Reconnected. DH Steppler

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Reconnected - DH Steppler

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      “Well, since you put it that way, like I said before, I’m with you. I thought you might want some private time was all.”

      I gathered everything I needed and headed for the balcony again. Beside me, Michael said, “I found this giant bag of peanut m&ms; can I take it?”

      “Didn’t you see the bag with the plain m&ms?”

      “Well, yeah, but I figured that would be too greedy.” Michael laughed. “We know where to find ‘em.”

      Once through the skinny door, I felt at home and for a moment took the time to appreciate what that place had been to me. I was flooded with gratitude filled with emotion and needed to find a way to express it all.

      I put my things neatly away in his wardrobe, Michael still holding my hand. I pulled him to the bed. “I’d like an afternoon nap, how about you?”

      My heart skipped a beat when he flashed that naughty little boy look at me. “Oh God.”

      Was it because we were creatures of habit or was it because it was what we knew that we started, like before, on our backs and rolled into each other, recreating our last encounter? Our hearts beat as loud as drums in the quiet. We inhaled deeply taking in the essence of our connection. It was good. It was really good. We thought we knew what was coming; we tingled with the anticipation of it.

      There was seriousness in our eyes. We sighed “Good night” in unison and leaned in to each other for the kiss that accompanies the phrase. The current grabbed us the very second our lips met, driving us to quench our need and give to each other in the greatest measure. Enthralled, we waited for the expected wave. Instead we discovered the wave was different, it came from 3 different directions at once, met in the middle, and brought on a battle of internal undulations that passed through one and into the other and back again. We tightened our hold on each other but didn’t want to miss any of it. I can tell you, we were both stunned beyond what we had experienced earlier in the day. Every nerve end in my body was set on fire with live electricity until it was absorbed into the dance like trembling pulses bouncing around inside of me. My mouth watered and then was dry again. We both sighed, our deep together sigh, and it began again. The heat emanated from our lips and sent hot vibrations in all directions from that focal point. When the heat reached our fingers and toes the feeling changed, morphed into an internal smooth mush, a softness replete with sincerity cradled in a tenderness that was breathtaking and heart breaking. I wanted to kiss him again but I didn’t dare. The need to demonstrate my deepest appreciation surfaced. I scooted in closer, tucked my head into his shoulder and kept perfectly still; Michael did likewise, our hearts beating at an alarmingly fast pace. The acquired knowledge worked as the ride eventually slowed down and finally left us quivering and spent.

      “That was off the hook,” Michael said after we were able to separate.

      The need to weep was too great for me to completely hide and silent tears crawled down my face – the only evidence that I’d just had the scariest, most intense, and now most cherished sensual experience ever. I sighed, we sighed.

      We looked at each other and saw the unbridled passion aroused and spent. I wondered if the bottom half of his body was still pulsing like mine. “I’m still quaking are you?”

      “Yeah, let’s nap.”

      “Let’s nap,” I mimicked him and I started to laugh. At first they were quiet girl’s giggles but as I thought about every aspect of that phrase coming from him my laughter grew. I remembered the touch of fear and I broke out with an understanding intimate chuckle. When I thought about the way he said it, like we needed to pay a penance for what we’d just done, I opened up with a fit of gurgling chortles that blended into his fits of laughter.

      We kind of laughed our way to sleep. I slept for about an hour and a half. When I woke, Michael was still sleeping; I took the opportunity to look at him unguarded. He looked like an angel, a royal angel. His scent was stronger than ever, the wild honeysuckle was there in the background but the musk was prominent. How could it be, he was asleep and he still held the power to make me swallow hard and have to resist what nature was pushing me toward. I resisted but I also indulged myself with a long draft of his scent – so sexy.

      Maybe it was the sound of the deep intake of my breath that woke him, whatever, he caught me checking him out and believe it or not I caught a glimpse of fear in his eyes. My eyes welled with tears from some unknown something that caused the fear I saw.

      When he was completely awake he looked at me with concern when he saw one tear had escaped down my cheek. He didn’t hesitate to pull me to him. I could feel the vibrations of his voice through his chest when he spoke. “Helen,” he said my name like he was about to deliver some bad news. He probably felt me stiffen up to endure the impact.

      “I hate to be the one to say this but, we’d better be careful, I believe that we could kill each other.”

      There was that fear I’d seen not a minute earlier. But he was right, I knew it, I only had to remember how fast our hearts were beating to know that it was off the cardiologist’s chart.

      “That’s disappointing,” I said.

      “This is certainly an odd turn of events, wouldn’t you say?”

      “We have a lot to discuss but let’s just table it until after dinner and we recuperate more adequately. Would that be ok with you?”

      The entire ordeal left me feeling vulnerable and worried that he might shut me out. The worry vanished in the comfort of his arms and the strength of his intent.

      “Thank you Michael.” I whispered into his ear. We sighed together and then stayed motionless to allow the connect to bring calm, balance, and peace back.

      We were comforted to know that our method of decompressing was still working. When we separated, I needed to freshen up and made a bee line to the bathroom. My face was radiant; I nearly glowed. I handled my business, washed my hands, lotion-ed up.

      Michael was ordering dinner. Sounded like it was a lot of food, good, I was hungry.

      I went directly to the slider to free us of the barrier to the outside. When I opened it, I saw Denice coming in through the balcony door. I stepped out to the rail where she met me.

      “Did you nap? We left you alone so you could.” I asked.

      “Yeah, I did thanks. I couldn’t guess it was this and I’m also late, catch up then?” Another short example of Deanese.

      “Let me know the next time you are in the cabin and need to go pee, I’ll go with you so we can talk.” I teased. “Before you run, yes or no have you made plans for Nawiliwili?”

      “Yes.” And over her shoulder as she left, “Thanks for the use of your necklace again not to mention my dress. I love them so.”

      We laughed as she let her legs run ahead of her and all that was left was her head turned our way blowing us kisses. What a beautiful clown. She was wearing a pale blue cocktail dress, a sleeveless empire line that showed a lot of skin in the back. It was a gift I’d made her just for the trip. She had a single white plumaria blossom at her right ear. She was just stunning.

      “So,” Michael turned to me, “You made that dress, too? You really are talented.” He said it like he was bragging and proud of me.


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