Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó

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Turning 40 at 60 - Raimon Samsó

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whether the celiac condition is present or not, it is necessary to remove it from the diet forever.

      Of all, if I allow myself to consume some cereal, it is rice but in a very, very limited way. And I limit it because it's a carbohydrate (I'll tell you why it's better to forget them). If you take rice, better the white basmati, from India, because it has the least amount of lectins (forget the integral).

      But my interest in cereals is almost nil for one reason: they are carbohydrates and soon I will explain the problem they pose to health.

      I know that rice is what an important part of the human population eats for centuries. It is cheap, easy to store and satisfying ... But rice always presents some problems. By the way it is cultivated (flood of fields) it absorbs the cyanide from the soil, it also fattens up as a carbohydrate that is, and if it is integral, it damages the intestine.

      I only take it as an exception when I eat at a Japanese restaurant (fan sushi) very occasionally.

      Without wheat and without rice? Do not panic. When I mention the convenience of abandoning foods that contain wheat, people succumb to an anxiety attack. Do not believe it possible, "deprive myself of wheat and other grains?", You ask. If you think you can not stand it, I'm afraid you're already addicted.

      As you hear, I discovered that gluten is addictive as an opiate, since it contains gluteomorphine, which creates anxiety by eating gluten-free foods. Gluten is added to countless processed foods, probably to create addiction in the consumer. Yes, modern cereal has been designed to create addiction: you need to consume it regularly. Do you understand that anxiety that you feel mid-morning or afternoon for a bun or a roll? This war is a chemical war.

      Dr. David Perlmutter explains it perfectly: "Gluten is broken down in the stomach in a mixture of polypeptides that can cross the blood-brain barrier. Once they have access to the brain, they are able to adhere to the morphine receptors to produce a sense of ecstasy. " The body gets used to these pleasurable sensations and demands its daily dose under pain of suffering the withdrawal syndrome. Wow, who was going to say that eating cereals turned us into junkies?

      Do you begin to understand why gluten is added to so many food products, cosmetics, supplements ...?

      I am here to tell you that leaving cereals is possible. I got it. I left them because I have no interest in intoxicating myself and destroying my brain gradually. I also did not want to get fat, get gut and jowl, and I have to say that few foods get as fat as bread. When I left the cereals (including the rice, which is a pseudocereal), I lost 7 kilos (two sizes of trousers) in a few weeks, and effortlessly. In my lifestyle there is no need to go hungry to look cute.

      I remember that in my wheat season, I discovered a gourmet bakery that made an exquisite bread of mother yeast. It was not cheap, every time I went there, I spent about 60 euros on various loaves that lasted a couple of weeks. You can imagine it? That's a real fortune compared to the couple of euros that anyone would spend for a couple of loaves of bread (or something very similar) bought at a gas station!

      He was so innocent, but so much, that he thought that paying more would get a healthier bread. Error. It was only more tasty but equally or more dangerous. I got worse, and over paying a surcharge, since the bran of the integral carries a greater load of lectins. More inflammation.

      I'm not a celiac, I'm halfway there, I'm just gluten intolerant (which affects 10-20% of the population), which is a very light form of celiac disease. But still the gluten left scars of war on me: irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut. Although I am not a doctor, I have been able to recognize myself as gluten intolerant, not because I like to "play doctors", but because they did not find out, I had to do it myself.

      My luck was to discover it in time and remedy it through a military nutritional discipline. Remember that you are in a food war. Few people have as much discipline as me, they are my strong point, and I think that has saved me from serious illnesses. Other people did not notice, as I did; and now they are sick.

      I have written this book for anyone who wants to hear my message: food can get sick. And kill.

      Imagine hearing my voice while reading something that I am sure: gluten, whether celiac or not, intolerant or not, affects 100% of people who consume it. The poison is for the whole species. Some people, like me, will have the "luck" of having symptoms that will help them to look for and recognize the problem in order to correct it; the rest will suffer its effects sooner or later, suddenly. That is what everything is reduced to, when and how.

      I no longer believe in the myth of "Taking whole grains is good for fiber" because it turns out that cereal fiber is not the most recommended, and also poses a challenge for its lectins, gluten, phytates ..., the number one enemies of intestinal health There are other, healthier sources of fiber.

      Gluten is the silent enemy that destroys long-term health, whether it is with symptoms or not. It is inflammatory. Therefore, showing intolerance is somewhat lucky because it allows you to react in time. The problem of tolerating gluten is that you do not realize the evil that is causing you.

      When you feel tired or lack energy, headaches of greater or lesser intensity, brain fog or lack of mental clarity, abdominal distension, etc., you are being warned that something is wrong in the digestive system. These discomforts can be the prelude to serious illnesses.


      Lectins: The shot of grace

      But the problem is broader than what concerns gluten. In addition, there are the lectins. And gluten is only one of the thousands of lectins!

      This widens the range of grains to avoid, the pseudocereals such as: amaranth, quinoa, teff, buckwheat or buckwheat, and others, which do not have gluten but lectins.

      For you to understand: all grains with gluten have lectins, although not all those with lectins have gluten. Gluten is a subset of lectins. For example, barley, rye, corn, oats, rice, teff, pseudocereals, legumes ... have lectins. And lectins produce autoimmune diseases just like gluten. You know what I mean, the confusion of the immune system by which it begins to attack healthy cells of the body.

      The lectins, proteins of vegetable origin, protect the seeds, are even present in gluten-free cereals (corn, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, soybeans ...), also in legumes and in different plants. And the lectins are as devastating as the gluten itself: they damage the intestine and overexcite the immune system, they inflame.

      Indeed, gluten is just one of the many lectins, the most popular. But that is not all: cattle and other animals transmit to humans, through the consumption of their meat, all the lectins that they ingested in their diet of cereals and soybeans. And it does not matter if it is livestock with organic food or not.

      We are already too exposed to lectins to add gluten.

      If you're wondering if whole-wheat bread is better, or at least acceptable, I'll tell you that it's just as harmful, if not more so. Guess: to be full grain contains a full load of ... (drum roll) gluten, phytates and lectins! On the one hand you consume more fiber and more micronutrients (shout well!), But on the other hand you eat more proteins that inflame, damage the digestive system and drive the immune system mad (yells badly!).

      Traditionally the bran, or husk of the cereal was discarded, to make it more digestible, our ancestors understood how indigestible the whole grain is. They were smart people. But now the fashions include it again (wholemeal bread) in order to increase the fiber intake, and that is a big mistake since the whole grain contains more lectins. You see, a new nutritional error that causes a major disaster to the already

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