Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses. Группа авторов

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Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses - Группа авторов

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new neoplasm nephr(o)‐ of or pertaining to the kidney nephrology neur(i)‐, neur(o)‐ of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system neurofibromatosis normo‐ normal normocapnia ocul(o)‐ of or pertaining to the eye oculist odont(o)‐ of or pertaining to teeth orthodontist odyn(o)‐ pain stomatodynia ‐esophageal, esophag(o)‐ gullet gastroesophageal reflux ‐oid resemblance to sarcoidosis ‐ole small or little arteriole olig(o)‐ denoting something as ‘having little, having few’ oliguria o.m. omni mane every morning ‐oma (sing.), ‐omata (pl.) tumour, mass, collection sarcoma, teratoma o.n. omni nocte every night onco‐ tumour, bulk, volume oncology onych(o)‐ of or pertaining to the nail (of a finger or toe) onychophagy oo‐ of or pertaining to an egg, a woman’s egg, the ovum oogenesis oophor(o)‐ of or pertaining to the woman’s ovary oophorectomy ophthalm(o)‐ of or pertaining to the eye ophthalmology optic(o)‐ of or relating to chemical properties of the eye opticochemical orchi(o)‐, orchid(o)‐, orch(o)‐ testis orchiectomy, orchidectomy ‐osis a condition, disease or increase ichthyosis, psychosis, osteoporosis osseo‐ bony osseous ossi‐ bone peripheral ossifying fibroma ost(e)‐, oste(o)‐ bone osteoporosis ot(o)‐ of or pertaining to the ear otology ovo‐, ovi‐, ov‐ of or pertaining to the eggs, the ovum ovogenesis pachy‐ thick pachyderma paed‐, paedo‐ of or pertaining to the child paediatrics palpebr‐ of or pertaining to the eyelid (uncommon as a root) palpebra pan‐, pant(o)‐ denoting something as ‘complete’ or containing ‘everything’ panophobia, panopticon papill‐ of or pertaining to the nipple (of the chest/breast) papillitis papul(o)‐ indicates papulosity, a small elevation or swelling in the skin, a pimple, swelling papulation para‐ alongside of, abnormal paracyesis ‐paresis slight paralysis hemiparesis parvo‐ small parvovirus path(o)‐ disease pathology ‐pathy denotes (with a negative sense) a disease, or disorder sociopathy, neuropathy p.c. post cibum after food pector‐ breast pectoralgia, pectoriloquy, pectorophony ped‐, ‐ped‐, ‐pes of or pertaining to the foot; ‐footed pedoscope pelv(i)‐, pelv(o)‐ hip bone pelvis ‐penia deficiency osteopenia ‐pepsia denotes something relating to digestion, or the digestive tract dyspepsia peri‐ denoting something with a position ‘surrounding’ or ‘around’ another periodontal ‐pexy fixation nephropexy phaco‐ lens‐shaped

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