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“I see, they were tough ‘wisemen’!”
“So, after they walked a long distance, ordinary people started to rumor where they were led in reality instead of the promised ‘better life’. Since in fact they were led to the slaughter with another people which was strong and lived in well fortified cities. Surely, people were indignant, and began to rebel against their formal leader Moses cursing the day they left their homes. As usually the priests started to frighten them that if people will not fullfil the ‘will of God’, all ‘rebels’ would die in the wilderness which they were overcoming… Perhaps I will reveal you one more significant moments which description even became a part of the Bible (Chapter 16, the Book of Numbers)… Kohath, with Dathan and Abiram (supported by noble men) came out to defend the whole Jewish people and accused Moses and Aaron of all their troubles for they led them by deceit out Egyptian land to the waterless desert and doomed them to death and sufferings, and moreover they wished to rule them further… They refused to believe and to listen to these ‘shephers’ making a reproach, ‘You take too much on you, seeing all the congregation are holy, everyone of them, and Yahweh is among them: why then lift yourselves up above the assembly of Yahweh?’ By the way, Jews adopted this belief that God is among people, in every man, also in Egypt. This belief existed among Egyptians since the times of Imhotep. But we’ll talk about it later. Thus, all this story with rebellion of ordinary people finished with massacre of rebels. They did it demonstratively, in front of the ‘crowd’, so that everybody would fear and tremble before the ‘mighty’ of their leaders. That day people of commanders who were obedient in their turn to the priests killed ruthlessly not only ‘spontaneous leaders’ of the people together with their families (they didn’t have mercy on their children, nor women, nor elders) but almost fifteen thousand of their sympathizers. But who would reveal the genuine truth of this atrocity? It’s much more profitable to write that these people were punished by ‘God Himself’. Since keeping in awe and with its help forcing people to be obedient is one of the main and effective instruments of the Archons, because according totheir principles ‘only that slave is good for work who is afraid of his master to death’. Remember it as you will face this principle not once in this world.
“After these demonstative executions the priests with the commanders led the rest of people along the path pointed out according to the plans of the Archons to the ‘golden crossroads’ of trade routes and unleashed there impertinently aggressive wars (under the command of Jesus Navin). Moreover, the more they realized Archons’ plans, the more the priests diminished the significance of Moses as a leader, and finally still at his life the priests reduced it practically to zero after they appointed Jesus Navin as a ’successor’ of Moses ‘in front of all Israeli’. Moses finished his life in a quite gloomy way. On the way to Khanaanean land he got sick. He was left in a hut of a poor shepherd where he died later, so quickly forgotten and abandoned by the priests as useless.
“So, all these wars were not accidental. Many ordinary peaceful people suffered for the sake of Archons’ ambitions from both combatant sides, they were in fact forced to take part in these wars. And deceived ordinary people who were ’fed up’ by the priests with slogans and appeals to ‘gain better life and freedom’ found in fact their death on the battlefield instead of that, thousands of them were dying because of power-seeking ambitions of the wretched small group of politicians.
“I might mention a few words how the Jewish priests ruled over their people in the following centuries. Saul is a typical example for that. Translated from Jewish his name means ‘asked for’. He is deemed to be the first king of the Israelitish and Jewish state (end of XI century b.c.). In texts of the Old Testament he is depicted as a king enthroned by the will of God. However later he became ‘undesirable’. Before Saul’s enthronement the judges possessed the supreme power. Moreover in times of peace every Jewish community had its own internal life. But when there was a threat of war with other peoples, the judges obtained the supreme power. And quite often Jews had to fight with other people (especially with their neighbors) only because this war was secretly provoked by these ‘judges’ who wished to gain their full powers. In particular there were a lot of such conflicts with Philistines (by the way, the name ‘Palestine’ originates from the ancient Jewish word ‘Plishtim’, this way Jews called Philistines that time). Do you know what was the main reason for many of that conflicts with bloody battles for ordinary people? It was the secret agreement between some of Israelitish ‘judges’ with some very rich priests of Philistines.”
Nikolai Anreevich shook his head with condemnation.
“As they say, ’look deep into the root’ in any military conflict. Ordinary people judge the reasons of the war by external factors but they don’t see the inner core of the ongoing events.”
“Who would reveal them this core?” Volodya said with a bass voice. “They will just throw people to some bloody slaughtery and that’s all! You thought that you fought for freedom of working-people but in a couple of years you find out that you were an invader.”
In reple Sensei remarked, “Everything depends on people themselves. External circumstances arise from the inner world of a human. The more will a human become Human and control his thoughts and wishes, the more he will gain freedom of sould and his mind will be less captured by the whirlpool of Archons’ politics because he will understand the genuine reality of this world. And the more will be there such spiritually free people in the world, the quicker the power of the Archons over people will weaken and the humankind will establish its ‘golden millennium’. So everything good starts first of all from the purity of your own thoughts!”
“That’s true, of course, but you mentioned recently a typical example for people how some honest Jews rebelled against the priests who simply killed them,” Nikolai Andreevich objected.
“It happened so because other people were afraid of supporting the rebels though they understood their rightfulness… This fear was suggested to the people by the priests before that case. But in fact there is an emptiness behind this fear, there is nothing behind it… Who are that Archons actually? They are just people. It’s a wretched small group of people in comparison with the whole nations. And when people will get rid of illusion of fear begotten by henchmen of the Archons, they will see that their fear was caused by their own imagination, but there is emptines at the heart of it.”
Sensei made a pause and then he said, “Well, I will finish the story of Saul… Prophet Samuel was considered to be the last ‘great judge of Israel’. When he got old, he put his two sons on his place. After they came to power they began, to put it in modern language, to take ‘bribes’ and to make perverse judgements: the one who gave them more bribes, was right. Then the elders of Israel asked Samuel to dismiss his sons from power and to propose a worthy man for a king over the people, like it was among other nations. So, according to the legends of the Old Testament Samuel ‘began to ask an advice of God’. And He ‘answered’ that Samuel should give this people a king as they ask, then they will recall previous times not once and will regret about their request. The next day young Saul came to Samuel in order to ask for his wise advice where he could find his lost jennet. In reply Samuel said, ‘Don’t worry about your jennet since it’s already found.’ Later he proclaimed Saul as a ‘ruler’ of Jewish people.”
The seniour guys grinned and Stas said to them with indignation mixed with irony, “Why are you grinning? He gave a wise advice. The answer is as fine as the question!”
“And so on and so forth… If you read in the Old Testament about kings and other things you will see yourselves the whole history of struggle for power and influence in politics and the constant intimidation of the people. I should