The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity - Michael G. Reccia

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soul is actually drawn into physical matter again that the reconsidering, which took place in that very fine ‘shell of God-Light’, manifests itself…

      1) In the physical challenges that come to the soul – for example, the soul is born into an area where it is starving or physically or mentally restricted.

      2) That volition is drawn into the physical consciousness of the soul so that it, at least, has the chance of examining its surroundings with a spiritual point of view with a view to escaping the effects of the Fall.

      Joseph: Is that a sufficient answer?

      Tony: Yes, it is. Thank you.

      Joseph: We will at this point withdraw. I am holding the book that this series of addresses will eventually become, and you will find in relation to what we have discussed today (the in-between stage) we are putting in-between chapters to flesh out the concepts that had to be condensed into the four books you have thus far.

      So, we are illuminating certain areas of how life works for you here and in the spirit realms, and the processes that take place, to expand the landscape of information that we have given the readers thus far. By the end of this particular book, you will see that each chapter should still be considered as part of one separate book, but will slot into place between the topics that we have covered thus far in order to ‘fast-track’ (again that term) the entire message and need for change that we need to get into the minds and hearts of people at this time.

      Chapter Three

      A Matter of Time

      Joseph: The theme of the chapter this morning is: A Matter of Time. I want to speak about ‘time’ as you perceive it on Earth, and the reason you perceive it in a linear fashion.

      Because of the effects of the Fall, you do not perceive existence or experience as we do. You perceive it as a journey from point ‘A’ …to point ‘B’ …to point ‘C’ …to point ‘D’, and you observe (as you think) the passing of seconds …and minutes …and months …and years …and decades. But, in effect, what you are witnessing is not a passage of anything at all. It is a layering of your existence. I want you to consider what we have said in previous books regarding the nature of existence on the Earth plane and regarding your inability to let go of concepts, as you would do in the normal run of things spiritually.

      In the normal course of events as an angelic being, you enter into a situation …you extend your senses into that situation …you donate to that situation everything you can offer to the circumstances around you at that particular time …and you absorb from that situation everything it has to offer you in terms of your spiritual expansion and appreciating more of the God-essence outside of and within yourself. Having done that, you then move on to another situation.

      And, you will say, ‘Well, Joseph, surely that is a linear event?’

      …Yes, it is but only on one level of perception and observation.

      There is within you, as an angelic being, a timeless point – a point at which you observe all, and can radiate out a sensory ‘beam’ or width of vibration in order to experience aspects of what you have become thus far, and what you may potentially become in the future, according to your viewpoint. This is extremely difficult to explain because you will say that the future doesn’t exist yet. But, if you take away the concept of the future and there is only the NOW and only the viewpoint then, of course, the future is there. It is a matter of you being a potential being that circumstance will enhance.

      So you exist, of course, in the future from the fullness of the point of One because the future is part of what you are now. It is a projection. It is an enhancement of perception based on situations that you choose to move through as an angelic being to enhance yourself.

      At any one time, from the point of the NOW, you can examine your potential, examine what you have accomplished thus far and examine your current level of involvement in a situation and current level of absorption of knowledge and perception. And, based on what you have accomplished thus far in the NOW, you can make adjustments in order to experience specific situations that will enhance you as you move on into other aspects of the NOW.

      What a complex concept this must seem, but it is only complex because you have rooted yourself in the effects of the Fall. Before the Fall you visited the Earth to experience and to absorb into yourself those aspects of the experience you considered worthy and right to enhance you so that you could move on into another experience. And we have also explained in previous books the way that you can enter into a situation and then, having moved on from it, let it go and dissolve your involvement in it, leaving a clean ‘chamber of experience’ for the next angelic being who wishes to enter that level of being and creation.

      Because of the effects of the Fall, you cannot do that. You enter into a situation on a daily basis – you wake in the morning, you stride out into the day and there are consequences of you having stridden out into that day. You leave traces of your involvement with others on a spiritual level, on a material level and on a psychic level. You leave actual physical traces of your involvement with the day upon the Earth. You leave the detritus of your having lived through that day: you leave your physical rubbish, you leave the remains of your meals and you leave your physical excretions. I make no apologies for mentioning this, but it is as a result of the solidified and heavier matter you find yourself in that you need to have excretion and to leave rubbish behind at all.

      In the normal course of things as an angelic being, these heavier-matter occurrences would not happen. You would simply move on and extricate yourself from the situation, leaving a clean sphere of influence and appreciation for other beings to step into and experience within.

      You cannot do that on Earth because you cannot dissolve the effects of your experience on a daily basis …on an hourly basis …from minute to minute …from second to second. You leave behind the consequences of the Fall and the consequences of your thoughts and actions upon the Earth. And so, you produce a layer of experience that you leave behind, as individuals and as a species, across the globe. You leave behind your history in terms of layers of solidified matter that should in spiritual reality go back to the no-thing. You layer up one hundred years ago …fifty years ago …twenty-five years ago …today …yesterday …and you cannot extricate yourself from the sphere of experience that you find yourself trapped in.

      There is a danger to this in that you are psychic beings, you are spiritual beings, you are angelic beings, and so you are affected by the resonance or vibrations of the things you have left behind …but in reality are still there.

      This effect on the things you have left behind, you describe as ‘time’. You look at your bodies, and you say that the body is ageing and becoming wrinkled, stooped, and less efficient. And, yes, it is …but that happens because you are layering onto the body experience that shouldn’t be there. If you were to look, as it were, through a ‘spiritual microscope’ you would see that the atoms of the physical body in the new-born are bright, shining and full of energy. But, if you were to look through the same ‘spiritual microscope’ at someone in their fifties or sixties (in the normal course of things) you would see that the days of their experience have layered those atoms and molecules with a roughness and with a severe sandpaper-like quality that prevents them from functioning as they should do, as the perfect vehicle for the angelic being inhabiting them for a period. And so, your very physical existence is layered with the experiences of the days and years that you cannot dissolve. This, too, you perceive as ‘time’.

      From the viewpoint of the angelic being experiencing

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