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forth haemorrhage ‐rrhagia rapid flow of blood menorrhagia ‐rrhaphy surgical suturing nephrorrhaphy ‐rrhexis rupture karyorrhexis ‐rrhea flowing, discharge diarrhoea ‐rupt break or burst erupt, interrupt salping(o)‐ of or pertaining to tubes, e.g. Fallopian tubes salpingectomy, salpingopharyngeus muscle sangui‐, sanguine‐ of or pertaining to blood exsanguination sarco‐ muscular, flesh‐like sarcoma scler(o)‐ hard scleroderma ‐sclerosis hardening atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis scoli(o)‐ twisted scoliosis ‐scope instrument for viewing stethoscope ‐scopy use of instrument for viewing endoscopy semi‐ one half, partly semiconscious sial(o)‐ saliva, salivary gland sialagogue sigmoid(o)‐ sigmoid, S‐shaped curvature sigmoid colon sinistr(o)‐ left, left side sinistrocardia sinus‐ of or pertaining to the sinus sinusitis somat(o)‐, somatico‐ body, bodily somatic s.o.s. si opus sit if necessary ‐spadias slit, fissure hypospadias, epispadias spasmo‐ spasm spasmodic dysphonia sperma(to)‐, spermo‐ semen, spermatozoa spermatogenesis splen(o)‐ spleen splenectomy spondyl(o)‐ of or pertaining to the spine, the vertebra spondylitis squamos(o)‐ denoting something as ‘full of scales’ or ‘scaly’ squamous cell stat. statim at once ‐stalsis contraction peristalsis ‐stasis stopping, standing cytostasis, homeostasis ‐staxis dripping, trickling epistaxis sten(o)‐ denoting something as ‘narrow in shape’ or pertaining to narrowness stenography ‐stenosis abnormal narrowing in a blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure restenosis, stenosis stomat(o)‐ of or pertaining to the mouth stomatogastric, stomatognathic system ‐stomy creation of an opening colostomy sub‐ beneath subcutaneous tissue super‐ in excess, above, superior superior vena cava supra‐ above, excessive supraorbital vein tachy‐ denoting something as fast, irregularly fast tachycardia ‐tension, ‐tensive pressure hypertension t.d.s. ter die sumendum three times daily tetan‐ rigid, tense tetanus thec‐ case, sheath intrathecal therap‐ treatment hydrotherapy, therapeutic therm(o)‐ heat thermometer t.i.d. ter in die three times daily thorac(i)‐, thorac(o)‐, thoracico‐ of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck thorax thromb(o)‐ of or relating to a blood clot, clotting of blood

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