Assassin: The True Story of One of America's Most Successful Assassins. Robert J. Firth

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Assassin: The True Story of One of America's Most Successful Assassins - Robert J. Firth

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jerk persuaded his father to divorce his mother so he could marry her. Really! Professor Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen from South Danish University finds that the current rate of incest is as high as 70%. Other studies have concluded that fifty percent of all Arabs suffer from some level of mental disability due to the effects of incest. What do you think are the consequences of this monumental mixing of incompatible genes for 1500 years?

      Watch the Arab street with the wild-eyed frenzied whackos burning, murdering, chanting, screaming and jumping- obviously, unstable, irrational and unable to focus for more than a few minutes -ATD on a massive scale- no wonder the Jews and Palestinians can't find common ground. One side is as nuts as a dehydrated raccoon that's been tied to a tree in the sun for four days without water. You can't possibly negotiate with a pack of irrational nutters sitting across the table. It takes two highly rational parties to find acceptable compromise. A predictable consequence of all this madness from cousin copulating is a significantly high number of horrible birth defects. Saudi hospitals routinely kill hundreds of malformed babies annually. I hope, you're getting an idea what we're all up against? These sick bastards are inhuman on a grand scale!

      Remember, I said that ten percent of the world's Muslims are jihadist whackos? That means you and your friends and family are facing a minimum of one hundred plus million demented crazies scattered around the world immersed in a diseased 7th century dark cult worshiping death and willing to die to kill you. I told you that given a Muslim population of four to five million, there are at least 40,000 jihadees right here in America. It's entirely likely that one is close to you right now. You probably see them every day and they see you, believe me- they see you! Tonight, your could join the 800 or so Floridians who have died at their hands along with the 2800 others across the country- and that's just the ones we know about!

      You should be asking "why in hell you aren't being told of these murders? Why is this administration hiding this? Simple, if the truth of what the crazies are planning and doing here at home were to become widely known you and any of your pals who could would rise up and start killing as many Muslims as you could. The country would go nuts. You would demand the Government deport them all. There would be a massive outcry across the land which would spread around the world. If you knew what the Muslim terrorists were doing to Americans the government would be forced to declare a world war on Islam and all its one billion adherents... They don't want to do that! They want to keep their cushy protected jobs and keep doing business with Arabs. Remember, the Arab governments pay off hundreds of politicians and lobbyists with millions of petrodollars from your purchase of their oil. The politicians really don't give a shit if you or thousands of Americans are murdered in their beds by crazed Islamists- acceptable losses! They are doing everything possible to keep this quiet and keep the flow of Arab bucks into their pockets going! I hope to hell this gets you really upset and pissed off!

      If you're like most Americans you're sitting reading this book in a comfortable chair or in bed. You don't have a care in the world beyond making enough money to pay for your very comfortable life style. You may have a cold drink or cup of coffee handy but what you likely don't have handy is a gun! In fact, you likely don't even own a gun or any kind of useful weapon to defend yourself and your family with! Is that right?

      So, back to Nutter land! Where was I, well, old fukwad ben ratchit, as it turns out, is the son of his Mother's cousin who was married to her first Cousin and, in fact, was the offspring of his maternal Grandmother's husband. All this meaning that he's really got a bunch of seriously genetic screws loose. In 1980, he impregnated his own twenty year old daughter and her child, a girl, was born in 1981 and married off at age twelve in 1993, to his older brother who was 68 at the time. So far, she has whelped 4 kids and all of them are today living behind shuttered windows with round the clock nursing. Two were born blind and all are seriously demented and unable to care for themselves. So this is the enemy?

      All this doesn't mean our guy's particularly stupid. It does however mean he's a bit crazy. There's an important difference between crazy and stupid. Let me give you an example. A stupid guy has a flat tire along side a tall fence. He takes the tire off putting the bolts in the hub cap. A truck comes by- hits the hub cap sending all the bolts flying into the woods. The idiot is flummoxed- he sits there perplexed. A voice calls to him from the fence. A guy is calling to him. There's a sign on the fence saying that this is the Eastern State Insane Asylum. The guy behind the fence says "hey there buddy, what's your problem." The dummy tells him. The guy in the asylum says, "look just take one bolt from the other 3 tires and put your spare on, drive to town and buy a few bolts." The idiot is amazed. He says "how did you figure that out, you're supposed to be insane." The guy says, "yes, I'm probably a little nuts but I'm not stupid! Now you know the difference!

      So, at 0300 dark we moved. Over the back wall. No dogs. The back door was open, into the kitchen and upstairs. He was sleeping in the front bedroom where our camera had placed him the day before. John stayed by the back door and Max at the bottom of the stairs. They would watch my back and kill anyone interrupting us. With my mask on, I opened the canister of gas under his nose. The escaping vapor was absolutely silent. In seconds it guaranteed that the target could absolutely not wake. I held the pistol in a heavy bag tied closed at my wrist. This caught the ejected shells and helped silence the sound. Holding my hand over a pillow clamped on his head, I pressed the silencer against his temple and fired 4 mercury poisoned plastic bullets into his head using the silenced Russian gun I preferred. The bullets scattered into his frontal cortex with hundreds of fragments making ballistics impossible, guaranteeing instant death. This took less than 10 seconds!

      The bullets I used for this kill were made of a high density memory plastic, lighter than normal bullets, they alter shape in flight deploying into razor edged plastic stars that tear into flesh, still expanding, and stop quickly. The mercury in the bullets core is ruptured when the round hits, expanding rapidly. The wounds are lethal as the mercury spreads throughout poisoning the victim. A little overkill but, what the hell- dead is dead! The appendices here have several pages describing different types of bullets. Probably more than you care to know but, read carefully, there will be a test later.

      Why no sound? These bullets have a very low acoustic signature because they travel well below the speed of sound. (756 mph at sea level) A bullet breaking the sound barrier is the second loudest part of a gunshot after the blast at the muzzle itself- subsonic bullets fired from a silenced weapon are virtually unnoticeable. The action of the breach sliding open and closed is the loudest sound but, inside the heavy bag, even that is barely a whisper. You probably didn't need to know all this but, what the hell, in for a penny in for a pound. You're here now so welcome to my world! Fukwad twitched, his feet trembled, he never woke- he just died! That was the plan! I snapped several photos and headed out.

      No one heard anything- which was lucky for them. John clicked his mike signaling all was clear and Max and I backed down the stairs and out the back door- the Sound of the air conditioner masking our movements. The car was waiting a few blocks away. In twenty minutes we were all on board an oil company jet heading across the Red sea toward Cairo. Our two "employees:" came with us so there was nobody and nothing left. A clean hit! We opened and emptied a bottle of expensive champagne enjoying the ten thousand dollar leather luxury seats and two inch thick dark blue carpet.

      Before we landed, photos of the dead S.O.B were sent to the worldwide media saying who he was, what he did and a clear warning to anyone trying to pick up where he left off. Amazing how a little fear works to suppress bad behavior. Not all Islamic assholes want to die!

      CHAPTER 4



      I stayed on board my boat Delilah, named after a pre WW1 Navy DD, for a few weeks. It was a 45' motorsailer that I had redesigned for my personal use. My guys had moved it to a marina in the Keys and I drove a rental car to a parking slot in front

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