Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine. Группа авторов

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Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine - Группа авторов

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108Figure 108.1 Scheme for a generic healthcare‐enabled Smart Home.Figure 108.2 Four‐layer logical architecture for a Smart Home.Figure 108.3 Properties for a Smart Home to be a u‐Home.Figure 108.4 Man‐in‐the‐middle attack.

      68 Chapter 110Figure 110.1 Histologic changes in elderly skin (H&E 100× magnification). (a...Figure 110.2 (a) Asteatotic eczema. Note the eczematous dermatitis in a dist...Figure 110.3 Bullous pemphigoid. Note the tense bullae and erosions secondar...

      69 Chapter 112Figure 112.1 The 5 Ms framework for care of older adults. In this model, eac...

      70 Chapter 113Figure 113.1 Mortality associated with surgery and anaesthesia.Figure 113.2 Revised Cardiac Risk Index.

      71 Chapter 115Figure 115.1 Mechanisms investigated as the fundaments of the ageing process...Figure 115.2 Effects and proposed mechanisms of physical exercise on cogniti...

      72 Chapter 117Figure 117.1 Participation of older adults in RCTs published in PubMed 1990–...Figure 117.2 Number of RCTs published in PubMed involving the oldest old (ag...Figure 117.3 Number (blue bars) and percentage (orange line) of intervention...Figure 117.4 Primary conditions targeted by the 3520 clinical trials specifi...Figure 117.5 Number of currently recruiting (as of 22/01/2020) trials specif...

      73 Chapter 119Figure 119.1 Estimated and forecast world numbers of centenarians from 1990 ...

      74 Chapter 120Figure 120.1 Palliative care is most effective for patients and their famili...Figure 120.2 The Serious illness Conversation Guide uses a checklist approac...

      75 Chapter 122Figure 122.1 Continuous Quality Improvement Model.

      76 Chapter 123Figure 123.1 The audit cycle.

      77 Chapter 126Figure 126.1 Person–Environment–Occupation–Performance/Participation (PEOP) ...Figure 126.2 WHO ICF model.Figure 126.3 Continuum of geriatric OT services.Figure 126.4 Geriatric OT services.Figure 126.5 Geriatric OT service settings.Figure 126.6 OT process.Figure 126.7 OT assessment and intervention components.

      78 Chapter 128Figure 128.1 Medicare inpatient discharges per beneficiary and outpatient vi...

      79 Chapter 130Figure 130.1 Training structure for medicine in the UK.

      80 Chapter 134Figure 134.1 The whole spectrum of research on ageing.Figure 134.2 Changes in telomere length with cell divisions.


      1  Cover Page

      2  Dedication Page

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright Page

      5  About the Editors

      6  About the Associate Editors

      7  List of Contributors

      8  Preface to the Fifth Edition

      9  Preface to the Sixth Edition

      10  Foreword

      11  Table of Contents

      12  Begin Reading

      13  Appendix Function assessment scales

      14  Index

      15  Wiley End User License Agreement


      1  ii

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