Heterosexual Histories. Группа авторов

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Heterosexual Histories - Группа авторов NYU Series in Social and Cultural Analysis

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loving same-sex friendships and happily made room for them as a personal, social, and political good.42


      That daunting yet exciting project of reconstructing the “cultural poetics of desire” by which people lived in the past has important implications for historians of modern sexuality. Scholars working on the experience, articulation, and policing of heterosexuality in the modern United States and Europe should consider that the rest of the world, including large numbers of migrants making their way into Western countries, do not necessarily think about sex in the same way (even as Western values seek to establish cultural hegemony across the globe). In an era of massive migration, the paradigm of sexuality that took hold in the twentieth-century West now coexists alongside very different models for making sense of love and desire. Meanwhile, alternative ways of understanding and evaluating sexuality articulated by theorists, evangelicals, and many young people who embrace a much more fluid sense of their sexual identities are creating an even more variegated and volatile cultural landscape. Heterosexuality is not only a recent and idiosyncratic phenomenon but may also turn out to be much more fragile and transient than we often assume.


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