Heterosexual Histories. Группа авторов

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Heterosexual Histories - Группа авторов NYU Series in Social and Cultural Analysis

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of normative heterosexuality tell us that there are many ways to be a “bad” heterosexual. While the invention and institutionalization of heterosexuality served most powerfully to regulate and stigmatize same-sex acts, it also created hierarchies that privileged heterosexuals who were involved in monogamous, gender-conventional, long-term (preferably married) relationships based on love over those who engaged in casual sex or commercial sex, who had multiple partners, or who in some ways challenged gender norms. As Steven Seidman argues, “normative heterosexuality not only establishes hierarchy with homosexuals, but creates hierarchy among heterosexualities” as well.48 Interracial couples might be considered the poster children for deviant heterosexuality; adhering to heteronormative conventions has done little to normalize them historically.

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