Biogeography. Группа авторов

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Biogeography - Группа авторов

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(X) will be used in the estimation of ancestral-range marginal probabilities.

Schematic illustration of accounting for phylogenetic uncertainty.

      Nylander et al. (2008) demonstrated that accounting for phylogenetic uncertainty may also reduce biogeographic uncertainty: that is, for a given node, some ancestral ranges that were equally optimal in DIVA will be associated with higher marginal probabilities in the Bayes-DIVA analysis; in Figure 2.4, the ancestral range for node X that receives the highest marginal probability is A.

      2.4. A new revolution: parametric approaches in biogeography

      The last decade has witnessed the introduction of parametric approaches in biogeography without the biases inherent in the parsimony framework (Ronquist and Sanmartín 2011). A common feature of these methods is the use of statistical probabilistic models, whose variables or parameters are quantifiable biogeographic processes that are dependent on time. Thus, in addition to the tree topology and tip distributions, parametric models incorporate a third source of information: branch lengths – measured in numbers or units of time – provide direct evidence on the rate or probability of geographic evolution. Longer branches imply a higher probability of change in the geographic range than shorter branches do. As more time elapses since the divergence of the species from its ancestor, there is more opportunity for biogeographic change (by dispersal, extinction or range expansion) along the branch. Branch lengths also inform on the certainty or degree of error in biogeographic inference: a species subtended by a long branch would be associated with a higher uncertainty about its ancestral range than one subtended by a short branch (Sanmartín 2020).

      Figure 2.5 provides an example of the parametric approach. In biogeography, the states of the stochastic CTMC process that governs range evolution are the set of discrete geographic areas that form the distribution range of a taxon (e.g. A, AB, B). The rates of transition or change between states in the CTMC process (e.g. A to B), within an infinitesimal amount of time (dt), are governed by the so-called instantaneous rate matrix Q, which has as parameters biogeographic processes that determine the probability of range evolution as a function of time, for example, dispersal, extinction, speciation. Given a phylogeny with time-calibrated branch lengths, tip distributions coded as discrete entities

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