Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
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haùm adj. greedy for
haøm 1 n. jaw: haøm treân upper jaw; haøm döôùi lower jaw; quai haøm jawbone 2 n. rank, grade, dignity: phaåm haøm honorary
haøm aân v. to be grateful
haøm hoà adj. ambiguous, aggressive, inconsiderate
haøm oan v. to suffer an injustice
haøm raêng n. denture, set of teeth
haøm soá n. function [algebra]
haøm suùc adj. meaty, substantial
haøm thieác n. bit [of horse]
haøm thuï n. correspondence course
haøm tieáu v. [of flower] to begin to open
haõm v. (= phanh, thaéng) to stop [car, machine], to put the brakes on
haõm haïi v. to assassinate, to murder, to harm
haõm hieáp v. to rape, to molest
haõm taøi adj. [of face] unpleasant, ominous look
haïm ñoäi n. fleet: Ñeä Thaát Haïm Ñoäi the 7th Fleet
haïm tröôûng n. warship’s captain
han v. to get rusty
Haùn n. Chinese: chöõ Haùn Chinese characters, Chinese script
Haùn hoïc n. Chinese studies, Sinology
Haùn töï n. Chinese [written] characters, Chinese script
Haùn vaên n. Chinese language or literature
haøn 1 v. to weld, to solder; to heal [a wound]: haøn xì welding 2 adj. R to be cold (= reùt); R poor, needy: thöông haøn typhoid fever
Haøn n. Korea, Korean: Ñaïi Haøn Daân Quoác the Republic of [Greater] Korea
haøn ñôùi n. Arctic circle, frigid zone
haøn gaén v. to bandage, to heal
haøn huyeân v. to chat
haøn laâm vieän n. academy
haøn nhieät n. fever
haøn thieác n. fire soldering
haøn thöû bieåu n. thermometer
haøn vi adj. poor and humble
haõn höõu adj. R rare, scarce, exceptional: cô hoäi haõn höõu a rare opportunity
haïn 1 n. limit, deadline; ill luck: coâng ty höõu haïn corporation/ company limited; kyø haïn deadline; quyeàn haïn limit of authority 2 n. drought: haïn haùn drought
haïn cheá v. to limit, to restrict
haïn ñònh v. to fix, to determine
haïn ñoä n. fixed limit, restriction
haïn giôùi n. limit
haïn kyø n. term, limit
haïn vaän n. ill luck
hang n. cave, den, cavern
hang hoác n. cavern, hole, hollow
hang huøm n. tiger’s den
haùng n. hip: giaïng haùng to spread one’s legs out
haøng 1 n. row, line, ranks: xeáp haøng to stand in line, to queue 2 n. [SV hoaù] merchandise, wares: haøng hoaù goods 3 v. to surrender [to]: ñaàu haøng to surrender
haøng ba n. veranda
haøng chöõ n. line [of letters, types]
haøng côm n. restaurant
haøng giaûi khaùt n. snackbar
haøng haûi v., n. to navigate; navigation: nhaø haøng haûi navigator
haøng hoaù n. goods, merchandise, commodity: chuyeân chôû haøng hoaù to transport goods
haøng khoâng n. aviation; aerial navigation, airline: haøng khoâng daân söï civil aviation
haøng khoâng maãu haïm n. aircraft carrier
haøng naêm adj., adv. yearly, year after year
haøng ngaøy adj., adv. daily, day after day
haøng nguõ n. [army] troops; ranks; community
haøng nöôùc n. teahouse, teashop
haøng phoá n. street dwellers; one’s street
haøng phuïc v. to surrender
haøng quaùn n. inn, store, shop
haøng raøo n. hedgerow, fence
haøng rong n. street vendor
haøng taïp hoaù n. haberdashery, grocery, dime store
haøng thòt n. butcher’s shop
haøng tænh n., adj. fellow citizens from the same province; provincial
haøng toång n. fellow citizens from the same canton
haøng xaùch n. broker, comprador
haøng xaõ n. fellow villagers
haøng xaùo n. rice dealer/hawker
haøng xeùn n. haberdashery, dime store, five and ten store
haøng xoùm n. neighbor
haõng n. firm, company, agency
haïng n. category, kind, rank, class: thöôïng haïng first class; nhaát haïng first of all; haïng beùt tourist class, lowest class
hanh adj. [of weather] cold and dry
haïnh thoâng adj. easy, flowing, going well
haønh 1 n. scallion, onion 2 v. R to act, to execute: thi haønh to execute [an order]; cöû haønh to perform, to celebrate; thi haønh to practice; quyeàn haønh power 3 v. to torment, to wreck 4 v. R to go, to travel (= ñi): boä haønh to go on foot; khôûi haønh to start a trip; song haønh parallel; tuaàn haønh parade; thoâng haønh passport
haønh binh n. military operation