Strategic Approaches to the Legal Environment of Business. Michael O'Brien

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Strategic Approaches to the Legal Environment of Business - Michael  O'Brien

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_688525c7-1382-583a-8536-64807d2cbad7">28 Attorneys can remove jurors from the jury pool with preemptory challenges.29 A jury must begin with at least six and no more than twelve members.30 Jury selection typically takes at least one day.

      When the jury is selected, the plaintiff begins with the opening statement. The opening statement frequently includes a summary of the evidence that the plaintiff plans to present and how that evidence demonstrates that the plaintiff should win. The defendant then makes an opening statement along the same lines except concluding that the defendant should win.

      If the motions for judgment are denied, the trial proceeds to the defendants case in chief. Witness examination operates by calling a witness and then asking a sequence of open ended questions for direct examination. The other side then has the opportunity to ask questions under cross-examination. The process is identical for the plaintiff and the defendant. After the defendant’s case in chief, the trial proceeds to closing statements.

      At the appeal stage, the factual record is set. As U.S. Const. Amend. VII explains, “no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined.” Likewise, facts found by a judge are subject to substantial deference on appeal. Accordingly, appeals raise legal errors rather than a misinterpretation of the factual posture. Appeals are governed by the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.

      Both parties have an obligation to put the standard of review in their brief. There are three primary standards of review that come up in this book: de novo, clear error, and abuse of discretion.

      De novo is Latin for new and means that the appellate court gives no deference to the legal conclusion of the trial court. Interpretation of a contract requires de novo review on appeal. It does not matter what the trial court concluded, the appellate court will reconsider the matter.

      In some cases, there is a mixed question of law and fact on review. This occurs when the facts and law are not disputed, but the application of facts to the law is disputed. Some of these cases are reviewed for clear error. For instance, issues of whether established facts constitute negligence or whether proximate cause is shown are reviewed for clear error. Under this standard, when the trial court’s account of the evidence is plausible in light of the entire record, the court of appeals may not reverse it. This happens even if the court of appeals would have weighed the evidence differently.

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