Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó

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Turning 40 at 60 - Raimon Samsó

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intake of gluten with cereals.

      If someone did not want broth, they just served him two cups.

      And if you wonder why in nature there is something "bad" like gluten and lectins, I will answer that it is a strategy of defense against predators. Yes, the plant species can not flee so they defend themselves with toxicity against anyone who dares to eat them.

      It's chemical warfare, remember you're in the middle of a war? The vegetables protect their seeds so that they can not be digested (do you understand why the vegetables are so indigestible?) And return to the ground to germinate. If they manage to survive inside a digestive tube, imagine how many problems they can create for those who eat them.

      The chemical warfare of vegetables is a way of defending oneself from animals (including humans).

      Plants defend themselves from their predators, among which are human beings, with lectins. It is a strategy in your biological warfare against animals. And it seems that we have not understood it yet; because the human being still thinks that everything edible has been put at his disposal to give the great banquet.

      How intelligent is nature! Consider this: mature fruits encourage animals to eat them to carry (in their bellies) the seeds away from there and return them to the ground (through the faeces). The seeds have a hard coating that contains inhibitors of digestive enzymes, even toxic substances to avoid being digested. The fruit uses the animals, and their intestinal habitat to propagate the species to which they belong.

      Remember, the goal of lectins is to create an immune response in the nervous system of insects to destroy them! The lectins are the biological warfare, toxic, chemical ... that developed millions of years ago a good part of the plants to be preserved from predators such as insects, causing them damages of varying severity. For example, insects and small animals may end up paralyzed by lectins.

      We would do well not to underestimate a toxic that kills insects because in humans it can create really worrisome problems.

      Let me explain to you the sibylline strategy of the lectins, so that you understand its lethal effects: they are proteins that almost do not differ from ours, they elaborate an exercise of molecular mimicry, with which our confused immune system ends up attacking the proteins of the own body. This is how the autoimmune condition begins.

      And lectins are in numerous foods that are being consumed while creating side effects of greater or lesser severity. As the lectins are concentrated in the seeds, to protect them, the decision to eliminate fruits with edible seeds is beneficial for health, such as: tomato, pumpkin, cucumber ... (technically fruits are considered).

      If avoiding gluten is a Herculean task because of its ubiquity, avoiding lectins is almost impossible: they are in all plants and seeds to a greater or lesser degree. As always, the measure of the poison is in the dose.

      Whole grains, which are falsely supposed to be healthy, have a great disadvantage compared to refined ones: they contain more lectins, so they will create more problems (deterioration of the digestive system). Put it at its right value, it is true that wheat is satiating, it may contain fiber and micronutrients, but its nutritional value is much lower than that of vegetables, fruits and animals.

      Focusing on cereal can lead to malnutrition. This is one of the charges against the agricultural revolution: paradoxically, the desire to feed more people meant more malnutrition, not in quantity but in quality.

       A collateral effect of the cereal: triggered glycemic index

      Remember this fact: a simple slice of bread raises the glycemic index like two teaspoons of sugar. Bread is a problem for prediabetics and diabetics, who should get away from it as much as possible. The cereals are converted into glucose, sugar. The glycemic index (GI) of bread is very high. A couple of slices of bread, which is what an average person takes during a meal, is equivalent to putting four teaspoons of sugar in the body.

      Incredible true? If you also accompany the food with a can of cola, add ten cubes of sugar. And if after eating a sweet dessert, the disaster is served: prediabetes or diabetes. In addition to obesity.

      Now look at these figures:

       Glycemic index (GI) of white bread: 69

       Glycemic index (GI) of whole wheat bread: 72

       Glycemic index (GI) of sugar: 59

      You see, the bread (and the whole more) involves more blood glucose than sugar itself! Terrible Now you understand why wheat is the super carbohydrate: because it raises the blood sugar level like nothing else. The wheat IG is unbeatable.

      It seems to me contradictory that a diabetic deprives himself of sugar but gulps himself with bread. However, what is truly frightening is that both cereal and sugar are addictive, they incite you to want more, they provoke the withdrawal syndrome, they take you from the glory of euphoria to the misery of abstinence.

      As an opiate, it is unbeatable. Do not forget that wheat is a powerful obesogen. And it's designed (in Frankenstein's lab) to be addictive, like an opioid, and to stimulate appetite.

      Excess glucose ages: a high blood glucose level makes it seem older than the chronological age. Why? Because that glucose reduces the elastin and collagen that contribute to a smooth skin. Collagen is vital for antiaging. Drinking bone broth (helps you sleep better at night), pig's trotters, and bird skin, will reinforce this youthful protein. Gelatin (cooked collagen) will make you younger.

      The good news is that when you stop using it, after a while, you get rid of the withdrawal syndrome and the appetite drops. The other good news is that the evil it produces is in many cases reversible: if you leave it, the symptoms leave you; and the organism is restored. (Remission is even possible in the case of certain diabetes, although it is said that this is not possible and that it is an evil forever and blablabla ...).

      Unfortunately, in the case of arthritis (another of the cereal's side effects), recovering is no longer possible (it is possible to deflate and eliminate the pain only by removing the cereal), since the cartilage is destroyed and the damage that the wheat has caused to the joints is irreversible.

       more blood glucose -> more insulin -> more stored fat -> inflammatory response -> disease

      What do you think makes you fatter: a tortilla with three eggs or three slices of bread?

      The fat or the carbohydrate?

      Answer: bread, which will become stored fat where you already know (abdomen, thighs and butt).

      The cereal, in addition, acidifies the organism and this will cause in the long term the loss of bone mass. However, the fat is neutral, does not alkalize or acidify, so leave your bones in peace. Healthy fat does not make you fat, but you'll discover that in chapter five.

      Gluten-free products are fashionable, I appreciate them sometimes, but I look at them with suspicion. I have concluded that on the subject of food they do nothing but collapse goals on all sides. Only the ball changes and who shoots it. The celiac who want to eat bread and pastries, but gluten-free, have taken refuge in the products of the emerging industry "gluten-free".

      That is coming out of the fire to fall into the embers.

      In general, you "undress a saint to dress another." Its gluten-free products are based on potato starch, tapioca, corn, rice ... tolerable by celiacs but that increase insulin and blood sugar more

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