Ошибки в оценке науки, или как правильно использовать библиометрию. Ив Жэнгра

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Ошибки в оценке науки, или как правильно использовать библиометрию - Ив Жэнгра

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      См.: Alan E. Bayer & John K. Folger, “Some correlates of a citation measure of productivity in science,” in Sociology of Education, 39, 1966, pp. 381–390.


      Eugene Garfield, Irving H. Sher, “New tools for improving and evaluating the effectiveness of research,” in M. C. Yovits, D. M. Gilford, R. H. Wilcox, E. Staveley and H. D. Lemer (dir.), Research Program Effectiveness, Proceedings of the Conference Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research Washington, D. C., July 27–29, 1965 (New York: Gordon and Breach, 1966), pp. 135–146. Текст доступен в интернете: http://www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/papers/onrpaper.html.


      Jonathan R. Cole, Stephen Cole, Social Stratification in Science (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973).


      См.: Perry W. Wilson et Edwin B. Fred, “The growth curve of a scientific literature,” in Scientific Monthly, 41, 1935, pp. 240–250.


      См.: Jack H. Westbrook, “Identifying significant research,” in Science, 132, 28 October, 1960, pp. 1229–1234.


      J. C. Fisher, “Basic research in industry,” in Science, 129, 19 June, 1959, pp. 1653–1657.


      См.: G. Nigel Gilbert, “Measuring the growth of science. A review of indicators of scientific growth,” in Scientometrics, 1, 1978, pp. 9–34.


      См.: Francis Narin, “Patent bibliometrics,” in Scientometrics, 30, 1994, pp. 147–155.


      См.: P. W. Hart, J. T. Sommerfeld, “Relationship between growth in gross domestic product (GDP) and growth in the chemical engineering literature in five different countries,” Scientometrics, 42, 1998, pp. 299–311.


      См.: Vincent Larivière, Éric Archambault, Yves Gingras, Étienne Vignola – Gagné, “The lace of serials in referencing practices: comparing natural sciences and engineering with social sciences and humanities,” in Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57, June 2006, pp. 997–1004.


      См.: Elisabeth S. Clemens, Walter W. Powell, Kris McIlwaine, Dina Okamoto, “Careers in print: books, journals, and scholarly reputations,” in American Journal of Sociology, 101, 1995, pp. 433–494.


      См.: Michael M. Kessler, “Bibliographic coupling between scientific papers,” in American Documentation, 14, 1963, pp. 10–25.


      См.: Henry Small, “Co-citation in scientific literature: A new measure of relationship between two documents,” in Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 24, 1973, pp. 265–269.


      Этот график в адаптированном виде взят из: Eugene Garfield, “From bibliographic coupling to co-citation analysis via algorithmic historio-ibliography,” см. на сайте http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/papers/drexelbelvergriffith92001.pdf.


      См.: Matthew L. Wallace, Yves Gingras et Russell Duhon, “A new approach for detecting scientific specialties from raw cocitation networks,” in Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60, 2009, pp. 240–246.


      См.: Kevin W. Boyack, Richard Klavans, Katy Börner, “Mapping the backbone of science,” in Scientometrics, 64, 2005, pp. 351–374.


      См.: Jean Piaget, “Le système et la classification des sciences,” in Jean Piaget (dir.), Logique et connaissance scientifique (Paris: Gallimard, 1967), pp. 1151–1224.


      См. изображения в: Katy Börner, Atlas of science. Visualizing what we know (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2010); а также на веб-сайте: http://scimaps.org/atlas/maps.


      Conseil des académies canadiennes [Совет канадских академий], Éclairer les choix en matière de recherche: indicateurs et décisions (Ottawa: Conseil des académies canadiennes, 2012).


      См.: Vincent Larivière, Éric Archambault, Yves Gingras, “Long-term variations in the aging of scientific literature: from exponential growth to steady-state science (1900–2004),” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59, 2008, pp. 288–296.


      См.: Matthew L. Wallace, Vincent Larivière, Yves Gingras, “Modeling a century of citation distributions,” in Journal of Informetrics, 3, 2009, pp. 296–303.


      См.: “Citations track the fate of cold fusion,” in New Scientist, 1713, 21 April 1990.


      Anthony F. J. van Raan, “Sleeping beauty in science,” in Scientometrics, 59, 2004, pp. 461–466.


      См.: Y. Gingras, “La carrière des publications d’Ettore Majorana. Une étude bibliométrique,” in Revue de synthèse, 134, 2013, pp. 75–87.


      Peter A. Lawrence, “The mismeasurement of science,” in Current Biology, 17, 2007, pp. R584–R585.


      См.: Y. Gingras, “Revisiting the ‘quiet debut’ of the double

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