Strategic Approaches to the Legal Environment of Business. Michael O'Brien

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Strategic Approaches to the Legal Environment of Business - Michael  O'Brien

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Cases that can be disposed of at the discovery phase pose a moderate risk to the firm. Cases that require a trial for disposition pose a high risk to the firm. Thus, the procedural phases enable the manager to discern the cost risk of various kinds of causes of actions that will be discussed in later chapters.

      A defendant can end a lawsuit filed by a plaintiff at the pleading stage by filing a motion to dismiss. Under FRCP 12, there are seven ways to prevail with such a filing: 1) lack of subject-matter jurisdiction, 2) lack of personal jurisdiction, 3) improper venue, 4) insufficient process, 5) insufficient service of process, 6) failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, and 7) failure to join a party under FRCP 19.

      Personal jurisdiction comes from the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. In order for the court to have personal jurisdiction over the defendant, either 1) the defendant must be served with process in the state where the court resides, 2) the defendant must have minimal contacts with the forum state such that the defendant could foresee being taken to court, or 3) the defendant must consent.

      All necessary and indispensable parties to obtaining a judgment to an action must be joined in the action. If parties are missing, the suit can be dismissed until the parties are joined.

      It is very inexpensive for a defendant to file a motion to dismiss. As a result, settlement is unlikely if the defendant thinks the court will dismiss the case.

      There are two kinds of pleading standards, notice pleading and fact pleading. The former is embraced by FRCP 8 and historically required only enough information to put the defendant on notice of whatever was being alleged. The latter requires much more detail about the circumstances of the allegations and is embraced by FRCP 9. Twombly and a subsequent case, Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662 (2009), moved the notice pleading standard closer to fact pleading. The practical effect of this was that there was an increase of cases that were dismissed where the trial judge gave leave to

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