.

      In other words, having absorbed the conversations with people and the experience of the day …let everything else go. See the connections of that day that make you feel so heavy dissolving away into golden Light. Pour Light into the awkward experiences of the day – perhaps there has been an altercation with other spirits you are not happy about. Dissolve them! Take yourself away from them! You cannot destroy the experiences you have had, but you can take away the links to those experiences …the links to today …the links to yesterday.

      You form so many hooks into the experiences you have built up around you that you age and become bereft of energy more quickly than you should. It is not that the energy is not there …it is that the energy has to flow in so many different directions – to your ‘todays’ and to your ‘yesterdays’.

      You view the future as potential but, unfortunately, because of the effects of the Fall, you view the future as negative potential for the most part. How many of your brothers and sisters do you know who look at the future rosily, happily and with great expectation? Is it not true that, instead, you look at the ageing process and add to it …you look at the ailing process and add to it …you look at lack and add to it? Because of the effects of the Field and the Fall it is difficult to do otherwise, but you are shaping your future negatively because of the layers of experience you cannot get rid of from your past.

      So, if you enter into a state (that can take perhaps only a couple of minutes) and negate those experiences of the day not required on journey, you will live longer, you will feel better, your spirits will literally ‘rise’ and you will go into the future without a preconception of doom and gloom and age and illness.

      You wear wristwatches and that amuses me greatly. You have, of course, to have some measure of your passage through a daily ritual of constructing things (and then not being able to get rid of them), but the watches on your wrists and the clocks on your mantelpieces measure nothing. They measure nothing – they cannot measure something that does not exist.

      We have talked in the past about the way we communicate with you and how it is all one communication. It is all one communication because, for us, it is not a matter of waiting weeks to connect with you again. It is a matter of us extricating from the connection that part of our consciousness relaying the information, and amusing ourselves with other aspects of creation until we dip again into the communication at the same point at which we left it. It is not that ‘time’ has passed, it is that experience has passed. Experience has taken place. Your perception of time is a perception of spiritual experience taking place, but it seems to move on and to be this physical attribute of the universe because you are living trapped in the effects of the Fall.

      There is a saying ‘no time like the present’ and I would like to alter one word of that to say …no time but the present.

      There is no time but the present.

      You exist to experience. Even though you are trapped in this sphere at the moment, you exist to experience and your experience is now. It is always now. The memories you have are always now because experience is an energy – not an energy that is segregated into days, and weeks, and months and years – it is a constant. It is an energy-field that you can press against and immerse yourself into, and (from your point of view) re-experience totally those aspects of the ‘past’. They are not the past – they are simply points in the field of experience that you choose to visit by pointing your perception in that direction.

      There is no time but the present!

      There is no time but the present, and what you perceive as the ageing of your world, the ageing of edifices or the ageing of bodies is simply the weight of solidified creative constructs that press on each other and then partially breakdown under their own weight.

      What I am suggesting to you is that eventually your physical body breaks down under its own weight. Of course, there is a point when you must return to the spirit realms, but that is influenced heavily by the amount of weight you add to your physical body, to your mental concept of yourself and to the positivity that is your natural state as an angelic being. In other words, if you contra the positivity of your angelic-being outlook with the negativity of the Earth and the negativity of your ‘past’ experience – then you pull at the physical and mental vehicles, you add weight to them and they slow down. They are not as effective as they were …which hastens your point of exit.

      There is a tendency, particularly in the western world at the moment, for people to be more weighty than they were. This perception of themselves reflects the hastening of the end of society as you know it – if we are not careful. There is an increased investment in the detritus of the day, and a greater emphasis on accumulation and on those areas of being that link to skewed vibrations.

      In the normal course of things as an angelic being, you would put away your ‘toys’ at the end of the day. You would dispense with them to bring them out of the ‘toy box’ tomorrow. But this is not happening at the moment and there is a deeper investment in materialism on Earth. You are investing in those things you cannot rid yourselves of …I need the next shiny bauble – I need the next aspect of whatever this Earth can give me, in order to be happy… and that is being reflected back to the physical bodies as weight. It is an actual physical representation of what is happening with the soul.

      The soul is investing more of its consciousness, not in the experiences of the Earth, but in experiencing the Earth through the effects of the Fall. ‘Instead of the Earth – I love the bauble. Instead of my fellow beings – I love the next piece of materiality I can surround myself with.’ And the soul is expressing itself through the physical body and saying, ‘This is what I lack. This is why I cannot lose weight because I am adding weight to myself by accumulating.’ …Not accumulating spiritual knowledge or experience, but the ‘props’ or ‘film set’ rather than the actual experience of living.

      So, in addition to the meditations I have taught you in the past, I would recommend that, at some point each day (and the obvious time is before you sleep), you consider those aspects of the day that are no longer of any consequence to you whatsoever, and, through visualisation, sever those connections to you with a ‘knife of Light’ that separates you from them as you push those things away and let them go.

      Let them go!

      …Let them go for your own sake – for your own mental clarity, physical energies and ability to connect with higher realms. Let them go for the sake of the Earth that is being overwhelmed with the weight of the angelic beings who refuse to leave it. Let them go for the sake of your brothers and sisters who have enough weight of their own on all levels without you adding to them and buttressing their perception of how this world really works.


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