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“That time was connected with new political rearrangements on the world ‘chess board’ in the Archons’ game. Many people were involved into the realization of the Archons’ plan. It happened so that among them were the priest Jether already known to you and the priest Aaron who lived in Egyptian land and had a certain authority in Jewish circles. Aaron will be called later in writs as the ‘first in the line of chief priests’, ‘forefather of the priestly caste’. And in the religious legends he was presented as a brother of Moses, they clearly showed his ‘secondary’ role in comparison to Moses, the fact that he just ‘assisted’ Moses, was his interpreter and messenger. However it was far from that, in fact. Aaron was from the clan of priests who considered them to be ‘pure Jews’. They utterly despised such half-breeds like Moses, they even didn’t take them for humans, not only for their brothers. Nevertheless according to the principles of the Archons, the ideological organizers and factual leaders who served to the Archons, in noway should have shown their leading role in any sphere. Secrecy, mystery, invisible control over the leaders are three golden rules in any affair planned by the Archons. They use this principle up to our days, remember it for yourselves. By the same reason namely the public leader Moses is towered above others in the priestly writs, whereas the very ‘modest role’ with features of ‘reconciliation, mildness and softness’ is ascribed to Aaron, and there is almost no mentions of the priest Jether.
Although it were namely Aaron and Jether who fulfilled the political intentions of the Archons to conquer foreign lands and made a mess with organization and leading out the part of Jews (and not only them!) from Egypt to ‘better places for settlement’. Ordinary Jewish people were as always promised a lot by the priests: freedom, better life, better lands. Many of them fell for this eternal bright bait and volunteerily followed them together with their families. They didn’t have even a slightest notion that in fact they were led to the war and death for political ambitions of the Archons… These people weren’t of course pursuited by the pharaoh’s host.”
“Weren’t?” Kostya was surprised. “How is about the legend that Moses supposedly ‘parted’ the waters of the Red sea and led ‘his people’ through the sea to the other coast, and the warriors of the pharaoh chasing after them perished in that sea?”
Sensei just smiled and commented, “It’s just a rewritten information adopted by Jewish priests from more ancient sources of the very Egypt, some of them remained till now. For example in the ancient Westcar Papyrus (it was called so after the first owner of this papyrus, Ms. Westcar, who bought it in Egypt) there is a so called ’story of a green stone’. It’s written in it that when the pharaoh was boating on a lake, with the most beautiful girls who pleased his eyes rowing the boat, one of them dropped suddenly a green gem decorating its hair into the water. And the chief lector who was in the boat together with him spoke a spell in order to fulfil the request of the pharaoh and to pick up this gem from the bottom of the lake. The water of the lake parted aside opening a ledge of dry bottom. The magician went down, found the gem and gave it back to the girl. This story served a firstprimary source for Jewish priests to think out the plots of their own religion.
“By the way, there is also a legend in that papyrus roll telling how king Khufu got to know a prophecy of elder and miracle-worker Dedi about three babies which would be born by the wife of the chief priest of god Ra who will occupy a king’s throne. Khufu decided to find these babies. The servant girl who worked in the house of this priest made an attempt to inform the king about a ‘plot’ but she perished on the Nile bank, ‘seized and swallowed by a crocodile’. The most interesting is that in this place the papyrus roll is torn, though, the same way as its beginning.”
Nikolai Andreevich said as if it dawned upon him, “Wait, was this information a base for a story in the New Testament about a prophecy, king Herod and his ‘chase’ for babies?!” Sensei just grinned slightly. “It’s clear now why this ‘historical’ discrepancy took place.”
Sensei nodded and added, “I would note that the legends of that papyrus tell exactly about the time when the Vth dynasty was in power in Ancient Egypt, that is it was the First transition period when the Archons made an attempt to destroy those spiritual foundations which where set as far back as by Imhotep. Remember it. We will talk about it a bit later… Moreover, as far as the legend about Moses concerned… By the time when the writ of the Old Testament was supplemented and rewritten by Jewish priests, they were aware of the legends about phenomena of lake Sirbon described in the Greek geographical tradition.
“And as far as the real events concerned… Though Jews lived long time among Egyptians they remain foreigners, and they weren’t such a people large in number in comparison to Egyptians as they try to present it in history. Beside that there was no exodus at all. First all Jews who wished ‘better life’ were gathered in the native vicinity of Moses. They were religiously indoctrinated so that to incline them to forthcoming events. The people was prepared to be absolutely obedient to their God, that is in the first turn to the priests who headed them. And they did it, so to say as far as possible in order not to catch somebody’s eyes, in the deserted place, not far from Mount Sinai.”
“It is the place where Moses gave Jews ten famous commandments? Something like ‘you shall not murder’, ‘you shall not steal’, ‘honor your father and your mother’ etc.” Stas recalled.
“It was not like that at all! The Jewish people has already known these commandments and not only them! Living among Egyptians Jews adopted partly their culture as well. And in that country, since the times of Ancient Egypt they paid special attention to moral education of young generations because Egyptians deeply believed that namely their children could give to their parents a new life in the beyond world if they perform a funeral religious rite. They piously believed that everybody who came to the after-death justice by Osiris had to give a proof of his honest life and for doing that he had to deliver the so called ‘Negative Confession’ or the ‘Declaration of Innocence of the dead’ where the man renounced forty two ‘mortal sins’, as they would be called nowadays by religious leaders. Thus they included not only commandments known to all today (which allegedly were given to Moses) but even such peculiar commandments which concerned honesty in trade.
I have to mention that there was a simplified version of this ‘Confession’ and a full one when the man listed the names of all forty two Egyptians gods and justified his deeds. The simplified version sounded for example this way. After a brief greeting to the Lord of two Truths, the way Osiris was entitled as the Afterdeath Judge, the man would say, “I have not done wrong to people. I have not slain cattle. I have done no wrong in the Place of Truth… I have not blamesphered… I have not caused anyone to starve and to weep… I have not killed… I have not made anyone to suffer… I have not wrongly
copulated… I have not cursed… I have not stolen…” And so forth. It was also said there ‘I have not reduced measures… I have not robbed a parcel of land… I have not transgressed… I have not done grain-profiteering’ etc.”
“Not bad!” Victor grinned. “So, Jewish priests have chosen only those things which were favorable for them!”
“I’m glad that you start to understand it and not just listen,” Sensei repeated again.
“It’s quite amazing!” Nikolai Andreevich uttered with surprise. “And how did it sound in the full version?”
“It was like that:
Hail, Usekh-nemmt,