The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child. Jules Bennett

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The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child - Jules Bennett

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at it since he got it. He was always allotted the same time bracket each day: two hours after lunch.

      Except for today, when his green column was wider and took the slots from nine to three. Six hours, and he was going to make the most of them...both professionally and personally.

      Tessa was heading from the stable to her Jeep as Grant neared. Once again she had her hair tied back in that ponytail—he had yet to see it any other way—and she had on a long-sleeved plaid shirt tucked into well-worn jeans and battered knee boots.

      She might be prim and proper, but her wardrobe was nothing new. Tessa wasn’t a spoiled princess who just looked the part of a jockey. She was all jockey, and her appearance proved it. He’d never seen her fuss with her hair or worry about her appearance. Hell, he’d never seen her with makeup on.

      And yet she still stole his breath each time he saw her...which just proved his point of how fine an emotional line he was treading.

      “Let’s get going, Slick,” she said, not missing a step as she got to the Jeep and hopped in.

      Grant bit back a smile at her abrupt tone. She was something. Most people, women especially, would be tripping over themselves to please him because of his celebrity status. Yet somehow, with Tessa, he felt as if he had to work to gain approval.

      And that was just another layer of her complexity. She couldn’t care less about his status, and that suited him just fine. Caused more work to get her attention, but still suited him. At least this way he could keep his feelings separated and not go any deeper beneath Tessa’s very arousing surface.

      Grant hopped in the passenger’s side and barely got his seat belt clicked in place before Tessa was speeding down the driveway.

      Her white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel and her clenched jaw were telltale signs she was agitated. And being angry only made her sexier.

      “Want to tell me what’s wrong?”

      She spared him a glance before gripping the wheel even tighter and turning onto the two-lane country road taking them toward town.

      “That kiss,” she muttered. “It won’t happen again.”

      Um...okay. She’d seemed to be a key player in the exchange the other day, but something had ticked her off, and apparently she’d spent a lot of time thinking about this because she’d worked up a nice case of mad. One step forward, two steps back.

      “You didn’t enjoy it?” he asked, knowing he was on shaky ground.

      “My enjoyment doesn’t matter,” she countered, eyes focused on the road. “I won’t be the one you use to pass the time while you’re working here. I’m too busy, and I’m not into flings.”

      Confused, and working up a good bit of irritation himself, Grant shifted in the seat to look at her fully. “I don’t use women to pass the time,” he informed her. “I’m attracted to you, and I acted on it. I wasn’t in that kiss alone, Tessa.”

      “You’re ten years older than me.”

      Why did that sound like an accusation?

      “And?” he asked.


      She let out an unladylike growl, and Grant again had to bite back a smile. “What does age have to do with attraction, Country?”

      “When I started kindergarten you were getting your driver’s license!”

      This time he did laugh. “I believe we’re all grown up now.”

      “It’s just not right. Your life experiences, they’re levels above mine, and I won’t be played for a fool.”

      The word again hovered in the air, and Grant wanted to know what bastard had left her full of doubts and insecurities. But he refused to let himself cross into anything too personal.

      Tessa’s shoulders tensed up as silence settled between them. Grant didn’t want her angry. He wasn’t even sure what had spawned this, but he was here to work and there was usually enough drama on sets. He didn’t need this on top of it.

      “I read you have a twin,” she told him, breaking the silence. “But I never saw anything else.”

      Tension knotted in his belly. “My family isn’t up for discussion.”

      “Seriously? You know everything about mine and you—”

      “Not. Up. For. Discussion.”

      Tessa shook her head and sighed. “Looks like we’re at a stalemate then.”

      Stalemate? No. He refused to discuss his family—his sister—but he also refused to let this attraction fizzle because of a past nightmare that threatened to consume him at any moment.

      “Pull over.”

      She jerked her gaze to his briefly. “What?”

      “Pull over.”

      Once she’d eased to the side of the road, Grant waited until she’d thrown the Jeep into Park before he reached across the narrow space, grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to meet him in the middle.

      A second later his mouth was on hers, and she all but melted. Grant indulged in the strength of the kiss for long moments before he let her go.

      “Don’t throw stumbling blocks at me, Country. I’ll jump them,” he told her. “Don’t lump me with whatever jerk broke your heart. And do not downgrade yourself by thinking I’m using you simply to pass the time.”

      She lowered her lids and sighed. She was exhausted. Physically and emotionally. No wonder Cassie was worried. Guilt tugged at Grant’s heart. Damn it. His heart had no place in this.

      She didn’t want this movie made, didn’t want him here and was fighting this attraction. He wanted the movie and he wanted Tessa.

      Grant hated to tell her, but she was fighting a losing battle.

      “What’s really bothering you?” he asked. “I realize you’re uncomfortable with...whatever we’re doing, but that wouldn’t have you this angry.”

      When she met his eyes, she shook her head. “I’m not sure. It may be nothing, but I’m just so paranoid lately.”

      “Tell me what it is, and I can help you decide if it’s nothing. That way you won’t drive yourself insane with your internal battle.”

      “Too late,” she said with a smile. “My dad hired this new groom a couple days ago. We needed to fill the slot, but this guy...I can’t put my finger on it. He almost looks familiar. It’s his eyes, but I can’t place him. He’s really quiet and keeps to himself.”

      Squeezing her shoulder in reassurance, Grant said, “I fail to see an issue.”

      “It just seems like every time I turn around he’s there. I don’t know if he’s spying on me or what.” She paused, bit her lip and went on. “I know this sounds silly, but what if he’s

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