Biogeography. Группа авторов

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Biogeography - Группа авторов

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that the “redundant” distribution of species 1 and 2 in area A (Figure 2.2(a)) must be modeled as resulting from duplication within a widespread ancestor (ABCD), followed by extinction in part of the ancestral range (BCD). In DIVA, areas can be gained and lost along the branches of the phylogeny and their relationships do not need to follow a branching pattern. The overlapping distributions of species 1 and 2 are explained by dispersal to A along the internal branch, after the initial vicariance event that divided widespread ancestor 11 in ABCD (Figure 2.2(d)), and followed by a second vicariance event in widely distributed ancestor 9. DIVA is thus suited for reconstructing “reticulate” scenarios, in which area relationships are not dichotomous but resemble a network, with repeated cycles of dispersal and vicariance events. One example of such scenario is the Northern Hemisphere geological history, where the paleocontinents now forming Eurasia and North America recurrently merged and split during the last 150 Mya (Sanmartín et al. 2001). Yet, DIVA loses power and can give improbable biogeographic events when used in predominantly vicariant scenarios.

      Conversely, TreeFitter is statistically more powerful to reconstruct area relationships that fit the vicariance pattern, such as the hierarchical fragmentation of the Gondwanan supercontinent (Sanmartín and Ronquist 2004). Another difference is the treatment of duplication events. In TreeFitter, duplication of ranges involving more than one area is allowed, but only if the widespread range forms an ancestral area in the area cladogram (e.g. ABCD or BCD in Figure 2.2(c)); alternative ancestral ranges such as ACD will not be accepted. DIVA accepts any combination of areas as ancestral ranges; however, as in Fitch Parsimony, duplication can only affect single areas. As a result, and unless geological constraints are used, DIVA reconstructions do not include extinction events (Kodandaramaiah 2010).

Schematic illustration of TreeFitter reconstruction among areas of endemism in Mexico.

      While EBMs have now been superseded by parametric probabilistic approaches that integrate the time dimension (see below), they remain popular in fields where molecular data is not available, such as paleontology (Prieto-Marquez 2010; Upchurch et al. 2015). Treefitter is also used in host–parasite coevolution studies (Quinn et al. 2013). Using large datasets of phylogenetic and distributional data, event-based methods have been used to test broad-scale dispersal and vicariance hypotheses (Sanmartín et al. 2001; Donoghue and Smith 2004; Sanmartín and Ronquist 2004; Bremer and Jansen 2006). Figure 2.3 shows an example of this kind of analysis.

      2.3. From parsimony-based to semiparametric approaches

      Incorporating phylogenetic uncertainty in EBMs is relatively straightforward: run the analysis over a distribution of trees that represent the level of clade support in the phylogeny; this distribution can be obtained from bootstrap pseudoreplication or a Bayesian posterior probability distribution. Non-bifurcating nodes (polytomies) and nodes with low clade support can then be associated with low support for ancestral ranges. In Nylander et al.’s (2008) Bayes-DIVA method, DIVA parsimony-based reconstructions are averaged over a distribution of trees representing the posterior probability obtained from a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. Figure 2.4 gives an example. Node “X” is a highly supported clade including three species distributed in areas C, B and A. Phylogenetic relationships in the rest of the tree are uncertain and vary over the Bayesian sample of trees, including the potential sister-group. For example, the stem or parent node of X (“Y” in Figure 2.4) has as the other descendant: “D” in tree 1, “E” in tree 2 and “F(ED)” in tree 3. Each of these tree topologies has a different posterior probability (PP) value. Because in Bayesian inference (BI), the frequency with which a tree is sampled in the analysis is proportional to its posterior probability (Ronquist 2004), the nodal ancestral area reconstructions in Bayes-DIVA can be interpreted as “marginal probabilities” (i.e. the different wedges in the pie chart in Figure 2.4). In other words, averaging DIVA reconstructions over a Bayesian sample of trees gives us estimates of ancestral ranges at nodes that are marginalized over the variation in the remainder tree topology. Notice that DIVA does not integrate branch length information, so the only parameter that is marginalized is the tree topology; in this sense, Bayes-DIVA can be considered an empirical Bayesian method (Nylander et al. 2008). It is also a semiparametric model since it contains a parametric (Bayesian phylogenetic inference) and a nonparametric (parsimony biogeographic inference) component. Another important distinction is given by tree 4: Pagel et al.’s (2004) definition of a “floating node”. Trees containing different definitions (bipartitions) of node X (tree 4, PP = 0.10) are excluded from the marginal estimations for that node in Bayes-DIVA: that is, the wedges in the pie chart sum to 0.90 (Figure 2.4). In other words, Bayes-DIVA uses a node-to-node approach in accounting for phylogenetic

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