Assassin: The True Story of One of America's Most Successful Assassins. Robert J. Firth

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Assassin: The True Story of One of America's Most Successful Assassins - Robert J. Firth

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And, of the 370 Arab patents- all were from ARAMCO by Infidel engineers.

      According to numerous news accounts and the records of the 9/11 Commission, in April 1998, a Saudi national named Osama Basnan wrote to the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C., seeking help for his wife, Majeda Dweikat, who needed surgery for a thyroid condition. Prince Bandar bin-Sultan, the Saudi Ambassador, wrote a check for $15,000 to Basnan. Beginning in December 1999, Princess Haifa, the wife of guess who- Prince Bandar, began sending regular monthly cashier checks to Majeda Dweikat, in amounts ranging from $2,000 to $3,500. Many of these checks were signed over to Manal Bajadr, the wife of Omar al-Bayoumi, another Saudi living in the San Diego area. Clearly, this was a simply ruse to keep funding the mad bombers!

      Around New Year's Day 2000, two other Saudi nationals, Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid Almihdhar, arrived at Los Angeles International Airport, where they were greeted by al-Bayoumi, provided with cash, and outfitted with an apartment, Fake Social Security ID cards, and other financial assistance. Al-Bayoumi helped the two Saudi men to enroll in flight schools in Florida.

      Two months before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, al-Bayoumi cleverly moved his guilty ass to England, and shortly after that, disappeared altogether. (not really, we caught up to him in Bombay (Mumbai) and sent him to the happy hunting grounds.) Before his disappearance, and within days of the 9/11 attacks, agents of New Scotland Yard, working in conjunction with the FBI, raided his now empty apartment in England and found papers stupidly hidden beneath the floorboards that had the phone numbers of several officials at the Saudi Embassy in Washington. Al-Bayoumi was suspected by the Arab community in the San Diego area of being an agent of Saudi intelligence, which kept tabs on Saudi residents in the area, particularly Saudi students attending college in southern California.

      Sources told our 'researchers' that Basnan was also long suspected of being an agent for Saudi Arabia's foreign intelligence service. (General Intelligence Presidency (GIP), which is the official name of the Saudi foreign intelligence service.) According to our sources, Basnan was arrested for drug possession in southern California and the Saudi government intervened to get the charges dropped. How does this happen? Remember, the Bush's received tons of money from the Saudis so they bought all the favors money could buy. Basnan also befriended Alhazmi and Almihdhar, two of the hijackers, prior to their deaths on American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon. At one point, the Basnans, the al-Bayoumis, and the two 9/11 hijackers all lived at the Parkwood Apartments in San Diego.

      Prince Band-Aid and Princess Ha Ha (not their real names) of course, denied they played any role in financing the 9/11 hijackers, and claimed that they were merely providing charitable assistance to the Saudi community in the United States. What a joke! We have heard that routine before and it never carried much weight then or now. The two co-chairs of the Senate Intelligence Committee at the time, Robert Graham (D-Fla.) and Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), rightly accused the FBI of failing to fully pursue this "9/11 money trail." Sources told us that the FBI refused to allow the committee to interview the FBI investigators who had probed the Basnan and al-Bayoumi links. Of course, again, the Bush's were protecting their money sources. This little favor of course cost ole Bandar over ten million bucks- a paltry sum he was more than happy to pay I'm sure!

      While Congressional and law enforcement sources insisted to investigators that all available leads were pursued and no compelling evidence of Saudi involvement in 9/11 was established, other U.S. intelligence sources maintain that many fruitful areas of investigation simply reached (administration created) dead-ends before any final conclusions could be drawn. Of course, they are talking about legally provable conclusions. We really aren't constrained by that nonsense. If it smells, quacks and swims like a duck- we kill it!

      These sources told us that some of the Al-Yamamah funds, including some funds that passed through the Riggs Bank accounts in Washington, (we have copies of the bank statements) financed a migration of Muslim Brotherhood members to the United States, throughout the 1980s and 1990s. (Many of these, over thirty, by the by, we located and took care of.) This of course, raises serious unanswered questions, particularly in light of the fact that the official staff reports of the 9/11 Commission featured a detailed debriefing of Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, the purported mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, who admitted that he had been a member of the Muslim Brotherhood since he was 16 years old.

      So how did all this turn out? I bet your dying to know? After picking the back door locks, of our Saudi beach house we made coffee and a light breakfast. Since stealing in Saudi will cost you a hand or maybe your whole arm, few Saudies take a lot of precautions to secure their homes. The lock they had installed was one you might use for an interior bathroom door. It had a round hole where if you pushed a nail or ice pick into it the lock opened.( duh!)

      We waited at the house until there was enough traffic on the beach road south into Jeddah so that we wouldn't attract undue attention. We pulled out in a non-descript ten year old dusty brown Mercedes diesel and rolled onto route 271 south to Arafat Street hung a right and cruised slowly a few blocks west toward the sea. The trip to town was about thirty five minutes. We pulled into a gated home a few blocks north of the Jeddah Maternity and Children's hospital behind a high concrete wall at about nine thirty. The gates opened smoothly by an automatic remote pinned to the driver's side sun visor.

      Our home away from home was cool with high ceilings and overhead fans, No servants of course, just the two guys who were working for our front company. They had determined that our target was in town staying at his nephews place about a block away. These assholes always think and feel they're safe when surrounded by their own people and in their own country. We like it that way. It makes it easier when they feel safe.

      This was our second trip in the past year. The first was to sort out Abdul Aziz Bin Baz, a particularly hateful old Wahhabi asshole who had incited many of those who aspired to the killing of Americans. He was a proponent of the Salafi (also known as Wahhabism) form of Islam which preached death to any and all who didn't submit to his brand of Islam. He was the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia from 1993 until his (unfortunate) death in 1999. He died with his dick in his mouth with a little help at the ripe old age of 88. He should have been more careful about whom he invited to lunch- too sad. We sent his unflattering photo to the local and international media- The message was clear- fuck with America and you will die!

      This trip our target was Moohammood Fukwad ben Asswad (of course, not his real name) -we can't release it at this time. Suffice to say, that he was the "murderous hatful SOB running the Salafist recruiting web sites. To understand our mission, you need to know a bit more about the nature of the enemy. We study this stuff on a daily basis. I'm sure that this is boring you all to tears but, there's no other way for you to get an inside picture of what real undercover assassination game is all about. So, suck it up and get with the program!

      Germany's intelligence head recently said that like the UK, France and other western nations, Germany also faces a very high danger of its citizens returning to conduct terror attacks from Syria and Iraq where they are fighting in the ranks of the extremist Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS). He credits our target's web sites and social media broadcasts with successfully radicalizing many German citizens, mostly of Arabic decent- although many were born in Germany.

      "We have to expect that these people will return and commit attacks here," acknowledged Hans-Georg Maassen, head of Germany's BfV domestic intelligence agency. He cited a "greater abstract risk" of attacks in Germany, reports Reuters. BfV estimates that no fewer than 400 German citizens have joined the bloodthirsty ISIS as it conquers large swathes of Iraq and Syria; in recent months, Maassen said, evidence has been received that five German citizens conducted suicide attacks in the region.

      That number does seems very likely to increase, as BfV further estimates that roughly 43,000 Islamists currently reside in German, with members of the radical Salafist movement particularly gaining strength. There is a clear link between the

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