The Enlightened Coach. Raimon Samsó

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The Enlightened Coach - Raimon Samsó

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would be to live free of objectives. And become an “objectiveless enlightened coach.” Period.

      You may be wondering: How do I practice having no objectives? I will give you a few hints:

       By asking myself: What drives me to achieve it?

       Accepting that I never know what is best for myself.

       Giving all my steps to love, and letting Him guide me.

       Not making decisions for my own benefit.

       Not worrying about how the slumber ends.

       Accepting that there are some dreams better than others, because they are all unreal.

       Not playing my ego’s game.

       Letting myself care little for what people think of me.

      Let me share with you a most interesting fact:

       As an enlightened coach, I was going to set for myself the sole objective of not having objectives. That, in our Western Civilization, is a very provocative paradoxical idea. But, since I have always been contrary to the norm, and I have done very well for myself, I destroyed one of my professional roles (as a coach) and let a new form of facing the search for success kick in, without setting so many objectives. Every time I reached a milestone, I reinvented to reach the next one without falling asleep in the laurels of self-complacency. The best way to succeed more is to question success itself.

      I insist that being an “objectiveless coach” requires a lot of vigilance, discipline, and work, so as to not fall into self-complacency and laziness. It is not about letting go of yourself, but rather committing to your “real self.” If humanity had the internal discipline to recognize itself on a daily basis, this book would be completely unnecessary.

      Do not forget: we are trained to live in collective hypnosis, believing that happiness depends on achieving something on our own. We have been instructed in the culture of doing, not in the culture of being.

      There is something better to “do and achieve,” and it requires that we “be and achieve.”

      In that new stadium of leit motiv consciousness, chasing objectives is replaced by being the objective. In the end, you discover that being is enough to have all doors open to achieve what you most desire. Minimum consciousness, minimum results; maximum consciousness, maximum results.

      So now, my dear reader, my only objective is to stay awake and not fall back into the slumber that decrees that I have to achieve something on my own, because that will improve my life. I recognize that this lucidity requires much more of me than achieving goals.

      Now, the challenge is to achieve everything by doing nothing.



      My dream is to make enlightenment less of a divine idea, and bring it down to nearer to the ground.

      Perhaps some will be upset because I use the term “enlightenment” frivolously, and maybe they are partly right in their reaction. But realize that it is another notion inside an intricate maze of concepts sustained by words that seek to apprehend reality. Something that twice distances us from reality: concepts and words.

      Take note that the notion of using “enlightenment” with reverence supposes marking distances and creating separation, perhaps for not feeling as deserving of that condition.

      Much has been written about enlightenment, and I am perhaps the least appropriate author to make new contributions to the subject. I am not a mystic, an ascetic, nor a guru... I am simply an author who wishes to propose within his books a very personal vision of life. With this “low-cost enlightenment manual,” I seek to guide you towards the doors of your awakening. If you have a simple insight, I will be pleased. Enlightenment is a recognition, it is neither a change nor an achievement.

      “Premium Enlightenment,” consisting in being awake 100% of the time, is something that I will discuss in a future book (if I ever get to experience that state of continuous alertness first hand); even though I intuit that such a level of vibration may be a threat for the physical body, that it could not be stabilized for long, and that it would run the undeniable risk of short-circuit.

      So let us leave that aside for the time being. For now, we will focus on “low-cost enlightenment” (plainly “enlightenment,” from here on), which consists of brief and spaced insights of transitory lucidity.

       Premium Enlightenment: limitless lucidity.

       Low-cost Enlightenment: instants of lucidity.

      Therein the use of the term “low-cost,” as insight, epiphany or momentary revelation. And do not worry about the brevity of its duration: although you may awaken only for a nanosecond, and then return to slumber, rest assured that you may never again forget the certainty that lies on this other manner of being a part of the world. In the future, you will return more frequently to that moment of insight.

      Throughout this book I will repeat that enlightenment is to awaken, and that event will not demand any effort (only the ego will make and effort and tire, but enlightenment is not a matter of ego). Since it simply entails realization, it also entails a low cost. Capisci?

      But do not confuse the low-cost with it having no value. The value of self-revealing is, in itself, absolute. Do not confuse value with price.

      Neither me, nor anyone else, can tell you who you are, since you would not believe it; you must find out for yourself at some point in your life on this plane. This is the sole purpose of life in this world: to awaken your real identity. I just solved your problem of finding a purpose in your life. There you have it, there is no other.

      Once more: low-cost enlightenment is to realize, to be conscious, drop the curtain, understand... without the need to do anything else, without the need for anything else to happen. It is easy to understand that this is a path without distance, since it will take us to ourselves, where we already were, but now, feeling very differently. Enlightenment is simply a recognition. It cannot be a change, neither small nor big, since what is already perfect cannot change to be something else.

      Enlightenment means to be in the world, but not belong to it.

      Is being more conscious enough to lead an enlightened life? I believe it is merely the first step. A mental state, however advanced, is nothing more than understanding; an enlightened life transcends the mind, and reaches the observer of the mind.

      Enlightenment is synonymous with defacing the illusion of separation.

      Enlightenment is to bring a little light to wherever one may be. How important it is to be a point of light in the world. Light benefits all those who approach it.

      Following the metaphor of “The Matrix,” it is time to choose: Go get yourself a glass of water.

      Blue Pill: the ego, duality, the separate mind that projects

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