Derecho administrativo y ciudades inteligentes. Grenfieth de J. Sierra Cadena

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Derecho administrativo y  ciudades inteligentes - Grenfieth de J. Sierra Cadena Derecho

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      4 See S. Turner, Head of the Future Cities of Manchester City, ICT insights, No. 10, September 2014, p. 29.

      5 D. He, President of Marketing and Solution Sales of Huawei, “The Innovation Gene for Smart Cities”, ICT insights, No. 10, September 2014, p. 1.

      6 That is to say: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Belfast, Birmingham, Bologna, Bristol, Eindhoven, Genoa, Ghent, The Hague, Helsinki, Linköping, Lisbon, Malaga, Malmo, Manchester, Murcia, Nantes Métropole, Nice Cote d’Azur, Nuremberg, Reykjavik, Rijeka, Tallinn, Stockholm, Venice, Vienna, Zagreb and Zaragoza. See (accessed March 8, 2015).

      7 See Commission of the European Communities, Commission recommendation of October 9, 2009, on mobilizing Information and Communications Technologies to facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient, low-carbon economy, C(2009) 7604 final: (accessed March 8, 2015).

      8 See the Green Digital Charter of 2009: (accessed March 8, 2015).

      9 Ibidem.

      10 See R. Krishnamurthy, Opening financial taps for more water: (accessed March 8, 2015).

      11 See National Academy of Sciences: (accessed March 8, 2015).

      12 That is to say, to drink, to cook or to be kept clean. See National Academy of Sciences, Why is safe water essential: (accessed March 8, 2015).

      13 See development below, IBM, Water Cost Index, Waterfund 2013, 2014: (accessed March 4, 2015).

      14 Polluted water favors the occurrence of diarrheal diseases such as cholera that cause every year the death of 1.8 million people and the illness of tens of millions of others. See National Academy of Sciences, op. cit.

      15 See EDF, Les inégalités de l’accès à l’énergie dans le monde, 30 avril 2013:

      16 See International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook, 2014.

      17 See EDF, Le poids de l’électricité dans les enjeux énergétiques globaux (infographie), April 17, 2013:

      18 See IBM, Water Cost Index, Waterfund 2013, 2014: (accessed March 8, 2015).

      19 See The World Bank, World Development Indicators: Electricity production, sources, and access, 2014:

      20 See EDF, Les inégalités de l’accès à l’énergie dans le monde, op. cit.

      21 See EDF, La consommation d’électricité dans le monde, 12 décembre 2012:, 273.

      22 See EDF, Le poids de l’électricité dans les enjeux énergétiques globaux (infographie), op. cit.

      23 See European Commission (Joint Research Centre), PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Trends in Global CO2 Emission. 2013, Report, October 2013:

      24 See EDF, Le poids de l’électricité dans les enjeux énergétiques globaux (infographie), op. cit.

      25 See European Commission (Joint Research Centre), PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, op. cit.

      26 See United States Environmental Protection Agency, Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data: (accessed on March 8, 2015).

      27 See Q. Aijun, Deputy-director of the Economic and Information Commission of Nanton (Jiangsu Province), in ICT insights, No. 10, September 2014, p. 29.

      28 See Community of Oslo, Dynamic street lighting can cut energy use by 70 %, November 5, 2014:

      29 LonMark International, Open Streetlight Control System for Smarter Cities. Market, Challenges, Solutions and Next Steps. A profitable and strategic opportunity for cities, ESCOs and streetlight maintenance operators, 2014: http:// See also Regjeringen, 70 % Energy Savings on Dynamic Lighting, November 25, 2009:

      30 (accessed on March 8, 2015).

      31 (accessed on March 8, 2015).


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