Assassin: The True Story of One of America's Most Successful Assassins. Robert J. Firth

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Assassin: The True Story of One of America's Most Successful Assassins - Robert J. Firth

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ISIS has had so far in Iraq and the web activities here in Germany combined with the propaganda and canvassing activities aimed at young jihadists.

      "What attracts people is the intense brutality, the radicalism and rigor. That suggests to them that this is a more authentic Islamic organization even than Al Qaeda," said Maassen. "Al Qaeda fades besides the Islamic State when it comes to sheer brutality." My thought is that many western Muslims play extremely violent computer games and the blood splattering and guts and gore flying around have inured them to the serious consequence of what such games are like in real life.

      ISIS, as we know, has carried out numerous bloody executions, including the recent beheading of US journalist James Foley by a British terrorist. Likewise, it has conducted large-scale massacres and systematic rape, particularly against Yazidi minorities, where they are planning and carrying out massive genocide- even shooting infants in the face with their AK's- real barbarians! In response to the appalling security threat ISIS recruitment in Germany poses, and despite the disapproving response by thousands of crazed and angry Muslims in Germany, Angela Merkel proposed and passed a vote to send military aid to Kurdish forces battling IS in northern Iraq. The German opposition, for some crazy reason, tried calling for a debate in parliament, which wasn't successful.

      In America, our target's web sites and social media, combined with the recruiting efforts of the radicals operating within our borders, have met with significant success. We have even seen American born South Florida young boys being used to commit suicide attacks. Our mission was more than justified. The webmaster was going down!

      So, how do we do this kind of work? We generally spend about ten days studding all the Intel on a target, making action plans including building models and acting it out. After the op has been completed then it's back to the classroom for the next kill. Of course, the two days in the field actually ridding the world of these scum bastards is certainly a reward but, ask yourself, would you really want to join is? We're so far into the shit that there's no way out. We're here and will likely die here. Would you give up your comfortable safe lifestyle to be one of us- would you? I think that given a real choice, knowing what we know, you would pass. Am I right?

      For example, I spent 2 years learning Arabic. I never learned to write it and I can only read some simple stuff, newspaper head lines and such. It's a difficult language to get right and getting it absolutely chrome plated right is the only way to get into this business. That comes first last and always. Could you and would you give up two years of your life to learn another language? I was 55 when I went to Arabic immersion training- a bit old to learn a new language and a painful experience. I hope my last...

      What's it like? How about this, I spent night after night and day after day pounding the vocab and pronunciation into my head and training my voice to imitate perfectly the intonation and subtly of this ugly language, to recognize the various dialects and learn the idiom- fifty to a hundred words a day to memorize and learn to pronounce. I spent hundreds of hours watching Arabic TV, discussing and learning the culture and the politics and religion (actually, one in the same) with my instructors. What to do, what not to do to not offend Arabic sensibilities. Today, I can and have, wearing my beard and local dress, fooled many Arabs into believing that I'm the real deal. Of course, then I kill them- not always.

      So, learn this. The most extremist Muslim movement today is Wahhabism (also known as Salafism). What you probably think, given that your news mostly comes from the TV, is that Wahhabi terror is a recent phenomenon only targeting non-Muslims. It may surprise you to know that the orthodox Sunni Muslims (and you also don't know who or what they are) were the first to be slaughtered in waves of Wahhabi massacres in Arabia hundreds of years ago. One only has to read the historical evolution of Saudi Arabia to know the gruesome details of the tragedy, a tragedy in which thousands of Sunni and Shi’ite (another group whom you likely know by name only, if that) Muslims perished at the hands of whacko screaming nutty murderous Wahhabi militants.

      The extremist interpretations of Wahhabism were previously confined to small pockets of people in Arabia has survived to this day under the protection, finance, and tutelage of the Saudi state. Our oil money and influence transformed Wahhabism and related Salafi groups that receive inspiration and support from them from a regional to a global threat to be reckoned with by you personally and the world community. To a Wahhabi-Salafi, all those who differ with them, including Sunni Muslims, Shi’ite Muslims, Christians, and Jews, are infidels and fair targets. It is a blinding wonder then that these vicious swine can possibly lay claim to there's being any kind of a "religion of peace-"good grief!

      Saudi Arabia has been accused of being a major backer of terrorism and an enemy of America. The explosive claim, in a briefing to a powerful Pentagon advisory board, came to light recently and immediately caused political outrage in Washington. It was made by Laurent Murawiec, an analyst with the Rand Corporation, one of the world's most respected non-partisan think tanks, to prominent intellectuals and former senior officials advising the Pentagon on defense policy. He told the Defense Policy Board: "The Saudis are active at every level of the terror chain, from planners to financiers, from cadre to foot soldier, from ideologist to cheerleader." Much of what he told them he got from us along with all the real world evidence he asked for- pay back is hell Georgie boy!

      Saudis made up the majority of the September 11 hijackers and the atrocity was plotted by Saudi-born terror leader Osama Bin Laden. Mr Murawiec went on: "Saudi Arabia supports our enemies and attacks our allies. It is the kernel of evil, the prime mover, the most dangerous opponent in the Middle East."

      Now, to learn all this by just reading my book is one thing but, imagine, I and my colleagues spent weeks in lectures by the likes of Bernard Lewis, a renowned Princeton scholar on Islam. We read dozens of books and practiced our language and cultural skills until we were ready. My book, The Battle of Tours, in fact, took me two years to research and write.

      We grew beards and dyed our faces and hands. We wore local dress until we were absolutely comfortable. We practiced with our weapons and martial arts daily. We ran five to ten miles most days at the crack of dawn. Imagine! I was in my mid 60's at this time- could you- would you? I certainly wasn't being paid that much- that's for sure and, until this book, I couldn't tell anyone anything. Speaking of which, every word of this book has been carefully studied and approved for publication.

      The guys who reviewed it I have never met and never will. Vast parts of the original text have been redacted as simply too sensitive and or embarrassing for publication. I don't know who my secret editors are or for that matter who they or I really work for. Of course, I can guess but that's it. I have no ID, carry no badge and get a monthly transfer from a bank in the Bahamas and sometimes Singapore. I've been led to understand that if I ever retire, doubtful, the checks will continue to arrive until I croak. That's a comfort.

      So, let's get back to the story. Here we are in this quiet cool house in Jeddah. It's into the late afternoon hours. We're sitting at a lovely mahogany table going over the plans we made days before. We have drawings of the guys home and photographs of everyone in it. There are eleven, including two servants and a driver. We have studied hundreds of photos of the target- in black and white and color. He's thin, maybe 150 lbs soaking wet with bad teeth, a scraggly grey beard, and a oversize hawks nose laced with broken blood vessel from too much coke, booze, stress or all three. I could recognize him in a dark room- which, ironically of course- I will! He's pretty public- which is his problem. A little stupid about his personal security but, then again, lots of Arabs are somewhat cerebrally challenged. He thinks his propaganda and recruiting efforts are well protected and that no one knows that he's behind it- he's soon to be proven 'dead' wrong!

      Speaking of Arabs being a tad dumb, let me say something here in general and in specific. Arabs, all of them, have practiced incest for 1500 years. They fornicate with and marry their cousins and even their sisters. In one case we know of, right here in Jeddah, one

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