Reconnected. DH Steppler

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Reconnected - DH Steppler

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He allowed me to show him my gratitude. His scent was so delicious that I needed to taste him so I traced his lips with the tip of my tongue, first on the outside edges and then to the inside. I claimed his lips and in the same motion slid my tongue inside to taste him deeper. Lordy it was a sweet connection. Michael put his arms around me and I laid my body over him as we wrestled with each others tongues. When I caught his I suckled on it. I was pretty sure that I never wanted that kiss to end. His lips were soft, he tasted sweet and musky at the same time, his tongue was agile and kind of funny. A thought hit me, would I be terribly rude if I laughed. Then the thought disappeared as I felt Michael get completely involved. He crushed me to him and then rolled over so that he was on top – a clever and smooth move. We kissed in that bound up position for a couple of minutes and then we pulled apart but kissed quickly several more times before we actually separated.

      We were both quiet for a while mainly catching our breath but just like him I needed to know if I did a good job with my appreciation and, of course if my kissing him brought back the balance. I waited.

      I waited. Time passed, our hearts beat, and we breathed as one. Michael rolled over to face me and I rolled to face him. Our faces were inches apart, his breath was warm and thrilling, and our eyes stared adoringly at each other.

      “You must like me a lot,” he said with that naughty little boy look in his eyes.

      “You could tell?” I asked, pleased with myself and unable to keep the happy little smile from my lips.

      “Oh yeah …well, let me tell you …um, I’ve never been kissed like that ever. It was like going directly from kindergarten to college. That single experience lifted me to a deeper level of kissing understanding and enjoyment. First of all, the anticipation thing was stimulating, spine-tingling. I’m pretty sure that’s when my chubby showed up; my head was muddled, so it’s a bit hard to tell when exactly. All the stuff you can do with your tongue is a turn on. When it’s all put together with how wonderful you smell, your lips, your breath, your hands, I feel satisfied and lucky but want it all repeated anyway.”

      “Yeah, you’re a total pig…” Michael’s laugh cut me off before I could finish, “…oink, so am I when it comes to feeling like that.”

      Michael laughed again, “That’s funny, too.”

      Clearing my head was difficult but we were trying to put the current between us back in balance – the reason for the kiss in the first place. Michael found my right hand with his left, brought them to the narrow space between us and intertwined our fingers. I felt like I was confined in a cocoon of warmth and love and peace – Ok, I could have just stayed there. Neither one of us actually moved after that for a very long time. We just looked at each other, breathed together, sighed together, reveled in the existence of the other and got lost in each other’s scent.

      Michael was the one who made the first move and it was with his lips, he smiled so sweetly. It was the kind of smile that accompanied a good idea. Without even thinking I knew what his idea was and we said it in unison.

      “A catch.”

      He wasn’t startled when I said it with him, but he laughed and so did I because it sounded like we were a duet. We said it at the same drawn out speed and with the same inflection in our voices.

      Before we made our move to leave our cozy little cocoon, we closed the distance between our faces for a natural parting kiss. To our amazement we were suddenly bound together again our bodies convulsing with the power of a united orgasm. Our lips separated and we buried ourselves in each other again, holding on tight as the wave rippled through the both of us. The need to be closer was great, I released Michael’s hold on my hand and used the freedom to cradle his head and get my fingers in his hair. At the same time Michael put his free hand to good use by putting it on my back and pulling me as close to him as was humanly possible without actually dissolving into each other. A united moan galvanized our already electric sensations. There was no use in trying to figure it out; the insistent corporeal pulse had our focus and kept us prisoners in a quagmire of promise and uncontrolled ecstasy. When the shaking and quaking slowed down, we sighed deeply but were taken aback when another wave started. Michael had the where with all to roll me over onto my back, his body on top of mine and we clung to each other with desperation and fear. Neither one of us could tell how long the multiple orgasm incident lasted but at the time I thought it would never end.

      Our fears were for not because it did end, very slowly, very sweetly and it left us with a memory beyond anything we had ever experienced. We felt loved and cherished but also confused. When our breathing reached a level somewhat normal, we started laughing. We laughed a laugh of delight and surprise, surprised that we were still alive. We knew that what we had was the most unique relationship and the rarity of it was reason enough to protect it. Neither one of us wanted to figure it out, to sully it with discussion and dissection, we only wanted to remember the beauty and thrill and to be able to bring it back to feel and experience again, if at all possible.

      Our eyes smiled at each other through our laughter. It was a silent signal that all was well.

      “A catch,” we said simultaneously and the, “Jinx” continuing our duet. There was more laughter as we collected ourselves enough to stand up and head for the balcony.

      As we walked to the balcony hand in hand, our being together wasn’t just a need anymore, it was a personal desire. We wanted to be together, we wanted to please one another, we wanted to see a smile on the face of the other, we wanted to sink into each other and know that the other wanted it, too. It was a change but not the change I’d been looking for.

      Standing at the rail staring out at the big island of Hawaii, we were decompressing in silence. I moved close and put my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. Michael automatically pulled me to him. We just stood there breathing together and feeling the contentment that came with our closeness.

      After a few minutes, I dropped my hold on him and stepped a single step away from him to look into his eyes. We were still connected without any contact – another new development. Michael looked at me with concern but also had a “what do you know about that” smile on his fabulous face.

      By no means was I in the mood to experiment but I needed to know if we would stay connected at a greater distance. I took another step away from him and he did the same. We stood like figurines without movement to feel for the connection. Yes! We were still connected. We both took another tentative step away from each other and stopped again gauging the strength of the connection.

      Before we knew it we were setting up our lounge chairs for a catch – a catch without a tether but with a strong connection. We were both giddy with anticipation for the game.

      Our catch was fast – the way the game was supposed to be. Michael played like he’d been doing it for years and I could tell that he finally lost the fear of hurting me as he put some true velocity on his pitches. Little did he know that I reveled in the faster game; I loved the real competition. Michael wanted to win but if he won, I’d lose and I would not let that happen. If he did win, he’d have to do it with me playing as hard as I could all the way. He’d have to earn the win; it wasn’t in me to let up and give it to him.

      After about an hour of intense catch, we both asked, “Hungry?” and then answered, “Starved.” Laughing, Michael caught the last throw, got off his chair, walked to me tossing the object in the air casually. When he reached my location, I intercepted it on the descent. We both chuckled. Michael took my hand and assisted me as we left the balcony to order lunch.

      He made the call to room service and I pointed to what I wanted from the menu. My blood sugar was low. I found that there were still a few fun sized candy bars

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