The Enlightened Coach. Raimon Samsó

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The Enlightened Coach - Raimon Samsó

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that, before birth, and before “falling asleep through your life,” you placed an alarm clock set at the half-point of your dreams, so that it would go off precisely at this point of your life, interrupting your sleep. Well, this book is that alarm clock. And you are reading it at exactly the right moment to discover your life’s “instruction manual,” which you have been seeking for so long.

      This book shows you the path to freedom from ego, limitations, suffering, separation, and conflict... in the most simple and easy to understand manner, following the fundamental concepts of a thousand-year path of wisdom: the Vedanta Advaita.

      The author, with simple and brief language, which is quite easy to understand, explains how to pass from darkness to illumination. Without the need of gurus, masters, rites, retreats, practices, renunciations... and, of course, without you having to become a weird individual for your social circle, or a recluse of a Satsang. The author proposes an immediate, low cost enlightenment,

      and accessible for the individual who leads an urban life in the western hemisphere. It clearly exposes you to the mysteries of Hindi Mysticism, even if you are a layman and only reading about it for the first time.

      This is a book for your immediate spiritual awakening.

      Learn to live from a state of Grace, in which everything occurs easily. Through this work, you will reach the end of the collective dream that you have lived in; and finally see, clearly, who you are, and your unique purpose on this planet. If you have ever wondered:

      How does life work? Here is the answer.

      This book solves forever three problems related to:




      While reading and comprehending this book, you will reach ten milestones:

      1 Revealing your real identity

      2 Discovering the purpose of your existence

      3 Knowing the only decision that you must make

      4 Granting you a boundless freedom

      5 Dispensing with the approval of others

      6 Dissolving the lack of self-esteem

      7 Banishing suffering

      8 Ending insecurity and loneliness

      9 Passing from victimization to inner power

      10 Doing less and achieving more

      Discover your purpose and which is the only decision you must make to be boundlessly free.

       Raimon Samso is the author of: “The Manifestation Code” (Ediciones Obelisco) and another 25 works, some of which have been bestsellers in the consciousness and abundance areas. To learn more about the author, visit his main website:



      This book is a manual for enlightenment.

      You may ask, in what way is it a manual? Well, its main objective is mental training. While you read this book, you will be training towards a way of thinking completely different than the one the world has taught you to employ. Its result is, inevitably, enlightenment, because it will invite you to awaken from the dream in which humanity slumbers.

      Far from being a procedural instrument, instructions, or guidelines, this work reveals the author’s experience as a consciousness coach. Its contents demand more practical proof than mental understanding, and more ability than intelligence. It is not a book to be wholly understood, but rather a tool to understand one’s self.

      To me, an enlightened individual is the one who has learned to know their self. Period. It is that simple: an enlightened individual is a person that has awaken from the slumber of ego, and has, for the first time, recognized their own state of being. I have, in a single paragraph, described the essence of the book; I assure you and encourage, however, since I am certain that you would like to learn more, to please continue reading.

      As you know, one light will light another light.

      In my case, I was fortunate enough to embrace Amma Sri Mata Amritanan - damayi Devi, known throughout the world as Amma, or Mother, for her disinterested love and compassion towards all beings. Amma has dedicated her entire life to alleviate the pain of the poor, and the physically and emotionally disabled. This woman inspires and transforms with her bodily embrace (visit Embracing the World, her NGO).

      Amma visited Barcelona several times; and once, when she was dispensing embraces to those who needed them (which she did for days, in a sporting arena filled to the brim with people), I was fortunate enough to receive my Darshan. To be hugged by Amma! Even though I held no expectations, nor felt any devotion for her, I must say that, in her arms, I could feel infinite love in the same instant in which our hearts were joined.

      In her arms, I discovered non-space and non-time, as well as unconditional love. And the certainty that I had with her was that I would return that immeasurable emotion on the day that I leave this life; I felt that love was what would await me upon my passing, and that I wanted to feel that sensation again, because it was real, because it felt like home. Amma extinguished my sense of bewilderment outright. All of this happened in merely seconds (no further time was required).

      And this absolute and instant certainty has accompanied me ever since. True story.

      For two seconds I had been awake or enlightened.

      Years before, I had felt something similar. One day, during my daily routines, I suddenly and spontaneously visualised a church confessional, which I entered. Instantly, I was surrounded by an inextinguishable, penetrating and loving light, without space or time, with intense warmth and brightness which, for the first time, made me feel what Love really was. Even though I experienced this ever so briefly, that unequivocal sensation of freedom from all limitations has always been with me.

      Since then, I have felt very sure about myself, even at times of general uncertainty and change. It is something that stays with you forever. That certainty has allowed me to dare to try or face anything; because I know who walks beside me.

      For another two seconds, I was again awake. Two plus two: a grand total of four seconds of enlightenment.

      I assure you that this is more than enough to last a whole lifetime. Because it is not a matter of how long this enlightenment is, but rather about the eternal emotional footprint it marks in you.

      That is how it happened, in my case. I unmasked my ego in my practice as a coach, which is why I titled this book “The Enlightened Coach.” However, what you will discover can be applied to anyone, whatever their livelihood or lifestyle.

      This is not a book for coaches, consultants, or mentors... this is a book for anyone born on this planet who aspires to have a meaningful life. This book is for anyone who believes that there needs to be

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