Assassin: The True Story of One of America's Most Successful Assassins. Robert J. Firth

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Assassin: The True Story of One of America's Most Successful Assassins - Robert J. Firth

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of the United States Navy. There are no female SEALS at least not that I'm aware of. Given the penchant of this present dark administration for PC, that can change anytime- after all, as he says, "I have a phone and a pen." The CIA's highly secretive Special Activities Division (SAD) and more specifically its elite Special Operations Group (SOG) recruits operators from the SEAL Teams.

      Joint Navy SEALS and CIA operations go back to the famed MACV-SOG during the Vietnam War. This cooperation still exists and appears in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Due to their reputation as one of the world's premier special operations forces, SEAL operators routinely serve in allied SOF's including the British Special Air Service, Special Boat Service and Polish GROM SEALS excel at killing- that is their primary job. They do not go out to win 'hearts and minds'- they are sent to kill!

      For example, Christopher Scott "Chris" Kyle was a United States Navy SEAL and the most lethal sniper in American military history with 160 confirmed kills out of 255 claimed kills. Kyle's claims are based on individual shooter logs. U.S. Special Operations Command treats sniper kill counts as "unofficial, but the 225 number is closer to his real BC.

      SEAL mottos "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday" "It Pays to be a Winner" Some of the engagements the SEALs have participated in are;

      •Vietnam War

      •War in North-West Pakistan

      •Multinational Force in Lebanon

      •Operation Urgent Fury

      •Achille Lauro hijacking

      •Operation Earnest Will

      •Operation Prime Chance

      •Operation Just Cause

      •Operation Nifty Package

      •Operation Desert Storm

      •Operation Restore Hope

      •Operation Gothic Serpent

      •Battle of Mogadishu

      •Operation Uphold Democracy

      •Operation Enduring Freedom

      •Operation Red Wings

      •Operation Iraqi Freedom

      •Maersk Alabama hijacking

      •Operation Neptune Spear

      Max, like John and myself, was also a SEAL. Max is built like a huge refrigerator- he's easily 6'-7" weights 252 lbs, runs the 100 in 10 sec flat and bench presses 450 lbs. He's not built like a weight lifter, he can stand still and without warning do a back flip landing almost standing erect. He can strike with his feet as easily as his hands and kill either way. His real expertise however is with the *Barrett 50 cal sniper rifle where he can and has killed tangos at up to 2500 yds (more than a mile which is 1760 yds). Both Max and John have been on ops like this with me for years. They are both single and have no strings.

      The electric outboard drove us ashore guided by the handheld GPS toward the slowly blinking infra-red signal light one of our guys on the beach was using. The water was warm and, with no wind, the seas were glassy calm. At 02:00 hrs we silently dragged the small boat to a ramp tying it to the railing with several other similar ones. None of us carried anything metallic that might show up on any kind of water or shore based radar. We stayed wet under soaked blankets hiding our heat signatures. We had landed at a dark beach house north of town close to Prince Abdullah Al Fisal road which runs north of the down town area.

      One of these sea-front places had been used by Mobil as a beach house. Before all the expatriates left it had been a great hangout on weekends for the eighty or so Mobil employees stationed in Jeddah. That was two years ago. They were all long gone as after the Wahhabi 9/11 success. Since then, the local whackos were dancing in the streets and had became increasingly passionate about spilling the blood of infidels. As we said in the Nam, it was time to "dee dee mau!" (bug out).

      Something you have to know. Saudi Arabia is the headquarters of the Wahabbi brand of Islam. Wahhabism is named after an eighteenth century preacher and scholar, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703–1792). This particular brand of insanity breeds the most hatful, most extreme and vicious bunch of whackos in all of Suni Islam and perhaps the entire world. They closely resemble the ISIS bunch under Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self appointed fearless leader of that bunch of scum. Seventeen of the nineteen bastards who flew our lovely aircraft into the twin towers were Suni Saudi Wahhabs.

      The movement is centered on the principle of Tawhid, or the "uniqueness" and "unity" of what ever evil deity they believe to be their (small g) god. The movement draws from the teachings of the medieval theologian Ibn Taymiyyah and early Islamic jurist, Ahmad ibn Hanbal. It aspires to return to the earliest fundamental Islamic sources of the Quran and Hadith, rejecting traditional Islamic legal scholarship beyond the first three generations of Muslims as an unnecessary innovation.

      Wahhabism, using our oil money, is one of the main sources of global terrorism." These crazies label all non-Wahhabi Muslims as apostates (takfir), thus providing the only excuse they need to murder them. It has also been criticized for the destruction of historic mazaars, mausoleums, and other Muslim and non-Muslim buildings and artifacts. Lovely bunch of super-friendly guys- not a xenophobic, homophobic misanthrope in the lot!

      On one of my many trips to this land of 7th century nutters, I watched three muttawa (religious police) chop off some poor bastards hand. On another trip a Girls school caught fire and a bunch of the kids ran out without properly covering their heads. The mutawallees beat them with clubs until they ran back into the inferno where all of them died. Welcome to Saudi Arabia.

      One more bit of information you have to have is this: Twenty eight pages of the 9/11 commission report was (is) missing (redacted in legal double-talk jargon parlance) So, what do these pages say? How about this; Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, the head of the Director General of Saudi Intelligence Agency (2012–2014) has been called "the most prominent proponent" of Wahhabism during his time and he was directly involved in funding the 9/11 terrorists. That is a proven fact and the S.O.B. is still protected by a few Americans in very high positions- otherwise, I would have personally sent his miserable ass to the happy hunting grounds years ago. Bet on it!

      Here's what we know. Sorry for the detail but it's the kind of information we have to digest and do something about- so why shouldn't you digest it as well. Between April 1998 and May 2002, many personal and cashier's checks were provided by the Saudi Ambassador to the United States and his wife to two families in southern California, who in turn, bankrolled at least two of the 9/11 hijackers. The story was investigated by the 9/11 Commission, but, according to our sources, Bush suppressed it so it never was reveled in the final report. That's the 28 missing pages! Every aircraft in America was grounded for a while except- Bush allowed his Saudi buddies to fly their lovely American made Gulfstreams out of the country- Bet you didn't know that. The drive by media never reported it!

      Think about this too. Not a single Arab country has ever produced an aircraft- none can or do even make a bicycle from scratch. None can make an air conditioner or an outboard motor. They import everything from Western Infidel countries. Before the dark cult of Islam in about 591AD, Arabs have been credited with algebra, trigonometry and sophisticated written history. Since Islam, they have become an intellectual wasteland. All Arab counties, over the last ten years, account for only 370 internationally recognized patients while Israel in any given year has 7000 and America over a million. That says it all!

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