Heterosexual Histories. Группа авторов

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Heterosexual Histories - Группа авторов NYU Series in Social and Cultural Analysis

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worried that male rakes and profligates might corrupt other young men who kept company with them. Yet they also believed that men could influence each other for good, quelling their corrupt tendencies and appealing to each other’s potential for virtue—despite a new thread of anxiety about male desire that wove its way across the Atlantic. By the early eighteenth century, there had emerged in London a distinct subculture that catered to men seeking sexual intimacy with members of the same sex; such men could meet in specific parks or taverns, the latter known as “molly” houses because of the self-consciously effeminate and often cross-dressing men who frequented such establishments. Lurid descriptions of these gathering places appeared in printed accounts of police raids on such establishments and transformed sodomy from an indistinct threat, often associated with foreigners, to a much more immediate and concrete phenomenon. At the same time, the notion of sodomy as an immoral act that anyone might be tempted to engage in was giving way to the image of the sodomite, a distinct social category referring to a specific cadre of men consistently attracted to other men. Some scholars have argued that these developments made men much more reluctant to express affection that might be confused with sexual interest, so that by the middle of the eighteenth century, Englishmen were shaking each other’s hands rather than embracing and kissing each other.35

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