The Enlightened Coach. Raimon Samsó

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The Enlightened Coach - Raimon Samsó

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There is nothing that can damage him.

      You will verify that I repeat some fundamental concepts, modifying their formulation, in several chapters. I do so deliberately, so that the secrets offered in this book are understood and, by repetition, the reader can learn them.

      You cannot conform yourself with simply reading this book: you must also experience it, put it into practice. All information is composed of second-hand notions, while experience is first-hand knowledge. While you read it, observe and recognise within yourself that which you have read. The text is like a piece of clothing: put it on, feel it against your skin, see how it looks.

      I do not recommend reading this book while your ego seats beside you. It was not written for your ego. Give your ego the day off; ego cannot be enlightened, because it is an obstacle for the light.

      I do not want this book to entail a mental exercise, it makes no sense to read it from start to finish to agree or disagree with it. Nor to reaffirm that you may have learned in the past. By experience, I know that almost everyone wants results without payment, without making the necessary effort, completely free of charge. This manual for enlightenment has a low-cost, but it does have a price. The price is to stop being your “own self,” which is not asking too much, and let go of the script that tells you how the world and its inhabitants must be.

      There are people who have read some of my books and ask: Now what do I do? Or worse still: Why don’t you write another book explaining how to put this book into practice? My answer is that nothing needs to be done, that is why there is no homework. These people have read from their ego, who thinks that the books have to solve their lives.

      When I was a conventional coach, I gave out tasks, or “homework,” designed agendas and action plans... no more, as an “enlightened coach,” I only propose consciousness. No more, no less.

      What I can assure you of is that, when you have awaken, everything will clear up on its own. When you stop struggling to solve your life, all your doubts will be resolved (you were not born to perfect or solve your life).

      And remember: you can read a medication label a thousand times, but you will never benefit from it if you do not take the medication. Do not simply settle with reading this book, it is better if you “take it” daily. Words are not enough, nothing will beat your personal experience. I cannot convince you of who or what you are, eventually, you will have to experiment to find out.

      And, a final tale: one morning, in December 2017, in which I had finished writing this book, with the last paragraph of the last chapter, my eyes filled with tears. Not because I had achieved a goal... what this book describes is not even mine - but rather for the beauty of the three final chapters, that completely overwhelmed me with emotion.

      I do not know if everything you will read is the truth, but I offer it anyway, because I believe it to be.

       Raimon Samso, entrepreneurial author.



      Let us clear things up as soon as possible, in this book, you will not find guidelines to improve.

      If you have had enough of reading about personal improvement, then you already have the resources, and I am sure that you are not looking for more of the same. You already have a “tuned self,” but now you want a “real self.” I would like to think that you are arriving at this book with a good part of the tasks already performed and, in consequence, expect much more than fancy words and grandiose promises.

      We are not going to embellish your world, we are going to turn it upside down.

      I will be radical: the personal improvement and empowering techniques start from an unreal point. They fundamentally need someone who is, supposedly, imperfect, and seeking to find the path which will lead them to perfection. With that epic end in mind, the individual will search and search, lost in a thousand pathways to nowhere. They will try to give form (personal) to that which has no form (impersonal), in an attempt to improve themselves.

      The answers you seek are in another level of consciousness. There is no solution to the problems created within that same level of perception. A higher, or more elevated, perspective is required. This book will provide you with a 360° vision of yourself. Moreover: you will gain an overhead vision of yourself.

      Here, the error is double. When the ego manifests the will to pass to something better, on the one hand it is assuming its impossible perfection; and on the other, it invents a “process” to try to maintain control. It will call it a Sadhana process, and be happy about it. This is known as “spiritual ego” in the “spiritual bypass,” a very mental posture that rationalizes everything: it invites you to search, so that you may find nothing. It is a “pointless search,” so that you will need it forever.

      There is a “self” that appears to need great improvement, but the good news is that such a “self” is not real.

      The enlightened coach arrives at the conclusion that every single one of these concepts...

       personal reinvention,

       personal improvement,

       personal growth,

       personal design,

       human spiritual evolution,

       the best version of the “self,”

       improving self-esteem,

       etc., etc., etc.

      ... are bullshit. That is why the enlightened coach does not want to improve. Improve who?

      For him or her, these notions make no sense. All of this confuses people who believe that by rebuilding or strengthening their ego, they will stop having certain problems... when, in fact, these problems are created, precisely, by their own ego! In fact: ego is the source of all their problems!

      And their grand idea is to strengthen that ego! It would be like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.

      Only a human being who does not know their “self” perceives it as weak, and attempts to empower it.

      Ego will decide to search for an ally or a necessary accomplice: a conventional coach that inflates the bubble of your fantasies. What will happen with conventional coaching is that your ego will redesign itself, it will change its aspect, it will embellish or tune itself as a race car. It is all conceptual cosmetics, spiritual junk. A self-deception to think that you are going somewhere, when in fact the only thing you are doing is going around in circles around the same thing (albeit with enormous effort).

      The huge problem of humanity is, precisely, that people have invented an illusory identity which they protect and nurture. They spend their whole lives trying to generate something constructive from that humongous mountain of intertwined concepts.


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