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Mabel Chiltern and Lord Caversham.]

      mabel chiltern

      Lord Goring, I think your father’s conversation much more improving than yours. I am only going to talk to Lord Caversham in the future, and always under the usual palm tree.

      lord goring

      Darling! [Kisses her.]

      lord caversham

      [Considerably taken aback.] What does this mean, sir? You don’t mean to say that this charming, clever young lady, has been so foolish as to accept you?

      lord goring

      Certainly, father! And Chiltern’s been wise enough to accept the seat in the Cabinet.

      lord caversham

      I am very glad to hear that, Chiltern … I congratulate you, sir. If the country doesn’t go to the dogs or the Radicals, we shall have you Prime Minister, some day.

      ·212· [Enter Mason.]


      Luncheon is on the table, my Lady!

      [Mason goes out.]

      lady [E: mabel] chiltern

      You’ll stop to luncheon, Lord Caversham, won’t you?

      lord caversham

      With pleasure, and I’ll drive you down to Downing Street afterwards, Chiltern. You have a great future before you, a great future. Wish I could say the same for you, sir. [To Lord Goring.] But your career will have to be entirely domestic.

      lord goring

      Yes, father, I prefer it domestic.

      lord caversham

      And if you don’t make this young lady an ideal husband, I’ll cut you off with a shilling.

      mabel chiltern

      An ideal husband! Oh, I don’t think I should like that. It sounds like something in the next world.

      ·213· lord caversham

      What do you want him to be then, dear?

      mabel chiltern

      He can be what he chooses. All I want is to be … to be … oh! a real wife to him.

      lord caversham

      Upon my word, there is a good deal of common sense in that, Lady Chiltern.

      [They all go out except Sir Robert Chiltern. He sinks into a chair, wrapt in thought. After a little time Lady Chiltern returns to look for him.]

      lady chiltern

      [Leaning over the back of the chair.] Aren’t you coming in, Robert?

      sir robert chiltern

      [Taking her hand.] Gertrude, is it love you feel for me, or is it pity merely?

      lady chiltern

      [Kisses him.] It is love, Robert. Love, and only love. For both of us a new life is beginning.



      The Importance


       Being Earnest.

      A Trivial Comedy for Serious People


      The Author of Lady Windermere’s Fan

      London: Leonard Smithers and Co

       5 Old Bond Street W, 1899

      [The text follows the

       first edition.]



       First Act.

       Second Act.

       Third Act.

      ·[v]· to

       robert baldwin ross

       in appreciation

       in affection

      ·[vii]· the persons of the play

      john worthing, J.P.

      algernon moncrieff

      rev. canon chasuble, D.D.

      merriman, Butler

      lane, Manservant

      lady bracknell

      hon. gwendolen fairfax

      cecily cardew

      miss prism, Governess

      ·[ix]· the scenes of the play

      Act I. Algernon Moncrieff’s Flat in Half-Moon Street, W.

      Act II. The Garden at the Manor House, Woolton.

      Act III. Drawing-Room at the Manor House, Woolton.

      Time The Present.


      Lessee and Manager: Mr. George Alexander February 14th, 1895

John Worthing, J.P. Mr. George Alexander
Algernon Moncrieff Mr. Allen Aynesworth
Rev. Canon Chasuble, D.D. Mr. H. H. Vincent
Merriman (Butler) Mr. Frank Dyall
Lane (Manservant)

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