The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child. Jules Bennett

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The Barrington Brothers: When Opposites Attract... / Single Man Meets Single Mom / Carrying the Lost Heir's Child - Jules Bennett

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body. “Mine, too.”

      Tingles slid all over her, through her, and Tessa had no clue how to reply to that, so she took off her jacket and hung it on the hook beside the door. After dropping her keys in the jacket pocket, she headed to the kitchen.

      “Want me to set the table or anything?”

      “It’s done and so is the food,” he said, removing the ridiculous apron.

      Apparently, he’d taken full advantage of the very well-stocked cottage.

      In no time he’d set the food on the small round table, covered with a simple red cloth. Thankfully, he hadn’t gone to the trouble of romantic flowers or a candle. This she could handle. The sultry looks and kisses...well, she could handle them, but they left her confused and, okay, aroused.

      Tessa concentrated on her food and prayed he had no clue where her mind had wandered, though she feared her face had turned a lovely shade of red.

      Small talk during dinner eased her a bit more, and she nearly laughed at herself. Had she expected him to pounce on her when she arrived?

      Tessa picked up her empty plate and stood.

      “Leave the dishes,” he told her, reaching across to place his hand on her wrist. “I’ll get them later.”

      “I can help with them now. You cooked, so at least I can help clean up.”

      “You’re my guest. I’ll get them.”

      Because she never backed down from a fight, she carried her plate to the sink. “Technically, you’re our guest, since you’re on Barrington grounds.”

      She’d just turned on the water and was rinsing the dish when Grant’s hands encircled her waist. His lips caressed her ear.

      “You’re not relaxing,” he whispered, his breath warm on her cheek, her neck, sending shivers down the entire length of her body.

      The dish slipped from her wet hands and into the sink. “I’m relaxed.” Any more and she’d be a puddle at his feet. “I just wanted to help.”

      Strong fingers slid beneath the hem of her shirt, gliding over goose bumps.

      “And I promised you a night of relaxation.”

      Did he have to whisper everything in her ear? Could the man back up a tad and let her breathe? Because if he didn’t, she feared she’d turn in his arms and take that mouth she’d promised herself never to have again.


      “Tessa,” he murmured, his lips barely brushing against her neck.

      “You promised not to kiss me.”

      Soft laughter vibrated against her back from his strong chest. “I’m not kissing you. I’m enjoying how you feel. There’s a big difference.”

      “I can’t... We can’t...” She couldn’t even think with the way his fingertips kept inching around her abdomen. “Wh-what are you doing?”

      The bottom button of her shirt came undone, and then the next. Grant splayed his hand across her taut stomach and eased her back against him. “Relaxing with you.”

      Unable to resist, Tessa allowed her head to fall back against his shoulder, her eyelids closed. Reaching behind her, she raked a hand over his stubbled jaw. The roughness beneath her palm aroused her even more. Grant was all male, all powerful, and yet so tender.

      When had a man held her in such a caring, yet passionate way? When had she allowed herself to enjoy the simple pleasures of being wanted?

      Tessa wasn’t naive. Well, physically she was, but mentally she knew Grant wanted her body. He’d told her as much, and she knew he wasn’t asking for her hand in marriage or even a committed relationship. But right now, she could be open to this moment and relish it. They were both still fully clothed, both just enjoying the other.

      As his hand inched higher, her shirt traveled up, as well. The edge of his thumb caressed the underside of her silk bra and her nipples quickly responded to the thrilling touch.

      Tessa’s breath quickened as she turned her mouth to his.

      When he didn’t respond to her kiss, she pulled back.

      “I promised,” he murmured.

      “I’m letting you out of that verbal contract.”

      Grant’s mouth slammed down onto hers, and Tessa lost track of everything else around her. His touch consumed her, making her ache in a way she’d never thought possible.

      Grant’s hand slid from beneath her shirt and she turned around, pressing her chest against his as one hand held on to the nape of her neck and the other gripped her bottom through her jeans.

      Being wedged between the hard planes of Grant’s body and the edge of the counter was a very wonderful place to be.

      Tessa wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth wider, silently inviting him to take more.

      What was she doing? This wasn’t why she’d come here. But now that she was in the moment, she didn’t want to stop to rationalize all the reasons this was wrong. Because her tingling lips, aching body and curling toes told her this kiss was very, very right.

      Grant’s mouth traveled from her lips to her chin and across her jawline. Everywhere he touched, everything he did to her had her wanting more. The man certainly knew exactly how to kiss and where to touch. Everything to pleasure a woman.

      And that revelation was the equivalent of throwing cold water on her.

      Tessa wriggled her hands between them and eased him back. Those heavy-lidded eyes landed on hers while his lips, moist and swollen from kissing, begged for more. But she had to stop. This kissing and groping was as far as she’d ever anything beyond this point would be a disappointment to him.

      Tessa met his gaze, refusing to be embarrassed for who she was, the values and promise to her mother she desperately tried to cling to.

      When she’d been with Aaron, she’d been tempted, but she’d assumed they would marry, and she’d wanted to wait.

      But the level to which Aaron had tempted her didn’t come close to the fire of arousal she felt right now with Grant.

      Her eyes held his, and as she opened her mouth, he held up a hand.

      “Don’t say you’re sorry,” he told her.

      Tessa shook her head. “No. I’m not sorry, but we can’t do this.”

      “We can and we were,” he countered. “What happened? Something scared you.”

      Yeah, the big city playboy and the country virgin. Could they be any more clichéd? Why couldn’t she be this attracted to someone in her league, or at least in her town?

      Moving around him, because she needed distance from his touch, his gaze and his masculine aroma, Tessa walked over to the

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