The Enlightened Coach. Raimon Samsó

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The Enlightened Coach - Raimon Samsó

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      In the “awakened people” level, it is not enough to improve the “penitentiary conditions.” All that matters is getting out of jail. To awaken, to free one’s self from self-inflicted slavery. To end with the nightmare once and for all. These people are free because they have ended the causes for slavery. Their life in the world is not better or worse, but it is real.

      Reader, the freedom you seek does not allow for compromises, negotiations or lowering of minimums. What you seek is so grand that it will only be possible when you abandon the immense misunderstanding that makes you think that you are separate, and when you are able to discover your real identity. The person who you have believed to be will never be free, because its nature is limitation. Only by transcending the mental construct of ego will you ever find green pastures.

      There is a step prior to awakening: for your dreams and/or nightmares to become happy dreams. It is necessary, because the former are closer to the light than the latter.

      Remember “The Matrix,” (a great movie you should see if you have not). The main character, Neo, is given 2 options: to choose the blue pill or choose the red pill.

      With the blue pill, Neo will be hypnotized in the world, projecting there what he decides to believe, and thus creating his own “reality.” As he ascends in his level of consciousness, he will purge the projected dream. He will live in a world of duality and separation, and will not realize that his mind gives form to matter.

      With the red pill, Neo will acknowledge himself and exit the dream. There, he will interrupt the projection, which will come to be an extension of consciousness. He will wake up. He will perceive from unity, and not from duality. He will be in the world, but will know that it is not a creation of his own mind. In the worst case, he will live in a lucid dream from which he will be able to awaken to reality.

      Reader, this book is your red pill: if you carry on, you will see what is happening behind the curtain, and will have to make a choice. A single, unique choice. You will have two options, ignore what I will reveal to you, and continue to believe whatever you want to believe; or wake up and discover what it’s all about.

       The enlightened coach does not settle for working with other people in matters of the middle column. That is work material for the conventional coach. The conscious coach looks beyond, focusing on the third column... working toward the awakening of his client. His support does not serve to create more happy dreams within the slumber, but to finally awaken. The enlightened coach only has one objective in mind: awakening.

      The path of enlightenment is elegant and simple: it consists of dismantling the fabricated identity. From there, the “Being” is revealed.



      We live in a dreamscape mental state.

      We continually seek arguments that reinforce such a state. The dream is self-nourishing. On the other hand, our civilization tries to convince itself, by religion, that we are far removed from God. However, it escapes no one that this theme is no more than the will to retain humanity in that Matrix, employing the invisible tool of fear.

      The “spiritual supermarket” is full of “spiritual junk food;” being honest, a lot of greasy “fast food” lacking nutrients. I am sure that, as it has happened to me, they have tried to sell you a ton of methods to achieve realization. I bet that, related to awakening and enlightenment, you have heard that they are alike reaching nirvana on Earth, that you will levitate.

      All of these are commercial ruses of “wandering happiness salesmen” or “spiritual charlatans.” We are all overly familiar with people who say what you want to hear. People who dare to offer the effects you seek, without activating the necessary causes. The bottom line is that these people offer you methods for better and deeper slumber, to sleep more comfortably.

      It is pure “spiritual trilerism.” Which beaker holds realization? You will never know. The game of ego is based on cheating. Your trilerist ego is fooling you. Your ego, to avoid your awakening, has created the mental idea that waking up is a matter of effort, that it takes time, that it is difficult... It has turned awakening into a new dream, “the spiritual ego’s dream;” it has generated a new obstacle so that you do not do without it, ditching it all together.

      The greatest obstacle to awakening is the idealization of awakening really means.

      The ego will do anything so that you remain in slumber, even promising the moon or nirvana, if that is what it takes. It will don a tunic and use spiritual language without knowing its true meaning. It will take you to a hall of mirrors, where several “yous” will confuse you as to your real identity. It will practice “spiritual trilerism” with you.

      The spiritual ego is even more dormant than conventional ego.

      Awakening is not entering nirvana. In truth, people who awaken continue to walk the surface of the planet, and have normal lives, but they no longer seek anything. Awakening does not lead to inexhaustible joy, internal ecstasy, nor perfection. Obviously, they experiment peace, certainty, truth... but this is a natural consequence of their new perceptive state.

      Awakening is not...

       Absolute joy



       Renouncing the world


       Being super positive


       Feeling better

       Absence of challenges

       Mystical experiences

       Activation of Holy Powers


      Awakening leads to knowing who or what you are; that is more than enough.

      Once awake, you will not care for whatever kept you awake before. You will enter a state of Grace (which I will delve into at the end of the book, meanwhile, be patient and follow me)...

      For the time being, my best advice to awaken is to renounce your attempts to feel better with whatever it is you are facing now. Try to renounce the “self” that believes that things must improve or be very different. Do not try to awaken to feel better, or to try to solve a problem related to your slumber. Because, at the end of the day, trying to satisfy your ego is to believe in its supposed needs. That would be like wrapping one dream into another, but not awakening. Tell me what you prefer: to return to reality or feel better within the fantasy?

      I have two good questions, with their corresponding answers:

      1 Who awakens? Not ego, of course, since ego is the made-up character of slumber, the hero o all the adventures in the world of things. Let us say that Presence becomes conscious of itself through your consciousness or nervous system. The observer recognizes himself through the instrument they use: the mind.

      2 Awaken

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