Грамматические трудности перевода. Английский язык для юристов. Нина Владимировна Огнева
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11. If a partnership was set up for an indefinite period, it can be ended by any partner giving notice to all of the others.
12. Financial legislation may become law within a month of its being passed by the Commons, regardless of the attitude of the Lords.
13. Courts are often criticized for being biased, and incidents of judges handing down guilty verdicts to defendants under pressure from prosecutors are widespread.
14. The state, by assuming responsibility for chastising the criminal, reduces the risk of victims of crime ‘taking the law into their own hands’.
15. Instead of individuals being compelled to fend for themselves, the law oversees and coordinates public services that would be beyond the capacity of citizens or the private sector to achieve, such as defence or national security.
What is conservatism? Is it not belief in the old
and tried rather than the new and untried?
Abraham Lincoln
6. Rather Than, Other Than
Rather than – а не (не а), скорее… чем
Most lawyers work with a team rather than alone. One important member of that team is the paralegal. Большинство юристов работают не в одиночку, а в команде, и в ее составе обычно имеется помощник юриста.
Other than – помимо, кроме, иной… чем, отличный от, за исключением
The contract provided for the carriage of various goods other than deck cargos.
Контракт предусматривал перевозку различных товаров, помимо палубных грузов.
1. The basic idea behind the “marketing concept” is that you make what you can sell rather than sell what you make.
2. Many people think that lawyers are trained to give their clients answers, rather than bring them to agreement.
3. Some people argue that companies have to be careful never to cheat customers, but for purely business reasons rather than ethical ones: disappointed customers will not buy any more of your products in the future.
4. If your neighbour plays loud music late at night, you probably try to discuss the matter with him, rather than consulting the police.
5. Sometimes people are arrested for no reason other than their poverty.
6. Representation other than by lawyers has become an important form of representation before tribunals.
7. In medieval England judges attempted to apply existing customs and laws to each new case, rather than making the government write new laws.
8. The duties of barristers are governed by rules of professional etiquette which depend on customs and traditions rather than upon statute.
9. A defendant can file a counterclaim against a plaintiff, if another cause of action is involved, and it must be other than simply an answer to the claim of the plaintiff.
10. Barristers are invariably instructed by solicitors, rather than directly by the client, whereas clients go directly to solicitors.
11. In most criminal justice systems the majority of offenders are dealt with by means other than custody, i.e. by fines, probation or supervision.
12. Generally the House of Representatives rarely schedules an important meeting on the day other than Tuesday through Thursday, because there might not be enough members on hand for a quorum.
13. Arrangements whereby a person administers property for another person’s benefit rather than his own are called Law of Trusts.
14. An employee whose contract is terminated other than by being given notice of the required length can have a claim for wrongful dismissal.
15. The holder of a patent is often a company rather than the individuals who invent something in the course of their work.
16. Although members of the European Parliament are elected on a national basis, they sit according to political groups rather than their nationality.
17. An easement is the right of one other than the owner to affect another’s property interests and rights.
Since love grows within you, so beauty grows.
For love is the beauty of the soul.
Saint Augustine
7. Союзы Since, For, As
1) поскольку, так как
Since marriage implies consent, states uniformly deny marriage licenses to the mentally incompetent.
Поскольку вступление в брак предполагает наличие согласия сторон, во всех штатах запрещено выдавать разрешение на вступление в брак лицам с психическими заболеваниями.
2) с тех пор, как; после того как
Since the law was altered, a great number of sentences have been reviewed by the Court of Appeal.
C тех пор, как в закон были внесены изменения, апелляционный суд пересматривает приговоры по большому количеству дел.
For – поскольку, ибо
The arbitrator has authority to settle the dispute, for the disputants agreed to abide by his decision.
У арбитра есть полномочия разрешать спор, поскольку стороны в споре согласны подчиниться его решению.
1) поскольку, так как