Reconnected. DH Steppler

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Reconnected - DH Steppler

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thought about that for awhile until I came up with a solution – looked in my sundry bag for the first aid kit, I knew there was an ace bandage in it.

      I looked up from the bag and suggested.

      “We could keep this near by so if we have an issue in the night, we can wrap our feet together. D’you think that will work?”

      “Yeah, should work.” Michael seemed subdued but I didn’t pry. If he wanted to talk about it, he knew I was available.

      We stood together then straddling the lounge chair, with our hands together we swung our legs up onto the lounge, keeping our knees bent so that we could reach each other until our feet made the connection. We put our feet together and then pushed until we were fully reclined. The connection was pretty strong but I felt a bit lost. We synchronized our breathing; sighed our big sigh.

      He said, “Good night, Helen…” he hesitated “please don’t let the connect slip. You know I’ll get connected in what ever way I can …just to warn you.”

      “Everything will be fine; good night Michael.”

      Then I added, “We have our work cut out for us tomorrow.”

      As soon as I closed my eyes I was out and slept like a rock until about 5 a.m. something disturbed my sleep. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Michael had pulled himself into my chair and was cuddled next to me. No wonder the connection was so strong. ‘Well’, I thought. ‘Maybe this is how we should have started’. I hoped he felt more secure. A big sigh to match the one coming from him and then slumber took me – back to dreamland.

      The next time I woke up, Michael was next to me and smiling.

      A Little Time With Denice

      “Morning beautiful,” he said. “D’ya sleep well?”

      “I must have ‘cause I feel pretty good, how about you?”

      “Great…well, I did get nervous about a disconnect so I cuddled up to you; you didn’t seem to mind. Actually you accepted my invasion like I was a guest and you invited me right into your arms. It was very nice.”

      I thought he was going to lie back down next to me so I automatically made room by turning sidewise. He took it as an invitation, I’m sure. He looked at me, smiled, and filled in the space I made for him. His back was to me – a new sensation from the new position. Michael pulled my left arm around his waist and there, we were spooning.

      “You said my name in your sleep; as a matter of fact you said it three times. Each time you said it, you were in an entirely different emotion.” I said nothing.

      He continued.

      “The first time you said it, it sounded like an angry bark – hard on the first syllable, MI-chael. The second time you were laughing – sounded like a giggle using my name – giving it more syllables, Mi-ch-a-el… It’s the third time that you said it we should talk about this morning.” He paused.

      “I’m listening.” I said.

      “You said my name as if you were in the throes of passion. Were you having a sex dream with me in it?”

      “I vaguely recall having a dream but I can’t really say what it was about.” I clamped my hand over my mouth as the memory of my dream came flooding back.

      “In my dream I remembered that I was dreaming so I should stop worrying and enjoy the dream because it was only a dream and your wedding vows aren’t broken just because you had sex with someone other than your husband in a dream.”

      “So, in your dream, was I any good?” He smiled.

      “Yeah, you were; you have nice skin.”

      I thought back to the dream – remembering his hands on me, I could feel my face get hot from the memory. I was glad that his back was to me.

      “You had incredible hands.” I touched my forehead to his back.

      “Dreams are such a trip; don’t you think?”

      He didn’t respond. I continued.

      “The novelty here is that I’ve never had a sex dream with anyone other than my husband…an actual dream…there have been times when I went to sleep thinking of someone other than my husband but by the time he got into my dream it would always be Henry.”

      “D’ya suppose that was all about the connect?” I whispered into his back, not really expecting an answer. I sighed deeply; Michael sighed with me and squeezed my hand and pulled it tight to his chest – the action caused me to pull in tighter to his back. That close I could feel our united breathing and it felt right. I was completely relaxed.

      Long quiet minutes passed as we stayed in our tight formation. Maybe we were flirting with danger; maybe we were daring our connection to tempt us ever further. It didn’t matter one way or another because nature was calling me with an immediate and urgent voice.

      “Time to move Michael,” I said as I gave him a little shake.

      “I have to hit the loo post haste.”

      “Ok,” he said as he sat up. “Let’s see if we can handle the disconnect as well as we did last night.”

      We held hands as we gathered what we needed and mentally prepared for the next half hour.

      “Michael, I’ll be a bit longer in the shower this morning. I need to shave.” It was important that he knew everything.

      “You don’t need to shave in the shower; you can shave in my presence.” He said it as thought it were a fact and an order.

      “I prefer to shave in the shower; we can make this work. We did it yesterday and we’ll do it again. We just have to remember what we’ve learned.”

      Armed with everything I would need to come out of the bathroom a refreshed person, I pulled Michael along to his bathroom, put his hand on the door and we both pulled it open. We gave each other a reassuring look and made the break.

      He pressed his whole body to the door and I was stripping and keeping as much contact with the door as was humanly possible. I showered, shampooed, and shaved in under ten minutes while keeping contact with the shower wall closest to Michael. I could feel him move with me when I got in the shower. The connection was stronger than the day before and I surmised that the location had something to do with it. So, I stayed in the shower to towel my head and then dry off. I even dressed from the shower. When I inched my way back to the door I could feel him follow.

      We both opened the door to let him into the bathroom. I quickly backed out as I said “We’ll share the room after you have your shit, shower, and shave or whatever.”

      Just before I closed the door, I said, “We’re doin well. This is gonna be fine, you’ll see.”

      Ok that’s enough encouragement. With my back and shoulders and butt up against the door I felt that optimism as though those positive affirmations were truly a done deal.

      I went about my business of drying my hair with my fingers and hair brush.

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