Heterosexual Histories. Группа авторов

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Heterosexual Histories - Группа авторов NYU Series in Social and Cultural Analysis

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the sexual boundaries of the nation.”24

      While nonwhites have not had an equal place to whites in the nation, they have at least had the possibility of inclusion if they adhered to heteronormative conventions through same-race marriages and nuclear family formation. Indeed, understanding how “regimes of normative heterosexuality create hegemonic and subordinate forms of heterosexuality” requires that we also explore how blacks, Asians, and other racialized communities viewed cross-racial relationships. Communities of color participated in the construction of a heteronormative order that stigmatized interracial relationships even if their full inclusion in that order remained elusive. That has been the case whether they have sought to further themselves on the basis of their similarity to white Americans or whether they have sought power and purchase in the nation on the basis of their differences from whites.

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