The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child. Jules Bennett

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The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child - Jules Bennett

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didn’t think this was a big deal, but if Tessa was concerned, he’d definitely look into it. Because she was right, the timing was perfect if someone wanted to ruin her racing season. Better to be safe than sorry. And he sure didn’t want anyone to screw up this film before it got started. This was his big shot at producing with the biggest names in the industry. No way in hell was someone going to come in and ruin everything.

      “He passed the background check, and from what I can tell he’s a very hard worker.” Tessa blew out a sigh. “Maybe I’m just paranoid because of Cassie’s ex. We thought we could trust him, too.”

      Grant cupped Tessa’s cheek, stroking her soft, delicate skin. “I’ll keep an eye out for the guy and do a little digging of my own.”

      “Really?” she asked, her eyes widening.

      “Yeah. I mean, I can’t have some random guy wreaking havoc on the set. Best to get to the bottom of this now before my crew arrives.”

      Tessa nodded and pulled from his grasp. Putting the car back in gear, she drove back out onto the highway.

      Grant realized his words may have hurt her, but he wasn’t quite ready to admit he was falling for her a little more each day. So there was no way he could tell her that he’d be watching this stranger like a hawk to make sure he wasn’t out to take advantage of Tessa or any of the other Barringtons.

      He may have told her it was all about the movie, but that was a lie. A good portion of it was because he refused to see Tessa hurt.

      Damn. There went that heart of his, trying to get involved. But a little voice whispered that his heart was already involved.


      Don’t wear anything too fancy.

      Tessa nearly laughed. Oh, she had fancy clothes for uppity events she was forced to attend, but those gowns and dresses lived in the back of her closet, more than likely collecting dust on the shoulder seams that were molded around the hangers.

      After working in the stables, helping Cassie clean stalls, Tessa did shower and throw on fresh jeans and a white shirt, rolling up the sleeves. She shoved on her nicer black boots and grabbed a simple green jacket to top off her “not a date” outfit.

      The air outside had been a bit chilly, and she knew she’d be cold when she came home later.

      She groaned as she grabbed her keys from the peg by the back door. How the hell had she let him talk her into this? Intriguing as he was, she simply couldn’t allow herself to sink deeper into his world...a world of class and glamour. A world she’d narrowly escaped a few months ago, along with a man who’d claimed to care for her.

      But something about Grant seemed to pull her. He had no qualms about the fact that he found her attractive, but he also seemed genuine, and at the cemetery he’d been supportive and caring.

      He also guarded his family...that had been evident when she’d brought up the topic of his twin. And while his instant raised shield intrigued her, leaving her wanting to know more, Tessa could appreciate the value of privacy. Ironic, considering she loathed the idea of this movie, of virtual strangers invading her space, her life.

      But Grant seemed to be truly concerned about her feelings. He’d gone out of his way to assure her he’d portray her family in the best light.

      He understood family. And, she had to admit, was starting to understand her. He was a Hollywood hotshot, used to elegance and beauty surrounding him. Yet he was blending just fine here in her world.

      She didn’t want him to have so many layers, because each one threw her off and made her wonder about the possibilities beyond those kisses.

      No. Tessa shook off her thoughts as they started down a path she wasn’t ready to visit.

      If Grant knew she was a virgin, he’d probably give up his quest...or he’d see her as a challenge he needed to meet.

      Dinner. He’d only said dinner. Added to that, he’d promised to keep those talented lips to himself. A part of her was disappointed that she wouldn’t feel them, but the logical side of her knew this was for the best.

      Each kiss made her yearn for...well, everything he was willing to offer, which scared the hell out of her. She’d never desired so much from one man, never considered giving in before.

      But somewhere along the way, she felt as if they’d crossed some sort of friendship line. She found him easy to talk to, and as much as she hated to admit it, she wanted to spend more time with him. She really didn’t have friends outside her racing world, and Grant was refreshing...kisses and all.

      That friendship line they’d crossed held a lot of sexual tension, and Tessa worried one day all that built-up pressure would explode.

      Which was why she had to stop this roller coaster of hormones before it got too far out of control. The two different worlds they lived in would never mesh, so why even add something else to her list of worries?

      Besides the upcoming season, as if that weren’t enough stress, she really wasn’t comfortable with the new groom. When she’d mentioned this to her father, he’d waved a hand and told her she was imagining things and was probably just still skeptical because of Cassie’s ex.

      Yet the stranger had made a point not to get too far away from her and Cassie as they were cleaning stalls earlier. He’d been working hard, but still, Tessa had a gut feeling he’d been trying to listen to their conversation.

      But that was a worry for another day. Right now, she had to be on her guard for her dinner “not date.”

      Tessa hopped in her Jeep and made the short trip back to Stony Ridge Acres, her heart beating a bit faster. Why was she getting so worked up? This was dinner. They had to eat, and were just doing it together.

      When she pulled up in front of his cottage, he’d turned on the porch lights. The sun was at the horizon, but in no time it would be dark.

      Before she could knock on the door, Grant swung it open and...

      Tessa laughed. “What are you wearing?”

      Grant wiped his hand on a dishrag and glanced down. “An apron. Don’t you wear one when you cook?”

      “I thought we were going out,” she said, trying her hardest not to stare at him in that ridiculous apron, which looked like a woman wearing a grass skirt and coconut bra.

      “I never said that,” he countered, taking her hand and pulling her inside. “I said we were going to have dinner together. And I’m cooking. Besides, how can you relax if we’re in public?”

      Would’ve been a hell of a lot easier than in the lion’s den.

      Something tangy permeated the air, and Tessa’s gaze drifted toward the open kitchen. “If you’re cooking anything associated with that smell, I’m impressed.”

      Grant headed back to the kitchen, leaving her standing at the door. “It’s just barbecue chicken, but it’s my mother’s sauce recipe. I also have some baked potatoes and salad. Hope all of that is okay.”


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