Hot Single Docs Collection. Lynne Marshall

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Hot Single Docs Collection - Lynne Marshall Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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away. Ryan had never looked less approachable.

      Ryan glanced at her and she gave him a hesitant smile. He didn’t return it. Would he ever forgive her?

      She glanced to where the receptionist should be sitting and saw no one then looked at Ryan. “Where’s the receptionist? Does Matherson know you’re here?”

      “No one was around when I got here. I knew you would probably be late so I was waiting before I looked for Matherson.”

      He stood. His somewhat unruly locks looked even more so, as if he’d been running his hands through it regularly. She wished she could. The thought did her no good. Only made her want what she couldn’t have.

      Ryan straightened his lab coat then stepped toward her. Her breath caught. Was he going to touch her? Instead, he stepped past her. Sorrow filled her.

      “Come on, let’s get this over with,” Ryan grumbled. “I still have work to do and it’s been a long week.”

      He didn’t look at her after that statement. Had what had happened between them affected his week? They had started down the short hall in the direction of Matherson’s office when he stepped out of it.

      “Good. Here you are,” he said, all smiles. “Sorry you had to wait. My receptionist left early.”

      The man sounded far too cheerful for her liking. By the curl to Ryan’s lip, he wasn’t too impressed either. Maybe Matherson wouldn’t drag this meeting out. As soon as she got this over with she was going home to a hot bath. She glanced at Ryan. Maybe a good cleansing cry as well.

      “Come in. Have a seat,” Matherson said as he took his chair behind the desk that was too large for the room.

      Ryan stood to the side, letting her enter the office ahead of him. It was the closest they had been in days. As she passed, she caught a hint of the scent that was Ryan’s alone. With great effort she managed not to step closer to him, though her body vibrated with the need to.

      She was relieved when she sat as her knees had begun to wobble. Ryan waited until she settled into her chair before he took his. The chairs were situated so close that when he placed his arm on the rest, it came within an inch of hers. She moved her arm and clasped her hands in her lap, fearing the powerful urge she had to touch him.

      “So,” Matherson began, leaning back in his chair, “how’s the co-operative patient care working out between you two?” He ended the question with a sappy smile.

      Ryan shifted slightly in his chair at Matherson’s use of the words “you two”.

      “Fine,” she and Ryan said at the same time, not looking at each other.

      “That’s all you have to report?” Matherson looked back and forth between them, his brow contracting “Could you be more specific, Dr. O’Doherty?”

      “I think it has gone pretty much as I expected. I thought little of the idea to begin with and still do. The only difference between how I handled patient care before and what I do now is that I have to call Ms. Edwards before I meet the patient. Which does take time.”

      She glanced at Ryan then scooted forward in her chair, gaining Matherson’s attention. “He had to wait a couple of times for me. I’m new to the hospital and had to learn my way around. The same for the city. I don’t believe that lessens my effectiveness.”

      “So you believe the project has merit?” Matherson asked.

      “I do.” She glanced at Ryan again and found him looking straight ahead. “I assisted in the patient’s and the family’s emotional needs. Something that surgeons often don’t address. I thought from the total patient care aspect it has value,” Lucy volunteered. “I was involved early on in easing family into the reality they were facing.”

      Ryan snorted. His manners had disappeared. She and Matherson looked at him. “Yes, but I’m not sure that the hand-holding is necessary when the patient is in the ER.”

      She swung to face Ryan. One of her knees bumping his hard thigh sent a shock wave through her before she pulled it away. “Really, Dr. O’Doherty? You seemed to appreciate my hand-holding just fine when you needed a translator.” She couldn’t keep the edge out of her voice.

      Ryan didn’t look at her but at Matherson. “I concede that. Ms. Edwards was of value then.”

      Ooh, the man! Lucy waited until Ryan and Matherson were both looking at her. Through clenched teeth she said, “Are you implying that what I do isn’t as important as being the all-powerful, all-knowing surgeon?”

      “What I’m saying is that we don’t have to be joined at the hip,” he said through a taut jaw.

      She flinched at his choice of words. Was he baiting her? Reminding herself to remain professional, she responded, “You’re right.” She turned to Matherson. “We shouldn’t have been required to attend Jack Carter’s party together.”

      “So that didn’t go well?” Matherson sat forward as if he was enjoying their exchange.

      “There are parts that are better left not discussed,” she murmured.

      Someone called from the outer office. “Anyone here?”

      “If you will excuse me a minute, I’ll be right back.” Matherson said, coming around the desk and heading out the door.

      “So, do you have something particular in mind?” Ryan leaned toward her.

      Two could play this game. “Yes, as a matter of fact I do.”

      “Then why not just say it? I’m sure Mr. Matherson would be interested. You’ve had no trouble speaking your mind before.”

      He was right. Since she’d moved to New York, no, met him, she’d taken to speaking up for herself. But this wasn’t the time. The discussion was too personal. Too heart-wrenching. “Ryan, please don’t do this here,” she whispered.

      “Why not? I admit I kissed you. And what’s more, you liked it.”

      “Please, Matherson can hear you,” she whispered in desperation.

      “You don’t think I show my feelings enough,” he said, standing and pulling her up out of the chair. “How about this for showing some emotion?”

      His mouth came down on hers hard and heavy as if he wanted to brand her and consume her at the same time. Nothing in her life had felt more wonderful. She curved a hand around his neck, savoring the moment she’d thought never to have again. With a soft moan of bliss she leaned in and soaked in the feel of him. Her world turned, funneled into a tornado and Ryan was the eye. Nothing mattered but the feel of his lips on hers.

      The loud clearing of a throat from the doorway broke them apart. Matherson stood there, a look of shock on his face.

      Blood rushed up her neck. The stricken and surprised look on Matherson’s face had to match hers. She glanced at Ryan. He was grinning like he’d just made the winning home run in the bottom of the ninth at a Yankees game.

      What had just happened? She’d been kissing the surgeon she’d been assigned to work with in front of the head of the HR department!

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