Heterosexual Histories. Группа авторов

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Heterosexual Histories - Группа авторов NYU Series in Social and Cultural Analysis

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Arkansas Constitutional Convention joined white delegates in voting to condemn “all amalgamation . . . legitimate or illegitimate.”35 Black club women in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries promoted “ladylike” behavior and sexual self-control as a way for black women to challenge the “myth of black promiscuity,” a myth fueled by even consensual interracial relationships.36 The impulse to associate interracial relationships with immorality and to condemn them as detrimental to the race continued well into the twentieth century. “All decent colored people disapprove of mixed marriages,” a self-described “Loyal American Negro Mother” wrote in 1949, while the black sociologists St. Clair Drake and Horace R. Cayton Jr. found in their 1945 study of black Chicago that having a white spouse could hurt blacks’ social position with other blacks.37 Blacks or other racial groups who sought to normalize their racial difference by publicly performing heteronormativity tended to be wary of cross-racial relationships.38

      Deviant or Other? The Visibility

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