The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity - Michael G. Reccia

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in heavy physical bodies and are traversing heavy physical matter.

      But my point today is that the landscape is not actually there. The potential for experience expressed through the landscape you have created is there …but not the actual landscape.

      Similarly, the ‘landscape’ that you place between yourself and others in terms of personality does not actually exist. The personality is a similar construct or ‘landscape’ for you to journey through, as part of God, in order to discover and grow by examining aspects of emotion, aspects of approach to certain challenges and aspects of how you, having created the landscape of one personality, inter-react with the landscape of another personality.

      The personality around you and the personality around another are as ephemeral, transient and as paper-thin as the actual physical landscape you perceive around you every day. They are not really there, and if you view yourself and others from a God-point – from the core – you see that there is …not only any distance between you, the person next to you and the person across the world from you …but there is no difference between you, your brother and your sister and everyone else across the world.

      This may make it easier for you to channel out Light to people, realising that the personalities you see and the traits you see in races and in certain areas across the world are actually a result of the Fall impinging on the original personalities that were around you as the angelic children at the time of the Fall.

      As a result of the Fall everything has been brought into sharp relief …the personality has been brought into sharp relief …the sense of distance has been brought into sharp relief. You perceive things differently because of the effects of the Fall. You perceive your journey as stretching out ahead of you rather than passing in front of you – with you being the observer. You perceive yourself as entrenched within the landscape of the personality, and you carry that single landscape with you from birth to death believing that it is you. Yes, it exhibits aspects of you, but the personality is not you – it is a ‘landscape’ that has been created around you in order for you to experience.

      If it follows (which it does) that the landscape or personality around everyone else is simply an illusion created around them in order that they may learn and experience, then it is easier to cut through your prejudices …to cut through your hatreds …to cut through your angers …to cut through your fears and reservations …and to see other people as the identical aspects of God that they are.

      There is no difference!

      This will shock you, but there is no difference at core between yourself and your neighbour …between yourself and the person who is peaceful …between yourself and the person who is violent.

      At core you are identical.

      You are a part of God and of each other.

      Logically, therefore, if you love God and God loves you, and if you love yourself as part of God …you have to love each spirit you meet (or don’t meet) across the globe equally because they are an equal to you.

      Let us look at the physical landscape. If the physical landscape is an illusion, and the distance between you and other points around the globe is an illusion, then the distance between you and all other expressions of life on this planet is also an illusion. Begin to look at the animal forms …at the plant forms …at the mountains …at the rivers …at the rocks …at the grass …as expressions of God that have been sent forth; expressions of deva-expression that are cloaked temporarily in a temporary landscape.

      And, as I suggest you look at each other without that landscape and acknowledge that you are all equal, I suggest that you also look at the other aspects of the life that is abundant around your globe. And, in your meditations strip away the illusion of landscape and distance – whether that distance means that the forms you are looking at are at the other side of the globe, or whether that distance is simply an acknowledgment of you acknowledging yourself as a ‘human’ and seeing another form of life as a ‘cow’ or a ‘tree’ or a ‘stream’ or a ‘mountain’ or a ‘rock’.

      Strip away the illusion of that landscape and you will find at core that you are not only equal to those other expressions of life and they to you, but you are identical to them because, whether God manifests Himself as ‘you’ as an individualisation in angelic form, or manifests Himself as a deva form that then manifests out aspects of nature you are dealing with a single expression of God.

      On other worlds there are other expressions of God, but they are cloaked in landscapes of illusion. They are equal to you. The planet is equal to you. The universe is equal to you – no more, no less important – but essentially, at core, exactly the same thing.

      So ‘space’ in terms of space between ‘you’ – between aspects of you – doesn’t exist. It is an illusion, and if you strip away that illusion you are viewing the same thing.

      I hope that this helps in your combatting the effects of the Fall because, if you take to heart the meaning of this chapter, you can never look at any other form of life in any other way than as a reflection of yourself. You can never look at any other human being in any other way than as a reflection of yourself. And, in looking at a reflection of yourself, you have to acknowledge what you love about yourself in others. You have to acknowledge the God-Love at your core …you being worthy of it …but also everyone else and everything else being worthy of it too.

      The reason I have given you this explanation at this point is to help you with your Light-meditations, because Light-meditations can be difficult because of the heavy aspects of the illusive landscape that you place around others: ‘I would like to love that person but it is difficult because …they have this type of personality ...they have this type of belief …they are in this part of the world …they have this physical aspect.’

      All these things are illusion.

      There is no space between you.

      There is no distance between you.

      There is no distance between you and God.

      In addition to being able to view people differently, I hope that you can see, in what we are considering today, the closeness of God-power to you. If there is no distance between you and God, if God flows through you constantly and with the same power that He did at the point when you were individualised (as you view it) then you have that amount of power within you to channel across the world in your endeavours to change the world and its people back to the way they were before the Fall.

      In other words, it is not a matter of reaching out at a distance to God and receiving a percentage of Light (perhaps ten per cent or fifty per cent or seventy per cent). It is not that you endeavour and struggle to bring Light into yourself to send out to the world (except in your view of how you are connected with God). If you are connected with God one hundred per cent, if you are part of God one hundred per cent, then the effects of your meditations and your Light-bearing on behalf of others is one hundred per cent. It cannot be otherwise! It is only in the measure that you perceive that ability to bring Light to bear that you diminish the effects of yourself as an angelic being and channeller of God-energy.

      This chapter is important because you need to understand these things in order to:

      Love everything.

      Be a channel for Light to the maximum effect.

      Did the

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