Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó

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Turning 40 at 60 - Raimon Samsó

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deliver you to diabetes. Bad business.

      For example, corn is very high in sugar, and besides wheat is the most manipulated cereal. An authentic trans laude cum laude. In particular, high fructose corn syrup is something you should avoid at all costs because it is a sweetener (55% fructose and 41% glucose) that fattens like few others.

      If you are one of those who do not eat much bread, before breathing in relief, check the following list of products derived from wheat, or other cereals, full of gluten: donuts, cookies and crackers, muffins, croissants, cakes, waffles, pretzels, bagels, muffins, breakfast cereals, etc. Not forgetting the sandwiches, sandwiches, pizzas and pasta dishes.

      And then there are the breakfasts, the worst meal of the day, which are a mixture of dairy products (milk, yogurt, margarine ...), sugars (added or to taste) and refined and packaged cereals. There is nothing more inflammatory. Nothing more unnatural and less convenient for a child or an adult. Easy and quick to prepare (but away from the real food: fruit, bacon, eggs).

      I'm sorry to have touched where it hurts the most. How to give up all that industrial bakery? Easy, it's the sweet kiss of death, and I neither want it nor need it.

       And the light was made in my brain

      When I began my research on how food could affect my migraines, I read that one of the advantages of removing gluten from my diet was to provide me with exceptional mental clarity, as it was. But I admit that then I laughed: what was that "mental clarity"? Did not he enjoy it already? Well, no, although I thought so.

      How to explain? Suddenly I felt as if they were taking out the billet that had been in my brain for decades. Yes, that is, a heavy, coarse, and very cement-filled billet stuck to my cranial cavity. Now my mind was seized by clarity, transparency, luminosity ... had returned to the origin, home. Today I still sometimes stop to appreciate this renewed mental condition and I thank God for having shown me the way.

      I feel that I have circulated all my life with the hand brake thrown. What liberation! But that is something that I could only realize once I abandoned cereals and gluten, in addition to reducing the intake of carbohydrates. Go change.

      Suddenly, my brain was rid of a mental "fog", of dispersion, and of an eternal latent headache. Suddenly, I realized that I had lived with a cloudy, hesitant, scattered, dense brain ... And I know it because I reached pristine mental clarity suddenly. The light was made. Only then did I understand the concept of "mental fog" that had overshadowed my brain for decades, just as fog eclipses London in winter. It is something that can not be explained and that you have to experience it for yourself.

      Oh, my God, that day the light was made!

      I had lived in the dark, in the mental fog, for decades, I had become accustomed and I thought it was normal. I went from black and white to color!

      Thanks to that I have discarded the cereal from my diet, and with it the gluten, my energy levels have risen as before I did not know and my headaches have been reduced in number and intensity to the ridiculous. Reader, you do not know what it is to get out of bed with an incipient headache, knowing already at that time that you will ruin the day completely.

      I lived in misery for years. Today that is history. It's over.

      Anyway, I think I'm already wasting your time insisting with so many explanations. I know that everyone tells the party as it goes, and that my problem may not be yours. But believe me when I tell you that the number one enemy of humanity is modern cereals. I believe that none of their irrelevant benefits can compensate for how much they hurt us; Remember that at a nutritional level they are not great either, and create too many problems to be able to afford to consume them.


      In summary

      To conclude, I will tell you that many of the most frequent diseases today have to do with the consumption of wheat and other grains laden with gluten and lectins.

      Only by eliminating this group of foods, one takes a huge step in improving health. But if you want to go a little further in intestinal health, you can try to eliminate the consumption of carbohydrates in general. It is not advice, but an option.


      The modern cereal = the modern plague

      The next time you consume a food made with modern wheat think about everything you just read. Think about what you are doing to your body. Remember the effects that your consumption can have on your health.

      Let's remember them ... The glycemic index will rise, the blood sugar. You will promote cavities in your teeth and the growth of the wheat belly. You will score a few more points in the race towards diabetes. You will spoil your digestive system, altering the immune system, and allowing dangerous toxins to reach your brain. You will live with a permanent mental fog (which you only identify when you leave gluten).

      Oh, and I forgot the incapacitating headaches, specific episodes of depression and anxiety. Besides the addiction to cereal will create an uncontrolled appetite, eat more, and store more fat, opposing obesity and diabetes. And you will lay the foundations for a senile dementia in some of its variants.

      Desolation panorama. All for a piece of bread.

      Do not underestimate the cereal threat.

      If in your case, you suffer from headaches, try this (it's free): stop taking gluten for a month and then analyze how it went. You have nothing to lose and much to win. Get rid of the idea that modern cereal is a food. Disable "the cereal threat." Recognize and overcome your addiction.

      And, please, stop telling yourself that you can not.

      Of course you can.

      I've been able to.

Part III


      The Attack of the Histaminosis

      If you have a migraine do not focus on the effects, there is always an underlying cause and a lot of possible triggers, and when you find out the cause and identify the triggers, you can work to solve the problem.

      Headache and intolerance to histamine (histaminosis or IH) sometimes go hand in hand.

      Now, tell me if ever:

       Have you had sudden and unexplained headaches?

       Have you ever had a headache within a few minutes of eating?

       Have you guessed that there are certain foods that "give you a headache"?

      If you have answered "yes" to these questions, you are probably intolerant to histamine. It is not a disease but it is the symptom of a problem of intolerance. If you have a headache, or any of the symptoms in the list below, read this chapter and you will understand what might be happening.

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