Medicine and Surgery of Camelids. Группа авторов

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Medicine and Surgery of Camelids - Группа авторов

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12.66 Serosal surface of C1 with gastric ulcers.Figure 12.67 Ulceration of C1.Figure 12.68 Abdominal contamination from perforating gastric ulcer in C3.Figure 12.69 Acute, fibrinous peritonitis caused by perforating gastric ulce...Figure 12.70 Diagram of spiral colon impaction in a llama.Figure 12.71 Gastroliths in the glandular saccules of C1 in a llama.Figure 12.72 Postmortem examination revealing jejunal torsion.Figure 12.73 Multiple trichophytobezoars removed from C1 of an alpaca cria. ...Figure 12.74 Lateral abdominal radiograph of a llama revealing gastroliths i...Figure 12.75 Transabdominal ultrasound image in an adult alpaca. Excessive a...Figure 12.76 Acute peritonitis, with fibrin tags.Figure 12.77 Chronic peritonitis, with fibrous bands that may incarcerate a ...Figure 12.78 Gross postmortem examination of a camel revealing hepatitis.Figure 12.79 Gross postmortem examination of a llama revealing hepatic necro...Figure 12.80 Gross postmortem examination of a llama revealing hepatic lipid...Figure 12.81 Position of the internal abdominal oblique muscle. (A) Tuber co...Figure 12.82 Lateral abdomen of a llama demonstrating the position of the tr...Figure 12.83 Preputial muscles of the llama.Figure 12.84 Cradle used to restrain llama in dorsal recumbency.Figure 12.85 Diagram of camelid cradle. (A) 30 cm, (B) 38 cm, (C) 125 cm.Figure 12.86 Diagram of the placement of an inverted cruciate suture for a v...Figure 12.87 Alpaca following repair of atresia ani.

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Camelid liver with severe hepatic lipidosis. The yellow discolor...

      14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Blood from a healthy alpaca. There are numerous elliptical RBCs,...Figure 14.2 Blood from a llama. There is a large granular lymphocyte in the ...Figure 14.3 Blood from an alpaca. Numerous Mycoplasma haemolamae organisms a...Figure 14.4 Blood from an alpaca that was markedly anemic and was treated wi...Figure 14.5 Blood from a llama with marked neutrophilic inflammation. These ...Figure 14.6 Blood from an alpaca. There are two neutrophils, one monocyte (a...Figure 14.7 Blood from an alpaca. There are two neutrophils and a monocyte (...Figure 14.8 Blood from an alpaca. There is a neutrophil, a small lymphocyte,...Figure 14.9 Blood from an alpaca. Though this is a thicker area than would b...Figure 14.10 Blood from a normal alpaca. Individual platelets are small with...Figure 14.11 Abdominal fluid from an alpaca with lymphoma. There are three n...Figure 14.12 Abdominal fluid from a four‐year‐old male alpaca with septic pe...Figure 14.13 CSF from a seven‐year‐old male castrated alpaca with neurologic...

      15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Two‐dimensional ECG image from a one year old alpaca with an api...Figure 15.2 Tetralogy of Fallot in an alpaca cria. The pulmonary artery is a...Figure 15.3 (a) Angiographic images from a six month old alpaca cria with a ...Figure 15.4 Metastatic carcinoma in the myocardium of an alpaca. Fibrinous e...Figure 15.5 ECGs from a one‐month‐old alpaca cria. (a) Complete third‐degree...

      16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Diagram of lateral view of male camelid genitalia. (A) Spinal co...Figure 16.2 (a) Sigmoid flexure of a llama penis. (b) Sigmoid flexure of a l...Figure 16.3 The tip of the llama penis has a slight clockwise curvature (B)....Figure 16.4 Diagram of preputial adhesions of the camelid. (A) Preputial adh...Figure 16.5 Inability to protrude penis, three‐month‐old alpaca.Figure 16.6 Preputial adhesions of a yearling llama.Figure 16.7 Adhesions of prepuce to the glans penis.Figure 16.8 Testosterone concentration in the male llama from birth to matur...Figure 16.9 Radiograph of male urethra containing contrast medium. Notice th...Figure 16.10 Male camelid genitalia. (A) prostate gland, (B) bulbourethral g...Figure 16.11 Measuring the length of a testicle.Figure 16.12 (a) Scrotum of an alpaca. (b) Scrotum of a camel.Figure 16.13 Young male llamas play fighting.Figure 16.14 (a) Alpaca male exhibiting flehmen. (b) Llama exhibiting flehme...Figure 16.15 Diagram of the vomeronasal organ in a camel. (A) Palate, (B) op...Figure 16.16 (a) Male llama attempting to force a female to sternal recumben...Figure 16.17 Proper breeding position in alpacas.Figure 16.18 Inexperienced llama male attempting to breed a female.Figure 16.19 Camels breeding.Figure 16.20 Open mouth stance (pouting) assumed by male llama after aggress...Figure 16.21 Normal llama perineum. The labia of the vulva lie in a slightly...Figure 16.22 Perineum of llama with abnormal, near horizontal relationship o...Figure 16.23 (a) Llama cervix showing the rings. (b) External cervical os.Figure 16.24 Female reproductive tract of a nulliparous alpaca.Figure 16.25 Diagram of camelid female reproductive tract. (A) Palpable leng...Figure 16.26 Uterus and adnexa of a multiparous llama. (A) ovary encased wit...Figure 16.27 Tip of uterine horn everted to expose oviduct papilla.Figure 16.28 Inactive llama ovary.Figure 16.29 (a) Llama ovary with an ovulatory follicle. (b) Llama ovary wit...Figure 16.30 Diagram of the endocrine relationships of the female reproducti...Figure 16.31 Ovarian follicle size in llamas (a) and alpacas (b) for a 50‐da...Figure 16.32 Diagram of the follicular wave cycle of an SAC female.Figure 16.33 Diagram of the hormonal relationships of a noninduced ovulatory...Figure 16.34 Diagram of the follicular wave of a camel. Dips indicate period...Figure 16.35 Luteinizing hormone response following copulation in a llama. O...Figure 16.36 Growth of the embryonic vesicles in two alpacas from the day of...Figure 16.37 Fetal weight (open circle), weight of the placenta (triangle), ...Figure 16.38 Llama placenta, in situ, approximately 60 days gestation.Figure 16.39 Surface of a llama chorion at four months gestation.Figure 16.40 Diagram of early camelid placenta. (A) Amnion, (B) allantois, (...Figure 16.41 Full‐term llama placenta, chorion outside.Figure 16.42 Scanning electron microscope picture of the endometrial face of...Figure 16.43 (a) Diagram of full‐term llama placenta: (D) site of amniochori...Figure 16.44 Epidermal membrane attached to the nostrils and lips.Figure 16.45 Epidermal membrane attached to pads and nails.Figure 16.46 Epidermal membrane over the pinna.Figure 16.47 Epidermal membrane over the eye and eyelids.Figure 16.48 (a) Hippomanes from llama allantoic cavity. (b) Hippomanes from...Figure 16.49 Estrone sulfate concentration in serum (open circle) and urine ...Figure 16.50 Alpaca ovary and oviducts. The ovarian bursa is indicated in th...Figure 16.51 Ultrasound images of pregnant llamas. (a) 17 days, (b) 20 days,...Figure 16.52 Parturition, protrusion of the amniotic sac.Figure 16.53 Delivery of the fetus.Figure 16.54 Normal llama delivery, cranial presentation, dorsosacral positi...Figure 16.55 Commonly crias will be delivered successfully with legs above t...Figure 16.56 A caudal presentation, dorsosacral position is another alternat...Figure 16.57 Truss (shoelace) pattern for retention of vaginal prolapse.Figure 16.58 Camelid dystocia, cranial presentation, dorsosacral position, w...Figure 16.59 Camelid dystocia, cranial presentation, dorsosacral position, o...Figure 16.60 Camelid dystocia, cranial presentation, dorsosacral position, h...Figure 16.61 Camelid dystocia, cranial presentation, dorsosacral position, h...Figure 16.62 Camelid dystocia, cranial presentation, dorsosacral position, b...Figure 16.63 Camelid dystocia, cranial presentation, dorsosacral position, h...Figure 16.64 Camelid dystocia, caudal presentation, dorsosacral position, hi...Figure 16.65 Camelid dystocia, cranial presentation, dorsopubic position, he...Figure 16.66 Camelid dystocia, transverse presentation, dorsoilial position,...Figure 16.67 Female llama pelvis, cranial view. (A) Sacrum, (B) ileum, (C) i...Figure 16.68 Female llama pelvis, caudal view. (A) Ischiatic spine, (B) sacr...Figure 16.69 Male llama pelvis, cranial view. (A) Ilium, (B) ischiatic spine...Figure 16.70 Male llama pelvis, caudal view. (A) Ilium, (B) sacrum, (C) isch...Figure 16.71 Diagram of the mechanical method of correcting a counterclockwi...Figure 16.72 A rectoscope and light source is pictured here. The rectoscope ...Figure 16.73 Ultrasound image of a mature follicle on an alpaca's ovary.Figure 16.74 Ultrasound image of a corpus luteum (yellow arrow) on an alpaca...Figure 16.75 Gross image of a corpus luteum (yellow arrow) on an alpaca ovar...Figure 16.76 Embryo transfer flush is being performed on this sedated alpaca...Figure 16.77 This alpaca ovary has multiple corpora lutea as a result of mul...Figure 16.78 Mucometra, ventral view, emphasizing vascular distribution.

      17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Longitudinal section of a camelid kidney.Figure 17.2 Diagram of the urinary tract of a male camelid. (A) Urethral rec...Figure 17.3 Penis of a llama, A: fibrocartilaginous process, B = urethral op...Figure 17.4 Ultrasonographic image (longitudinal) of a normal kidney.Figure 17.5 Ultrasonographic image of the normal spleen (A) and the normal l...Figure 17.6 Ultrasonographic image and necropsy finding in a two‐year‐old fe...Figure 17.7 Ultrasonographic image and necropsy finding in a one‐month‐old a...Figure 17.8 Hyperechogenicity at the cortico‐medullary junction (*) in a two...Figure 17.9 Hyperechogenicity at the cortico‐medullary junction (*) and pelv...Figure 17.10 Posthitis in a llama.Figure 17.11 (a) Nephroliths in a six‐month‐old alpaca. (b) Stone analysis r...Figure 17.12 Stance of a llama cria with urethral obstruction.Figure 17.13 (a) Ultrasound image of a

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