Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses. Группа авторов

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Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Children's Nurses - Группа авторов

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exo‐ denotes something as ‘outside’ another exoskeleton extra‐ outside extradural haematoma faci(o)‐ of or pertaining to the face facioplegic fibr(o) fibre fibroblast fore‐ before or ahead forehead fossa a hollow or depressed area; trench or channel fossa ovalis front‐ of or pertaining to the forehead frontonasal galact(o)‐ milk galactorrhea gastr(o)‐ of or pertaining to the stomach gastric bypass ‐genic formative, pertaining to producing cardiogenic shock gingiv‐ of or pertaining to the gums gingivitis glauc(o)‐ denoting a grey or bluish‐grey colour glaucoma gloss(o)‐, glott(o)‐ of or pertaining to the tongue glossology gluco‐ sweet glucocorticoid glyc(o)‐ sugar glycolysis ‐gnosis knowledge diagnosis, prognosis gon(o)‐ seed, semen; also, reproductive gonorrhoea ‐gram, ‐gramme record or picture angiogram ‐graph instrument used to record data or picture electrocardiograph ‐graphy process of recording angiography gyn(ec)o‐ woman gynecomastia haemangi(o)‐ blood vessels haemangioma haemat(o)‐, haem‐ of or pertaining to blood haematology halluc‐ to wander in mind hallucinosis hemi‐ one half cerebral hemisphere hepat‐ (hepatic‐) of or pertaining to the liver hepatology heter(o)‐ denotes something as ‘the other’ (of two), as an addition, or different heterogeneous hist(o)‐, histio‐ tissue histology home(o)‐ similar homeopathy hom(o)‐ denotes something as ‘the same’ as another or common homosexuality hydr(o)‐ water hydrophobe hyper‐ denotes something as ‘extreme’ or ‘beyond normal’ hypertension hyp(o)‐ denotes something as ‘below normal’ hypovolemia hyster(o)‐ of or pertaining to the womb, the uterus hysterectomy, hysteria iatr(o)‐ of or pertaining to medicine, or a physician iatrogenic ‐iatry denotes a field in medicine of a certain body component podiatry, psychiatry ‐ics organised knowledge, treatment obstetrics ileo‐ ileum ileocecal valve infra‐ below infrahyoid muscles inter‐ between, among interarticular ligament intra‐ within intramural ipsi‐ same ipsilateral hemiparesis ischio‐ of or pertaining to the ischium, the hip joint ischioanal fossa ‐ismus spasm, contraction hemiballismus iso‐ denoting something as being ‘equal’ isotonic ‐ist one who specialises in pathologist ‐itis inflammation tonsillitis ‐ium structure, tissue

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