Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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v. to threaten, to menace, to intimidate

      haêm doaï v. to threaten, to intimidate

      haêm he v. to be ready to act, to be truculent

      haêm hôû v., adj. to show alacrity and zeal; to be zealous and enthusiastic

      haèm haèm adj. very furious, angry

      haèm heø v. to look aggressive

      haèm höø adj. furious

      haén pron. he, she, him, her

      haèn hoïc v. to bear a grudge, to be frustrated and angry in one’s attitude

      haún adv. thoroughly, completely; definitely, surely, certainly

      haún hoi adv. correctly, properly

      haê ng 1 adj. [of smell] to be acrid; [of garlic, onion] to be strong-flavored 2 adj. to be ardent, eager

      haêng haùi adj., adv. to be enthusiastic, eager; eagerly, enthusiastically

      haêng maùu adj. furious

      haêng say adj. engrossed in, utterly dedicated

      haèng 1 adv. usually, ordinarily, often, always: haèng ngaøy every day 2 adj. every 3 n. the moon, goddess

      haèng haø sa soá adj. numerous

      haèng naêm adv. annual, every year

      haèng ngaøy adv. every day

      haèng soá n. constant [number]

      haèng taâm adj. kind-hearted, generous

      haèng thaùng adv. monthly, every month

      haèng tuaàn adv. weekly, every week

      haét v. to push away, to throw, to sweep aside

      haét hiu v. [of wind] to blow lightly; to flicker

      haét hôi v. to sneeze

      haét huûi v. to neglect

      haâm v. to warm up, to heat: haâm côm laïi to heat rice

      haâm moä v. to have admiration and respect for, to be a fan of

      haàm 1 v. to braise, to simmer, to stew 2 n. trench, tunnel, cellar, basement, underground shelter

      haàm truù aån n. air-raid shelter

      haåm hiu adj. unlucky, unfortunate

      haäm höïc v. to be displeased

      haân haïnh adj., v. to be honored, happy, to have the honor

      haân hoan adj., v. joyful, merry; to feel greatly pleased

      haän n. resentment, hatred, rancor: aân haän/hoái haän to regret, to be sorry

      haáp v. to steam [food]; to dry-clean

      haáp daãn v. to attract

      haáp haùy v. [of eyes] to wink

      haáp hoái v. to be in agony

      haáp hôi v. to be stuffy, not well ventilated

      haáp löïc n. attraction

      haáp taáp v. to hurry, to rush, to be in a hurry

      haáp thuï v. to absorb, to receive

      haát v. to throw, to jerk, to push

      haát caúng v. to trip; to oust

      haát haûi v. to be bewildered, panic-stricken

      haát haøm v. to raise one’s chin as a signal

      haàu 1 n. R monkey (= khæ) 2 v. to wait upon, to serve: quan haàu military aide; chö haàu satellite, vassal 3 adv. almost, nearly

      haàu bao n. purse

      haàu caän n. close aide, trusted servant, bodyguard

      haàu chuyeän v. to keep company with, to entertain

      haàu haï v. to serve

      haàu heát adv. almost all, nearly all

      haàu kieän v. to appear in court

      haàu quoác n. vassal country, satellite, colony

      haäu 1 adv. R after, behind, back; future (= sau) [opp. tieàn] 2 adj. generous, liberal 3 n. queen, empress: hoa haäu beauty queen, Miss

      haäu bò n. reserve army

      haäu binh n. rearguard

      haäu boå v. [of official] to wait for an assignment, to stand in

      haäu boái n. future generations, posterity; anthrax in the back

      haäu caàn n. army ordnance, logistics

      haäu cung n. palace of the queen; inside of a temple

      haäu cöùu v. to be re-examined later

      haäu dueä n. descendant, offspring

      haäu ñaõi v. to treat generously

      haäu ñaäu n., adj. stroke following smallpox; clumsy, awkward

      haäu ñoäi n. rearguard

      haäu hónh adj. generous, liberal

      haäu lai n. future, to come

      haäu moân n. anus

      haäu phöông n. behind battle-field, war-supported region

      haäu quaû n. result, consequence

      haäu sinh n. younger generations, posterity

      haäu taï v. to reward liberally, to show deep gratitude for

      haäu theá n. future generations

      haäu thuaãn v. to back up, to support

      haäu tieán adj. backward

      haäu tuyeån n. candidate for an election

      haäu vaän n. future fate, prospects

      haây haây adj. [of wind] blowing gently; [of cheeks] to be rosy/ ruddy

      haåy v. to push away, to throw away

      heø 1 n. [SV haï] summer 2 n. veranda, pavement, sidewalk 3 v. to shout together

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