Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes. Various

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Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes - Various

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of malt, 1 ounce; cherry syrup, 1 ounce; hot water, sufficient to make 8 ounces. Mix.

      Malted Milk.

      —Horlick’s malted milk, 2 ta­ble­spoon­fuls; hot water, quantity sufficient to make 8 ounces; flavoring to suit. Mix. Essence of coffee, chocolate, etc., and many of the fruit syrups go well with malted milk.

      Hot Malted Milk Coffee (Or Chocolate).

      —Malted milk, 2 teaspoonfuls; coffee (or chocolate) syrup, 1 ounce; hot water, quantity sufficient to make 8 ounces.

      Hot Beef Tea.

      —I.—Best beef extract, 1 ta­ble­spoon­ful; sweet cream, 1 ounce; hot {113} water, 7 ounces; pepper, salt, etc., quantity sufficient. Mix.

      II.—Extract beef bouillon, 1 teaspoonful; extract aromatic soup herbs (see Condiments), 10 drops; hot soda, 1 cupful. Mix.

III.—Extract of beef1 teaspoonful
Hot waterq. s.
Pepper, salt, and celery salt.

      Hot Bouillon.—

Beef extract1 ounce
Hot water, q. s. to make8 ounces
Pepper, salt, etc.q. s.

      Clam Bouillon.—

I.—Clam juice12 drachms
Cream2 ounces
Hot water, q. s. to make8 ounces
II.—Extract clam bouillon2 ounces
Prepared milk2 drachms
Extract of aromatic soup herbs5 drops
Extract white pepper5 drops
Hot soda1 cupful

      III.—Clam juice may be served with hot water, salt and pepper added. Adding butter makes this bouillon a broth.

      It may also be served with milk or cream, lemon juice, tomato catsup, etc. Hot oyster juice may be served in the same way.

      Hot Tea.—

I.—Tea syrupsufficient
Hot water, q. s. to make1 cupful
II.—Loaf sugar4 cubes
Extract of Oolong tea, about1 dessertsp’ful
Prepared milk, about1 dessertsp’ful
Hot soda1 cupful
Whipped cream1 ta­ble­spoon­ful

      Mix the tea extract, sugar, and prepared milk, pour on water, and dissolve. Top off with whipped cream.

      Hot Egg Drinks.

      —I.—One-half to 1 ounce liquid extract of beef, 1 egg, salt and pepper to season, hot water to fill an 8-ounce mug. Stir the extract, egg, and seasoning together with a spoon, to get well mixed, add the water, stirring briskly meanwhile; then strain, and serve. Or shake the egg and extract in a shaker, add the water, and mix by pouring back and forth several times, from shaker to mug.

      II.—Hot Egg Chocolate.—One to 1 1/2 ounces chocolate syrup, 1 egg, 1/2 ounce cream, hot water sufficient to fill an 8-ounce mug.

      Mix the syrup, egg, and cream together in an egg-shaker; shake as in making cold drinks; add the hot water, and mix all by pouring back and forth several times, from shaker to mug. Or, prepare by beating the egg with a spoon, add the syrup and cream, mix all quickly with the spoon, and add hot water, stirring constantly, and strain.

      III.—Hot Egg Coffee.—One egg, 1 dessertspoonful extract of coffee, 1 teaspoonful sweet cream, 1 ounce syrup. Shake well, strain, and add 1 cupful hot water and top with whipped cream.

      IV.—Hot Egg Lemonade.—One egg, juice of 1 lemon, 3 teaspoonfuls powdered sugar. Beat the egg with lemon juice and sugar thoroughly. Mix while adding the water. Serve grated nutmeg and cinnamon. The amount of lemon juice and sugar may be varied to suit different tastes.

      V.—Hot Egg Milk.—Two teaspoonfuls sugar, 1 ounce cream, 1 egg, hot milk to fill an 8-ounce mug. Prepare as in hot egg chocolate, top with whipped cream, and sprinkle with nutmeg. If there are no facilities for keeping hot milk, use about 2 ounces of cream, and fill mug with hot water.

      VI.—Hot Egg Nogg.—Plain syrup, 3/4 ounce; brandy, 1/2 ounce; Angostura bitters, 3 drops; 1 egg. Put in shaker and beat well. Strain in 10-ounce mug, and fill with hot milk; finish with whipped cream and nutmeg.

      VII.—Hot Egg Phosphate.—Two ounces lemon syrup, 1 egg, 1/2 ounce solution of acid phosphate. Mix in a glass, and shake together thoroughly; pour into another glass, heated previously, and slowly draw full of hot water; season with nutmeg.

      VIII.—Hot Egg Phosphate.—Break fresh egg into shaker and add 1/2 ounce pineapple syrup, 1/2 ounce orange syrup, 1 dash phosphate. Shake, without ice, and pour into bouillon cup. Draw cupful of hot water, sprinkle a touch of cinnamon, and serve with wafers.

      Fancy Soda Drinks:

      Coffee Cream Soda.

      —Serve in a 12-ounce glass. Draw 1 1/2 ounces of syrup and 1 ounce of cream. Into the shaker draw 8 ounces of carbonated water, pour into the glass sufficient to fill it to within {114} 1 inch of the top; pour from glass to shaker and back, once or twice, to mix thoroughly; give the drink a rich, creamy appearance, and make it cream sufficiently to fill the glass.

      Iced Coffee.

      —Serve in a 10-ounce glass. Draw 1 ounce into glass, fill nearly full with ice-cold milk, and mix by stirring.

      Egg Malted Milk Coffee.

      —Prepare same as malted milk coffee, with the exception of adding the egg before shaking, and top off with a little nutmeg, if desired. This drink is sometimes called coffee light lunch.

      Coffee Frappé.

      —Serve in a 12-ounce glass. Coffee syrup, 1 1/2 ounces; white of 1 egg; 1 to 1 1/2 ounces of pure, rich, sweet cream; a small portion of fine shaved ice; shake thoroughly to beat the white of the egg light, and then remove the glass, leaving the contents in the shaker. Now fill the shaker two-thirds full, using the fine stream only. Draw as quickly as possible that the drink may be nice and light. Now pour into glass and back, and then strain into a clean glass. Serve at once, and without straws. This should be drunk at once, else it will settle, and lose its lightness and richness.

      Coffee Nogg.—

Coffee syrup2 ounces
Brandy4 drachms
Cream2 ounces
One egg.

      Coffee Cocktail.—


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