Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses. Группа авторов

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Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses - Группа авторов

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ad‐ at, increase, on, toward adduction aden(o)‐, aden(i)‐ of or relating to a gland adenocarcinoma, adenology, adenotome, adenotyphus adip(o)‐ of or relating to fat or fatty tissue adipocyte ad lib. ad libitum to the desired amount adren(o)‐ of or relating to adrenal glands adrenal artery ‐aemia blood condition anaemia aer(o)‐ air, gas aerosinusitis ‐aesthesi(o)‐ sensation anaesthesia alb‐ denoting a white or pale colour albino ‐alge(si)‐ pain analgesic ‐algia, ‐alg(i)o‐ pain myalgia all(o‐) denoting something as different, or as an addition alloantigen, allopathy ambi‐ denoting something as positioned on both sides ambidextrous amni‐ pertaining to the membranous fetus sac (amnion) amniocentesis ana‐ back, again, up anaplasia andr(o)‐ pertaining to a man android, andrology angi(o)‐ blood vessel angiogram ankyl(o)‐, ancyl(o)‐ denoting something as crooked or bent ankylosis ante‐ describing something as positioned in front of another thing antepartum anti‐ describing something as ‘against’ or ‘opposed to’ another antibody, antipsychotic arteri(o)‐ of or pertaining to an artery arteriole, arterial arthr(o)‐ of or pertaining to the joints, limbs arthritis articul(o)‐ joint articulation ‐ase enzyme lactase ‐asthenia weakness myasthenia gravis ather(o)‐ fatty deposit, soft gruel‐like deposit atherosclerosis atri(o)‐ an atrium (especially heart atrium) atrioventricular aur(i)‐ of or pertaining to the ear aural aut(o)‐ self autoimmune axill‐ of or pertaining to the armpit (uncommon as a prefix) axilla b.d. or b.i.d. bis in die twice a day bi‐ twice, double binary bio‐ life biology blephar(o)‐ of or pertaining to the eyelid blepharoplast brachi(o)‐ of or relating to the arm brachium of inferior colliculus brady‐ slow bradycardia bronch(i)‐ bronchus bronchiolitis obliterans bucc(o)‐ of or pertaining to the cheek buccolabial burs(o)‐ bursa (fluid sac between the bones) bursitis c. cum with carcin(o)‐ cancer carcinoma cardi(o)‐ of or pertaining to the heart cardiology carp(o)‐ of or pertaining to the wrist carpopedal ‐cele pouching, hernia hydrocele, varicocele ‐centesis surgical puncture for aspiration amniocentesis cephal(o)‐ of or pertaining to the head (as a whole) cephalalgy cerebell(o)‐ of or pertaining to the cerebellum cerebellum cerebr(o)‐ of or pertaining to the brain

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