Strategic Approaches to the Legal Environment of Business. Michael O'Brien

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Strategic Approaches to the Legal Environment of Business - Michael  O'Brien

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states that people have elected rulers and whatever rules those leaders select, provided those rules comport with moral minimums, are just. A common complaint of theological volunteerism is that the rules created are either arbitrary or justified by some other line of reasoning. The same would hold true of rules made by legislators. The difference is that legislators can lose elections and those rules can be undone. Whereas God cannot be unelected. For the manager, legal positivism supersedes law and economics. Legislatures can make inefficient rules that would contradict a court’s reasoning on a matter.

      The next moral theory is natural law. Natural law states that knowledge can be determined by studying the nature and capacity of humans very closely to determine what is foundational to survival and what can lead humans to virtue. The threshold requirement of law enabling foundational existence is identical to the moral minimum in positive law. For the manager, being aware of these foundational requirements of human dignity that cannot be crossed without creating liability is a good way to avoid risk.

      The final moral theory is based on deontology or “duty-based” ethics. In particular is Immanuel Kant’s second formulation of the categorical imperative. This states that humans should be treated as an end in themselves and not as a means to an end. For the manager, the law imposes certain responsibilities as hurdles that must be overcome in order to engage in some conduct. Being aware of the hurdles and jumping over them is emphasized as a preferred course to conduct over pretending hurdles do not apply or do not exist.

      Chapter Two

      Civil Procedure

      At a high level, there are four principal phases of trial. At the pleading phase, litigants test one another’s allegations. At the discovery phase, litigants discern whether allegations are supported by competent evidence. At the trial phase, litigants seek to overcome their burdens of proof and persuasion to get a trier of fact to rule in their favor. At the appeal phase, litigants seek to have a portion of the other phases reversed or redone. The important aspect for the manager is that cases that can be disposed of at the pleading phase pose

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