The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child. Jules Bennett

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The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child - Jules Bennett

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and apologizing.

      There was no way out.

      After a gentle tap of her knuckles on the mission-style door, Tessa stepped back and waited. If he didn’t hear her knock, she’d leave. At least she could say she’d tried.

      A large part of her hoped he didn’t hear.

      But a second later the door was flung open and Grant stood there, wearing only a towel, chest hair and water droplets.

      “Tessa.” He hooked an arm on the half door, causing his muscles to flex and her mouth to go desert dry. “What are you doing here?”

      “I...I came to apologize.” She tried to focus on his face, but dear mercy, all those bare muscles were distracting her. “Um...for earlier.”

      Grant smiled and opened the door wider. “Come on in.”

      “Are you going to put clothes on?”

      Laughing, he stepped back to let her pass. “You want me to?”

      She came face-to-face with him and nodded. “I think it’s best.”

      He closed the door behind her and went toward one of the two bedrooms. Tessa hadn’t been in this cottage forever, but it had the same layout as her sister’s. Open floor plan, with the kitchen and living area in front. Grant had thrown a shirt over the back of the sofa, running shoes sat by the door and the smell of a fresh, masculine shower permeated the air.

      Between that clean scent and those muscles he’d had on display, Tessa was having a hard time remembering the reason for her visit.

      Grant strolled back into the room, wearing knit shorts and pulling a T-shirt over his head. “Care for a drink?”

      “No, thanks.” She twisted her hands and remained in the doorway, because if she moved any farther into his temporary home, she feared she’d want to move further into the world she’d sworn off. “I just wanted to apologize for being rude earlier.”

      “Rude? I didn’t think you were rude.” He leaned a hip on the edge of the sofa and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “You were honest. I’m flattered that you were jealous.”

      Flattered? He might as well pat her on the head like a good little girl and send her off to play with her toys.

      “I wasn’t jealous.” She would go to hell for lying. “I’m just protective of Cassie, and I know your type.”

      The corners of his mouth threatened to curve into a smile. If he was mocking her she’d beat him with her whip. No, wait...he’d probably enjoy an aggressive woman.

      He’d been so playful when they’d first met, so quick with his wit and his smiles. Her instant attraction had worried her, but now her feelings for him were growing.

      Which begged the question, what did Grant like in a woman?

      “What is my type, Country?”

      “You think your city charm will win you any lady you want,” she told him. “Cassie has her hands full. I realize she was introducing herself, but I just didn’t want you getting any ideas.”

      He straightened, then slowly crossed the room until he stood directly in front of her. “Oh, I have ideas. None of them involve Cassie, though.”

      Tessa tried to ignore the shiver of excitement that crept over her...tried and failed. She didn’t want to find him appealing, didn’t want to spend any more time with him than necessary. She didn’t trust him. He oozed charm, and in her experience, that led to lying and deceit.

      Backing up, hoping to make an escape, she reached blindly for the handle on the door. But as she retreated, Grant stepped forward. His fresh-from-the-shower aroma enveloped her, and his damp hair, hanging in a tousled mess over his forehead, practically begged for her to run her fingers through it.

      “You could’ve apologized when you saw me tomorrow,” he murmured as he came within an inch of her face. “Why did you need to stop by now?”

      Because she was a glutton for punishment. There was no other excuse.

      “I wanted to clear the air before I saw you again. I didn’t want anything to be uncomfortable.”

      One hand came up to rest on the door beside her head as a grin spread across his tanned, stubbled face. “I prefer to clear the air, too.”

      In one swift motion, his head dipped down to hers and his free hand came up to cup the side of her face. Tessa’s back was firmly against the door, and she had nowhere to go...not that she wanted to go anywhere, because Grant’s mouth was so gentle, so amazingly perfect. Instead of pushing him away, she kept her arms at her sides and tried to remain in control of her emotions. But she did open her lips at his invitation, She was human and couldn’t resist temptation, after all.

      Slowly, his tongue danced with hers and chills spread from her head to her toes in a flash. Before she could get too wrapped up in the moment, Grant stepped back. Tessa lifted her eyelids, meeting his dark gaze.

      “Since we don’t want things to be uncomfortable,” he told her, his hand still framing her face, “you should know I plan on doing that again.”

      Tessa couldn’t speak, could barely think. How in the world did she end up with zero control here? She’d just wanted to apologize, and instead she’d gotten the most tender, yet toe-curling kiss of her life, and an amazing view of Grant’s bare chest.

      “What about—”

      “The clause?” he asked, intercepting her thoughts. “Seeing as how you’re attracted, too, I don’t see why we can’t pursue more. Behind closed doors, of course. No one would have to know, Tessa.”

      “I’m not interested,” she told him, lying through her still tingling lips. “Save your attraction for another woman.”

      Grant dropped his hand. “Then it’s my turn to apologize. I assumed by the way you look at me, the way your pulse beats at the base of your neck, the way you catch your breath when I touch you, that you were interested in me, too. And the way you participated in that kiss... But apparently, I was mistaken.”

      He leaned right next to her ear, so close his lips brushed against her lobe when he whispered, “Or you’re lying.”

      Tessa tugged on the door and moved out of his grasp. “Good night, Grant.”

      Like the coward she was, she ran away. Nobody made her feel more out of control, more internally restless than this infuriating man.

      Surely that didn’t mean...

      Tessa sighed as she climbed into her Jeep. She had a sinking feeling that Grant Carter was the man her mother had told her about. The man who would come along and make her question how she’d gotten along without him in her life.

      The one man she’d been saving herself for.


      Tessa slid

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